Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Good morning all!

    @gymprincess1234 I plateaued at 173lbs. It's really annoying and making me really frustrated and lacking in motivation.

    @clicketykeys That's a lot of miles! Those miles remind me of my backpacking days! I used to do that in a day with a 50lb pack on my back. Definitely couldnt do that now! Maybe in a few months but definitely not now. But I'm glad that your second day wasnt too bad!

    @rachelbachel32 Yay dress fittings! I borrowed my wedding dress from a neighbor and had my mom do the fittings for me. Thank goodness they were minor alterations. But that's what made me realize I had gained a lot of weight. I had planned on wearing my grandmothers ever since I was a little girl. I had to be 120lbs to fit into it. Well by the time it came time to get into it I was 135lb and it couldnt be altered because it was so old. I was devastated.

    So yesterday was a great day, but terrible food wise. Two burgers, two helpings of potato salad, three cookies, watermelon, a klondike bar and a half a can of coke in one three hour party. It was a good time though. Got to see "family" that I hadnt seen since last year. It was really nice. There were so many babies! I guess my mommy clock is ticking. I'm turning 29 this year and I really want a baby! But the DH and I are nowhere near ready to have any kids. We are barely making enough to pay our bills now, add a baby into the mix? But the DH is in line for a promotion this year which will really help. The goal is to start trying next year. So we'll see.

  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Stuck to my calory limit and did 60min bike ride today.
    I'll just take one day at a time, try to go back to my routine of working out Monday -Friday and having only the weekend off, stretching every morning and taking measurements and weight ins 2x/month.
    I am lacking a structure at the moment, but you can't blame the circumstances, I have to get my *kitten* together. Proud to have managed it 2 consecutive days.

    I'm quite shocked how much I'm struggling with weightloss in all aspects at the moment, cause the first 3-4 months were soooo easy, then 5-7 slower but still happening, now it's a battle with myself
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @HGSmith0920 I really hope both us us will start losing again soon!
    About the babies, I'm 5 years younger, but so happy my baby clock in nowhere near ticking, but I'm single at the moment too haha But the though of having kids in the future scares me so much, because of the changes your body has to go through, gaining weight, stretch marks, etc. I don't know if I could mentally do it after this battle already.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @gymprincess1234 I'm not so much worried about the physical aspect of it. I'm more worried about the monetary aspect of it. Lol. But I think the physical aspect would be worth it in the end.

    And damn straight we'll start shedding weight again!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,368 Member
    Today was a stressful day. Last night my middle son text me to ask if I can find a home for their puppy. They took in a stray late last year, she had puppies in december, they found homes for all of them & the mom except the runt female. Life happened so they stopped looking for a home. This puppy, whose almost 7 mo is a PUPPY, likes to chew, very playful with their big dog, barks a LOT, doesn't like ppl to go near her & it's been stressful for them. I asked my animal rescue if they could take her, they said she can become an act dog but someone will have to foster her. Hubby said no but later said yes. He's the one whose last words to me every time I go volunteer are "don't bring a dog home" So I picked her up to take her to act to get her vaccine & I got really stressed out thinking about having a puppy around. Our dogs will not like it plus she's very skittish. I almost took her back but I didn't. She runs if ;you approach & has never had a collar or leash on or been out side. Brought her home & all our 6 dogs smelled her, she didn't react in a bad way. She bucked like a horse with her harness on but I held the leash steady & let her do it. I keep a hold of the leash inside because I don't want her to get away from me & I can't catch her plus she was allowed to do what ever she wants so has no discipline. I've had her here for 6 hrs & she's already following me around & is getting used to the leash. I'm putting her in the crate when I go out & leading her where I want her to be till she settles in. She still has to get spayed too. If she whines in the crate, I'm bringing her to bed with me because I don't sleep well anyway & I NEED to get the sleep I can. She's a small dog & not reactive & I'm glad we saved her life but I do do whatever it takes to fullfil our dogs needs so this will be extra work for me. I used to love a challange & love seeing the transformation when I was a little younger, but I sure got settled into my recent life where I had lots of time to volunteer & go to the gym, visit friends etc, when ever I wanted. I worked hard on each of my 6 dogs & have a great pack, so I got lazy, no more lol
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member

    Really happy to wake up to -0.5kg today! Those +2kg must have been water, but anyways, seeing them disappear is just what I needed in my life! And I'm loving my bike rides, already looking forward to do 1h tonight after golf practice. :)
    I'm going for a blood test today and have to write my weight for one of the tests, and for the first time in my life I'm not embarrassed to write it! o:)
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @gymprincess1234 - congrats on the loss. Hope the blood test goes well! You can definitely work on the physical aspect of being pregnant and if you continue to exercise and don't eat like a mad woman then you don't have to get huge when pregnant. I only put on 30lbs (7lbs 8oz of that being baby!) and 20+ had gone again within a month (breastfeeding helps!). And I wear my stretch marks as a mark of honour to the amazing thing that my body did :)

    @HGSmith0920 - the financial aspect of having children is 100% why Alistair is likely to be an only child. Part of me would love to go again - but right now, we have been very honest with ourselves and acknowledged that we just can't afford it. And I won't bring a child into the world that we can't afford to care for and bring up. But as you say, you can wait till things improve on that score and you are still young - I was 39 when Alistair was born so you've got years on me!!

    @evamutt - good for you for taking the pup in, too many people in the world who wouldn't have done that. My husband knows that eventually he will come home from work and find that the cat count has gone up from 2 - 3 in the house - he's not sure he would want a third but I think he knows its inevitable at some point!

    @rachelbachel32 - 18 inches off, that's an awesome achievement. Bet you are looking forward to the dress fitting - when is the big day?

    @clicketykeys - that's an amazing amount of steps, no wonder you were tired!

    Sorry I've been awol - just really struggling to get my head in the game over the last couple of weeks. But I'm back and doing well this week - recorded a loss of 0.4lbs over the weekend which has helped to get me started this week. Going to do a yoga session this morning then crack on with work for the day - hope Thursday treats you all well.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @janetay01 Thank you and the same for you! :)

  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    @janetay01 The big day is September 22nd. Quickly approaching! When I bought my dress, I didn't want to worry about losing weight to fit into it/feel good, and I later got serious about being healthier. I'm still glad I got something I would have liked at my starting weight, but I think the alterations may be spendy.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @rachelbachel32 My wedding anniversary is September 20! How awesome is that?! We're going on three years. The best three years of my life!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Yeeey, blood tests came back already and all good! At least in some departments my body is not a failure, haha. Now just 10 days and I'll finally know about the operation and recovery.

    Congrats girls @HGSmith0920 @rachelbachel32 <3
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    @HGSmith0920 That is awesome! Congrats on the first 3 happy years. :smiley:
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @evamutt What a kind soul you have. My MIL’s dog has no discipline. She and the dog live with us and we are not allowed to train him or discipline him at all, and of course she won’t. I feel bad for him, she even gets mad if we try and take him for a walk. She can’t do it herself.

    @gymprincess1234 Great job on losing the water weight. Good luck with your DR. appointment. Glad to hear the blood work is good.

    @janetay01 I was struggling the last 2 weeks. I seem to be doing better this week. I showed a nice loss on Tuesday and now I am back up 2.5 pounds. I really hope it goes away soon.

    Had a great day yesterday! I did 4o minutes on the treadmill (trying to increase my speed.) Ran (well for me anyways) for an hour at lunch. I was a bright red sweaty tomato when I was done. This is the longest I have ever run. Then came home, and walked for 45 minutes after dinner, did my RoR, then stretched for 10 minutes. I totally pigged out at dinner. Was super yummy, and it fit in my calories. Yes I used some of those work out calories, but not all of them. Hoping for another great day today.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,368 Member
    That is great gymprincess
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Wooohoo, have stuck to my deficit calories for 4 consecutive days, I'm back on track and my tummy is flat :) Can't express how happy it feels to make myself so happy and proud to be back on track. Keep on hustling :)
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Btw, I've started dry brushing to reduce stretch marks, loose skin and cellulite. Has anyone else tried it and can share the results? Only did it twice, but I love the feeling of my blood circulation activating in my skin.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @gymprincess1234 I'm down 3lbs! I guess I got over my plateau!
    @Rachel0778 I hope you are okay. I miss you!
    @jdelaroy I wish I could run, but I must have bad shins or something because every time I try they hurt really badly and then I end up hurting myself. I can walk and hike like it's nothing though. But congrats on your super active day! You should be proud!

    So I've started fasting in the mornings and only really eat between 12-8 and I've already lost 3lbs! I guess I've gotten past my plateau! I'm so excited! I have a feeling by next week I will be firmly out of the 170's! I hope really hope so! I've been stuck at 173 for two months and it feels great to finally be past that!

    Tried an awesome new recipe for dinner tonight, partly because I wanted to and partly because it was part of the Harry Potter Challenge. But boy was it delicious! Lol. Definitely in the make again folder.

    I havent been exercising as much as I should but I have discovered that I really like doing stretching routines. So that has been pretty awesome. It just wakes my whole body up. So I think I might try some beginners yoga or something. See how that suits me.

  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,368 Member
    That's great HGSmith! I was stuck for about 2 months too but I finally am down 1 lb. I don't know the physical info but I figure if I don't give up somethings gota change. I only went to 1 HIIT class last week. I usually do 3 but we got a new dog to foster from my son's litter who didn't get adopted so been busy with that & friday I had stomach ache all day. Just got back from early morning walk. New dog has never been on a leash so I've been teaching her how to walk, it just takes me longer walk time. I'm excited...she has a meet & greet today at one at our adoption center. I'm getting ready to go there now (it's 8;30) to help clean then I'll go back to meet after lunch. I do hope it works out. It sounds like a great home & the family already has a similar dog who they adopted from us who needs a friend to play with & they're similar in age, her's is 8mo, mine is almost 7mo. She's starting to come out of her shell so wants to play but none of my 6 dogs are playful & don't want to play with her, I have to play with her, lol. Everyone have a good Sunday. Let you know how it wentl3nhz2kkkdee.jpg
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    @HGSmith0920 Congrats on your loss! It's funny that you mention fasting in the mornings, because I just started intermittent fasting (16:8) where I eat between the hours of 1-9. The first day was hard, but I've adjusted really quickly. I love the idea of not having to meal plan 6 meals a day like I was doing before. I think I'll like it! And I'm glad it's working for you. :smiley:
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @rachelbachel32 Last night was hard for me because I stopped eating early because I was full and didnt think about eating until it was later in the night. Plus I stayed up later then normal. I drank a lot of water last night. Lol. I have a bad habit of eating in the middle of the night when the cat wakes me up. So at about 4:30 this morning the cat wakes me up demanding food and I found myself with the fridge door open and me contemplating the contents. I realized what I was doing, filled my water cup and went right back to bed. Lol.

    I'm down another pound! This fasting thing is really working! I stepped on the scale this morning and let out a shriek! I'm down to 169! I havent been this weight in a looong time! I couldnt believe it! I'm so happy! Lol