Ripped In 30 starting July 10



  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Mountain climbers were invented by the devil, I'm sure of it. I've never zig-zagged my calories, but last week I cut back on my workouts (only one a day with 2 rest days) and ate back way more of my exercise cals. On Friday, I hadn't gained or lost. Saturday, I lost 1 pound (same as normal), but on Sunday, I had lost 2 more, so taking it easier worked for me.
  • seekimrun
    seekimrun Posts: 8 Member
    I just saw this board! Wish I saw it last week when I started Ripped.

    I'm on Week 2 and I like it a lot better than Week 1. I agree with above, when you do the modified version of push-ups, I really don't feel anything... so I may have to suck it up and do the real version.

    I haven't noticed any changes yet at all physically but I have so much more energy now. Before, it was work and then after work, I barely had enough energy to walk the dog and then head straight for my Netflix. Now, I'm doing two RI30s a day (but that's because I feel I "cheat" so much by taking extra long sips of water during the workout that I really have to do it twice). I sleep earlier though.

    I haven't really logged anything in myfitnesspal for the past two weeks so that may be why there are no changes... but at least I'm not gaining!

    I haaaate the mountain climbers. I also never look the way they do when I do mine. How do they look so graceful doing those??
  • hating the duck walk- then going into squat jacks! W3 Day 2
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    LOL - when I was in bootcamp, we only did mountain climbers as punishment,... so I can't believe that I'm doing them voluntarily.

    I haven't tried zigzagging calories, but it seems totally reasonable, because they the end of the week, you're eating the same amount of calories as you would have by keeping your intake steady right? I've never read a post that said that it didn't work :)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Oh sweet baby Jesus. I just did week 3. I think Jillian is possessed by the devil because only someone made of pure evil could come up with the moves she does. Duck walks? Torture. Those downward dog pushups? More torture. I can't even do the ab hold..I think my arms are too short. By the end of circuit one, I had already burned 100 calories. I'm a little in shock that my HRM doesn't say 666 right now. (That would be pretty freaky if it did, though, right? :devil: ) Oh! The one move I really loved? Sledge hammers! I think I've got some anger in me cuz I drove those HARD!
  • LOL! I feel the same way about Week 3. I did it yesterday because I was curious (and kind of bored with Week 2, to be honest) and it's ridiculous! I don't mind the duck walks as much as the downward dog pushups. I'm pretty sure I wasn't even doing them properly because I was afraid I was going to fall on my head! I agree, the sledgehammers were pretty cool.

    I wonder if I would hate this one less if I hadn't jumped the I think I'll go back to Week 2 today, heh. I'm only on day 11.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I'm definitely feeling it today. Oh poor arms and legs. Is it sadistic that I wanna see what she comes up with for level 4 already?
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    YAY!! Friday, even though I just started L2, I'll do L4 today if you do :D motivated.... I hope I don't regret it tomorrow LOL
  • I finished up P90 a few weeks ago and was looking for shorter workouts and some thing new. So I picked up her 30DS and RI30. I have been alternating them. The first couple of weeks I would do WK1 MWF and then do LV1 30DS TTH. I can't do the exact same workout everyday and stay motiviated. I then decided to alternate weeks instead of days. So last week I did LV1 30DS. This week I am doing WK1 RI30. I like the RI30 better than 30DS. Burn more calories and more variety in the moves. Also, feel sore more in the girl trouble areas with RI10. Trying to decide if I want to so LV2 30DS next week or WK2 RI30. Kind of nervous to move onto either.

    I have heard that on her website RI30 is the follow-up DVD to 30DS. We shall see how things roll. Best of luck to everyone!!!!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Lol @sd I've got the energy of a dead horse today. I'm just gunna do c25k tonight and that's it. Possibly tomorrow, though.
  • 2 more days of week 3! Getting better, wish i was burning more calories. Gonna have to push it harder.
  • beedo30
    beedo30 Posts: 186
    2 more days of week 3! Getting better, wish i was burning more calories. Gonna have to push it harder.
    push it push it!!!!!!!¡
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Lol @sd I've got the energy of a dead horse today. I'm just gunna do c25k tonight and that's it. Possibly tomorrow, though.

    I definitely bit off more than I could chew with that little challenge ROFL. I managed to get through L2 with 8lb weights (I only had to switch to the baby weights for two moves :bigsmile: ). There was no way that I could've made it through L4. I'll get back to you in a couple weeks with that LOL..
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I have no desire to do anything involving hand weights today. Last night I gave myself a pretty big paper cut on the palm of my hand. I forgot how painful papercuts are. Lol
  • Is anyone else getting bored with RI30? For some reason I am...I went ahead and went back to Week 3 for the extra challenge because Week 2 didn't hold my interest. It's not that I'm not getting a good workout--I definitely am--but I'm just bored with the workouts in general, I guess. I feel like 30DS held my attention better.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I always get bored if I do the same thing multiple days in a row, which is why I semi-quit RI30. I only do it once or twice a week now.
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    So... since I tried to commit to doing only JM, I've worked out about 70% less than I was when I was doing spin, yoga, running, and weight training - and those sessions where twice as long :frown:

    I hate to be a quitter but I want to enjoy my workouts again!!! I can't live without my cardio.
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