
Good evening,
I am a wine drinker I prefer pink moscato. I can usually drink a whole bottle or the 4 pack coolers. If I am drinking wine will it slow my loss when I dont eat fast food junk or sweets I just like wine. Just want to know thoughts and get advice on this. I've lost 21 pounds after having my 5th child in may I started at 180 and I'm not at 158.8.


  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    Do you count the calories in your wine?
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Good evening,
    I am a wine drinker I prefer pink moscato. I can usually drink a whole bottle or the 4 pack coolers. If I am drinking wine will it slow my loss when I dont eat fast food junk or sweets I just like wine. Just want to know thoughts and get advice on this. I've lost 21 pounds after having my 5th child in may I started at 180 and I'm not at 158.8.

    You need to look at how many calories are in the amount of wine that you drink. Weight management is all about calories, regardless of where they come from. If having your wine is worth it, you'll have to compensate with your food choices.

    Congrats on the new baby!
  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    If you are breastfeeding, talk to your doctor first about alcohol consumption. I saw a breastfeeding entry a couple of days ago.
  • jasminegipson71
    jasminegipson71 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for all the great advice I will cut back on wine just twice per week and I will get with my doctor on the subject as well.
  • MidModJenn
    MidModJenn Posts: 216 Member
    I'm a red wine drinker myself... I used to have a glass every night with dinner. I finally had to cut it out at home because it was getting in my way. Wine has a ton of sugar in it (especially the sweeter ones like muscato or white zinfandel), and even with a dry red wine I found that it was spiking my blood sugar and keeping me hungry. I'm saving the wine for evenings out now, and substituting flavored seltzers. Good luck! :)
  • KendraS74
    KendraS74 Posts: 84 Member
    Wine does slow down weight loss. I had to cut back, as my weight was slowly creeping up -- and it made me crave carbs. Congrats on your baby!
  • meganw2020
    meganw2020 Posts: 107 Member
    I am a wine lover too, but have had to cut back. I drink maybe half the days out of the week (just a glass or two). Your body burns alcohol calories before it burns anything else so it can slow down your weight loss. Good plan to just stick to two days a week, something to look forward to right?
  • evergreenlake
    evergreenlake Posts: 73 Member
    I love having a glass or two of wine or a beer after a long day, but I noticed the calories were adding up, and you're body processes alcohol differently and hinders weight loss. So I've cut it down a lot and maybe have one drink a week.
    Congrats on the baby and your weight loss so far! I'm sure it's nice to have the option of wine again after having your baby.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,203 Member
    I drank wine and beer sometimes while losing around 60 pounds.

    It isn't very filling, and can affect my judgement negatively when it comes to how much other stuff I eat. Also, good nutrition is important for best health - I would think that might be especially important while breastfeeding? - so wine calories can drive needed nutrition out of one's eating when eating to a calorie goal.

    For all those reasons, it has made sense to me to learn to moderate my beer and wine consumption, compared to when I was fat. I continue to do so while maintaining my weight, but it hasn't been necessary to cut it out entirely at any stage.
  • WendyLeigh1119
    WendyLeigh1119 Posts: 495 Member
    I was definitely a red wine drinker (my significant other is an Italian who cooks and doesn't eat dinner without wine). I had some tonight with ravioli... but I've cut that to about 1x per month. Mostly because I want to have a snack at night and sometimes the wine dehydrates after workouts.

    Anyway... since it's still being debated whether 1 (small) glass of dry, red wine per day actually improves health and weight loss...theres hop. So there's that. There's also "Skinny Girl" Cabernet Sauvignon (dry, red, and low priced) that's 100 calories per serving. Try to stick with Cabs and Pinot Noir.

    For myself, I hunted down a good line of organic (clear) liquors that have herbs, rhubarb and such and I just work a little harder at having a few drinks by muddling berries, limes, fresh mint (etc) and then adding only club soda or diet tonic. That gives you a solid drink for less than 75 calories. Stick with clear liquor like vodka and gin or white rum. Darks are more calories as well.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I love moscato! Have you ever tried madeira? It's like a bottle of moscato had a baby with a pecan pie. Mmmmmmm!

    Drinking wine won't slow down your weight loss any more than any other calories will. It's like having any other treat. Just find out how many calories are in the drink and budget accordingly.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I love wine. I do not drink often anymore. I need food.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    I'm much more likely to drink a glass of wine, rather than a whole bottle.

    There's the possibility that alcoholic beverages will cause you to retain water weight in your body. But overall I'd say simply remember to record the amounts of calories consumed from your wine and all your other food and drink.

    Maybe including a good exercise routine will compensate for any extra calories you take in.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    The calories in wine have to be counted, the color, flavor, and trade name of the calories don't matter.
    The only problem you may encounter with including alcohol in your food choices is that if you forget to log the amount before you drink you might forget how much you drank.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    I drink...pretty wine! It has not stopped my weight loss, I count it like everything else. Congratulations on the new baby <3
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    The calories in wine have to be counted, the color, flavor, and trade name of the calories don't matter.
    The only problem you may encounter with including alcohol in your food choices is that if you forget to log the amount before you drink you might forget how much you drank.

    I think the baby, and if op is breastfeeding, is a bigger problem.
  • WendyLeigh1119
    WendyLeigh1119 Posts: 495 Member
    You can just pump it out and dump it. It's not that serious. This is one of the many reasons I opted to never breastfeed. Apparently a few sancti-mommies are going to start making motherhood judgements? Good lord, have some tact and stay in your diet-related lanes. She asked a question about her diet. Not motherhood, FFS. :|
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    A few glasses a week will have an effect sure, but it's not going to stop you completely
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    You can just pump it out and dump it. It's not that serious. This is one of the many reasons I opted to never breastfeed. Apparently a few sancti-mommies are going to start making motherhood judgements? Good lord, have some tact and stay in your diet-related lanes. She asked a question about her diet. Not motherhood, FFS. :|

    No need to pump and dump. Boob away, I say, if you're fine to drive after having had some wine.