New to MFP -Hey Ya'll from Raleigh

JanellePatriceHarris Posts: 7 Member
edited July 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hey, Ya'll from Janelle in Raleigh,NC! I'm new to MFP. I downloaded the app today because I'm trying to lose 10 lbs over the next 5 weeks or so. I would really like a lifestyle change but I have a tendency to start fitness goals then give up or revert to bad habits over time. I love to eat. I don't eat pork or beef but my diet has too much sugar and my lifestyle is inactive, lately. As I age the lbs keep coming. I haven't always been as inactive as I am now so I'm hoping to find inspiration and consistency with eating better and exercising more. I am open to ideas or suggestions from any of you who've found ways to make fitness a habit.


  • mfranz42
    mfranz42 Posts: 16 Member
    They say it takes about 2 weeks to start getting your body used to a new routine. I just started 20 days ago with getting up at 4:30 and getting my workout done first... this takes the pressure off getting it done after work when I am exhausted, and agitated from my hour commute. We are all extremely busy these days but we need to make time for ourselves instead of ensuring everyone else has what they need - kids, husband, dogs, etc. good luck!!! We are here for you
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Hi! I'm currently in Durham. Since it's so hot and humid right now, I've been getting up really early to run. It's sort of a trade-off: getting up earlier means it's cooler but more humid, but later it's less humid and hotter. I like to be outside just after sunrise and get my workout done before the heat really sets in.
  • Thanks @apullum and @mfranz42! Early morning jogs could definitely help me with getting my cardio checked off the list! I hadn't considered implementing that but it could get me moving in the right direction. I'll update you on my success tomorrow. If I get up early on my day off to run, I feel like I'll be be super proud of myself and motivated! Thanks for the support and advice!
  • thomasegbert09
    thomasegbert09 Posts: 59 Member
    I go to the gym with a buddy. He pushes me which helps. Try to find sugar substitutes. I cut out all soda. Only water, tea or sparkling water.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    @JanellePatriceHarris If you are so close to a perfect weight it is going to be very slow going to get rid of 10 lb. Change your weight loss target rate to 0.5 lb/week and settle in for several months of slow, frustrating work. You can do it, but those last few are slow. Example: A lady co-worker looked hot before she started using mfp to lose 5 lb. It took her 12 weeks. Now she's incendiary.
  • Thanks for the warning, @JeromeBarry1! I'll keep that in mind. I want to see progress. I know that cutting my calories by eating sensibly and exercising should help with some of the goal in the beginning. Over the past year I have eaten high calorie meals, snacks and junk without much regard for the extra weight they were causing me to gain. I'm hopeful that once I get going and remain consistent, the weight will come off and I'll be responsible at maintaining my desired weight. Thank you again for the smart thinking!
  • @thomasegbert09 Thank you for the suggestions! There's a gym at my new job. Maybe by the time I get to the "maintain" stage of this journey I'll have found a workout buddy. I like your thinking with the water. I try to drink water with every meal and usually avoid "drinking my calories" so there's more room for the foods I love!
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    Hi, neighbor - I'm in Cary. Consistently weighing and logging my food has been very important for me. A few times, I've thought that I could stop but somehow then my portion sizes always seem to increase. I also had to find exercise that I can do indoors given our hot, humid weather during much of the year. I have an exercise bike and I use my time on it to catch up on the news, watch online TV shows/movies, talk to family and friends, etc. It makes the time go by more quickly so I exercise longer than I do with other types of exercise. Best wishes for achieving success in reaching your goal!
  • lamont1528
    lamont1528 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Janelle! Have you considered intermittent fasting as a lifestyle to go along with all the training advice you've received to knock off that 10lbs? If not maybe you should do your research on YouTube or books about this lifestyle I'm sure it would bring you the results that your looking for and help you manage your love for sweet foods
  • @lamont1528 I'm not familiar with intermittent fasting. I'm going to do some research. Thanks for that suggestion. It sounds interesting. I have done the Daniels fast twice in my life but that was a spiritual fast and not for weight loss goals. That fast is fruit, water and veggies only for 3 weeks. I did enjoy health benefits from the removal of sugar and processed foods from my diet. I'm definitely interested in learning more about the benefits of intermittent fasting. Thanks again for that tip!
  • @bametals That's smart to multi task through your workouts. I like the thought of that. I don't watch much TV because I feel like I'm wearing time but perhaps if I were exercising I could pick up a show or two. I don't mind the heat much especially if I get out early in the morning for a jog but I'm going to start taking to my hubby now about us perhaps investing in a bike or elliptical machine for winter months. I get easily discouraged by the cold! I don't like to leave the house if it's below 50 degrees outside. Hahaha!