whos reached their goal weight?? :)



  • elly0001
    elly0001 Posts: 191
    yeah so because i keep having calories left over and not being hunry enough to eat them i am still loosing weight -what do u guys think, should i set out a sort of meal plan for myself so that i dont get to the end of the day with left over calories?
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I am still 7 pounds from goal but have upped my calories to lose 0.5 pounds/week, which only puts me at a 250 calorie/day deficit. I am hoping that adding those extra 250 calories in when I go to maintenance won't be too much of a problem, rather than having to suddenly add 500 a day, which is like an extra meal.

    I can see the point of whoever before me said that maintenance is like starting MFP over again. I have a feeling when maintenance comes it will be a struggle to get into the groove of not losing and not gaining.

    Another question for maintainers: Do you allow yourself say a 5 pound swing or so? For example, my goal weight is 145 but I am wondering if I should go to 140 then maintenance keep myself between 140-145. Man, maintenance seems more confusing than weight loss. :grumble:

    I've lost this weight before and kept it off for over 20 years. Yes, it's good to think of it more as a range of weight. I didn't worry if I went up or down 3 pounds or so as those are just normal daily fluctuations. If it got to 5, I made some changes.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I've reached two goals now...and am resetting it again. I too am aiming more for a body fat percentage...particularly since I like the weight I'm at now, and simply want more muscle.

    Guess when I get to THAT point...I'll be able to see about maintenance lol.
  • hill2302
    hill2302 Posts: 139 Member
    I've hit my weight goal, but then re-set to look more towards body composition. So I'm probably going to end up cutting a bit more before starting a bulking stage. It will definitely be wierd eating so many calories when that happens. I find logging on my phone second nature now. I usually have my food logged in before I finish or within an hour of finishing my meal. It's kind of a safety blanket at this point. I can certainly see my self logging for quite a while longer. I'm already over 210 consecutive days logging my food and it's been pretty easy for me.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    I hit my goal weight a couple of months ago and then readjusted to a new goal...which i also met. The hardest thing about being where you want to is the maintenance. I felt guilty eating so many calories but i knew it was necessary. I was still losing weight and had to experiment with different calorie totals to get a good combo going. I do find myself now (because I'm at my goal) eating a bit more than I should...like brownies and snackies because in my mind I'm thinking, "well your thin now, these 2 brownies aren't gonna hurt". But I really don't want to fall into that trap because that's how it starts...
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    My maintenance calories now are 2,174, but I eat 1,674. At my goal weight (in 13.6 lbs!) I will maintain at 2,056. That is 382 more calories per day I will eat when I am maintaining. I think I may switch to a 250 calorie per day deficit from a 500 calorie a day deficit once I get down to just 5 more lbs to lose so the transition will be easier. Then I will go from 1,924 per day to 2,056 per day. Maybe that is why you are supposed to only lose 1/2 lb per week towards the end of your weight loss journey.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    i dont have a goal weight so much as a goal look.

    to look like a fitness model..or jillian michaels..all buff and muscly

    i agree.

    i've reached my goal weight, but not my goal LOOK. there's much more toning that needs to be done.
    i believe you should always keep track of your calories in order to maintain...no matter what weight you are
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I hit my goal weight in mid-April. I still monitor my calories because I don't want to let my weight creep up again - I bought a bunch of new clothes in a smaller size! - but I'm not as religious about it now (especially lately because I've been out of town a lot). I do weigh myself nearly everyday to make sure I stay within the 5 pound range I allow myself. So far - so good.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    after cutting calories for so long has anyone else found that they feel like theyre wasting calories now that u can eat more? lol i guess its just trial and error, everything in moderation till i start maintaining or something but yeah finding it hard to eat all my maintence calories! :S

    I've been maintaining for a little over a year now. I wouldn't say that I feel like I'm wasting calories....its just I've relaxed a bit more. I still have fitness goals that I'm working towards and I still eat the same things. Its all about balance. And I still don't eat all of my calories everyday. Now I get to have more of the fruits and veggies that I love. But I also get to have 1/2 cup of ice cream instead of a 1/4 cup :)
  • elly0001
    elly0001 Posts: 191
    Wow thanks heaps for all ur posts-lots of gd suggestions congrats for meeting ur goals!
  • I think you have to keep on top of maintenance else it's to easy to forget what you are doing and leave the healthy living behind. That way you run the risk (as I did) of getting sloppy and putting the weight back on... So keep weighing yourself and keep tracking what you are eating.
  • dizidaisy
    dizidaisy Posts: 68
    I'm 5lbs away - and finding it really difficult to shift it!!!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Just shifting to maintenance, and totally agree, it's so hard making up the calories, especially if I've had a big exercise day and have earnt even more. And it would be so easy to just go 'mmm, cake' to make up the calories. I'm just going to try having larger portions of healthy food, and if I'm under some days, then I won't feel guilty if I go out for a meal with the family etc and go over on another day. It all evens out. Have accepted that my weight will fluctuate a bit, and I intend to keep up with the scales and the calorie counting, just to make sure that I'm not slipping back into my old habits. It's been easy for me to lose weight over the summer, but when I go back to uni in September, there's going to be less time for exercise and more study-related eating, and I don't want the whole thing to repeat itself again! Apart from the fact I think I have an addictive personality, and I'd find life without calorie counting a little empty (I know that sounds entirely mad, but it's just so organised and a part of the routine and I quite like it!) x
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    im at my goal, and i dont count calories anymore, but i do kind of know the rough amount of calories in things, and i still watch what i eat, and exercise, but its quite laid back and i dont mind fluctuating by a lb or two here and there
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    i've reached my goal with weight watchers this past january. i still track what i eat
  • elly0001
    elly0001 Posts: 191
    Just shifting to maintenance, and totally agree, it's so hard making up the calories, especially if I've had a big exercise day and have earnt even more. And it would be so easy to just go 'mmm, cake' to make up the calories. I'm just going to try having larger portions of healthy food, and if I'm under some days, then I won't feel guilty if I go out for a meal with the family etc and go over on another day. It all evens out. Have accepted that my weight will fluctuate a bit, and I intend to keep up with the scales and the calorie counting, just to make sure that I'm not slipping back into my old habits. It's been easy for me to lose weight over the summer, but when I go back to uni in September, there's going to be less time for exercise and more study-related eating, and I don't want the whole thing to repeat itself again! Apart from the fact I think I have an addictive personality, and I'd find life without calorie counting a little empty (I know that sounds entirely mad, but it's just so organised and a part of the routine and I quite like it!) x

    yeah ive been eating so healthily all this time and its actully so hard to make up enough calories on healthy food, but then its like should i introduce some unhealthy food back into my diet?? lol im so used to the taste of healthy food now that im not even all that keen on sweet cakes etc i find them so rich now