Fitness beginner

Hi everyone

I'm only just getting into the zone where I'm tackling my weight and fitness issues. My problem is that I have absolutely no clue where to start when it comes to fitness and what I should be doing. I have a lot of the Leslie Sansone dvds that I have been using but when I read about things like Shred and kettlebells and other things I wonder if I should be doing something else alongside the walking I'm doing at the moment?

Obviously I know that I am beginner fact even below that if that's possible lol and I know that I'm nowhere near as fit as I should be so I do need to start off slowly and build up but if anyone has any advice as regards weight training that I should be addressing or any workout programs that have worked for you I would love to hear any opinions

Many thanks


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Honestly, just start with what you have and what you feel like you can keep up with for a while. Since you are a beginner, anything you do will be beneficial. It's just finding something that you enjoy yet also gives you a good calorie burn that is important right now.

    I personally started with Power 90 and Turbo Jam videos at home because I didn't have any luck with a gym (I exercised my brains out for years with no results because I wasn't eating right, and these videos came with nutrition help, lol).
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    first of all you should consult your doctor before you start a new diet and fitness regime.

    Why not join a gym and ask an instructor to set a programme for you as a beginner, they usually review it every few months to see how your getting on.

    Also why not see a nutritionist to give you the best diet advice and an acurate measure of your calorie intake.

    Walking is a great exercise but you will have to eventually pump it up a bit and incorporate some strength training to build and tone muscle.

    well done on starting though. this is a start to a new and better life for you :o)
  • Velvetfusion
    thanks for the replies :) I have tried gyms before but I don't like that whole shaking my flab in public lol so it will definitely be something I can do at home. I like the Leslie stuff but I just don't feel as though I'm doing enough with it. The nutritionist is a great idea!
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    thanks for the replies :) I have tried gyms before but I don't like that whole shaking my flab in public lol so it will definitely be something I can do at home. I like the Leslie stuff but I just don't feel as though I'm doing enough with it. The nutritionist is a great idea!

    have you noticed that most people at the gym all look like professional athletes! thats why i ended up forking out loads of money on a personal trainer who comes to my house. Classes at a gym or local centre are also great exercise and ZUMBA is amazing. its so much fun and you just go at your own pace.

    everytime you workout, try and push yourself that extra bit harder and further. if your walking, turn it into a power walk, then slowly incorporate a few seconds of jogging and back down to a power walk...this is great to get your heart rate up.

    good luck x
  • starmist
    starmist Posts: 16 Member
    Well, it really depends on what your concerns are and you are aiming for..

    I started going back to the gym only a month ago and was very cautious about it (because i have bad atopic dermatitis that like to flare up when i get hot). my cardio has always been not too good either cos of childhood asthma, so i started from ground zero.

    my suggestion is, if you are a fitness beginner, work up from ground zero. push yourself and aim for goals that are realistic. don't aim too crazily high on the first stage cos that may 1) cause you to be demoralised if you can't reach it fast enough, or 2) get you scared off from your fitness regime, or 3) cause any unexpected health issues (like injuring yourself, etc).

    like i say, the exercise regime depends on what you want to achieve. do you want to lose weight? or tone up? or muscle up? strengthen your heart/lungs?

    for me, i want to lose 5 kgs, lose the flab, and tone up my arms. i started off with:

    1) brisk walking on treadmill, speed 6.5, 30 mins
    2) rowing, level 2, 10 minutes (not too high because i didn't want to build bulk)
    3) lat pulldowns, 1 kg (because i only want to tone up), 5 sets x 10 rep

    i build up from there. when i went to the gym yesterday, this was what i did:

    1) alternate brisk walking on treadmill, speed 6.5, 5 mins and running on treadmill, speed 8.5, 5 mins. repeat for 40 mins
    2) rowing, level 2, 15 minutes
    3) lat pulldowns, 1 kg, 8 x 10
    4) biceps curl , 1 kg, 8 x 10
    5) low row, 1 kg, 8 x 10
    6) triceps kickback, 1 kg, 3 x 10
    7) hammer curls, 1 kg, 8 x 10

    8) swimming, breaststroke, 30-40 laps, max 1 hour 15 minutes

    it may not seems like much, but i'm seeing a difference in my weight and body. about 2 kgs have fallen, and i feel stonger internally.

    lastly, do check out the topics in this forum. i have learned all sorts of exercise by reading the posts the community has put up, and have been motivated by all the lovely people here. i'm glad you have decided to take this big first step in doing something. be positive, take it as you are loving your body and giving it what it truly deserves. that's what i tell myself, and it makes me love exercising so much. =)
  • starmist
    starmist Posts: 16 Member
    oops. sorry, i typed all that out before reading the part where you said you dislike gymming. -_-
  • jaybee25
    jaybee25 Posts: 117
    I am currently doing the 30ds Jillian Michaels and also do some walking and try and fit in the 20min windsor pilates workout where I can.It seems to be working for me so far :)
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    I do Leslie Sansome too, I do 1 day of weight equipment and 5 days of Walking and those Walking DVD's are really going to each part of your body. I can do 2 miles ok now, am pretty out of breath and done with 3 miles, I will start doing something like Turbo Jam when I am able to do the 5 mile walk without feeling close to 100 years old.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I think if you are serious about getting fit I would join a gym and make very good use of the staff there, change your programme every six weeks and try to do two good cardio work outs and two good weight work outs a week.
    going it alone when you don't know what you are doing can be very frustrating as you may not get the results.
  • Velvetfusion
    thanks everyone :) When I lose a bit of weight I will be looking at going to the gym but at the moment it's definitely not going to happen which is why I'm looking at what I can do at home and still workout effectively. I am very serious about getting fit and I recognise that I'm starting right at the bottom level, I don't expect results overnight I know it's going to be hard work but I'm in it for the long haul :)
  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    Hi Maggie :smile:

    I am not a great fan of the gym, have all good intentions but never seem to get organised to go, paid a 1 years membership once and only went for 1 month. I am the sort of client that gyms love :smile: the time it takes to travel there and back and get changed you could do a good aerobic session to a dvd, but, it depends on what sort of equipment you want to use as I can appreciate the most of it you can't have at home, also cost is a big factor too

    If you are new to exercise then i would carry on with walking to build up your fitness levels first, increasing to a brisk walk, and then you can always introduce a bit of jogging, say 1 min jog, 3 min walk gradually increasing your jog time and reducing your walk time. It is surprising how quickly your fitness levels will increase. The C25K is a good plan to follow.

    You can then combine it with some cardio / strength training / weights at home by doing a fitness dvd, If you are a beginner then you might find 30 day shred a bit tough, but it is brilliant and should be on your list.
    Rosemary Conleys Real Results workout is a good starter, and very effective.

    Whichever path you choose, make it fun and enjoy it, you will soon be reaping the rewards :flowerforyou: