MFP THE BIGGEST LOSER - Weight Loss Success So Far

Hi, I'm Jonas, the organizer of the MFP The Biggest Loser Competition. I was just going over some numbers tonight and wanted to share the success that the contestants of The Biggest Loser on MFP have had so far. We are four weeks into the competition and these guys have lost a tremendous amount of weight. The competition lasts for nine more weeks, and I expect to see some of these guys either reach or come close to their overall goal that they set when they joined MyFitnessPal.

Here are the numbers. Unfortunately, this data just includes the current contestants. I don't have the data for the eliminated contestants handy. Here is what these guys have lost after four weeks.

Team Black lost a total of 37.7 pounds since the competition began four weeks ago.

Heatherleigh12 | 4
MissSmiles | 9
Mirna_ayala0428 | 7.4
Mxmandani | 3.6
SMCNEIL40 | 13.3

Team Blue lost a total of 46.6 pounds since the competition began four weeks ago.

Ceja559 | 4.7
Donbet69 | 8.8
Lucy_Alice | 3.4
Mandy2571 | 16
Shai29 | 4.3
TiraG | 9.4

Team Orange lost a total of 37.1 pounds since the competition began four weeks ago.

Artificialdream | 5.2
Dclark432 | 7
Emmaleigh47 | 4.6
Kathyrice | 4.9
Kbcountry65 | 15.4

Team Pink lost a total of 25.2 pounds since the competition began four weeks ago

Ginial1479 | 12
HeathygirlTX | 5.4
JahmeZZ | 2.8
Naesue | 5

Team Purple lost a total of 37 pounds since the competition began four weeks ago

Jedwards7425 | 14.4
Jenny_Fur | 7
DietingMommy08 | NA
MissLoser2B | 10.4
RunningAggie | 5.2

Team Yellow lost a total of 17.4 pounds since the competition began four weeks ago

SmartFunGorgeous | 7.8
Heathamber | 4.6
Jonas_Renfold | -1
TNGirlyGirl | 6

In Total these contestants have lost....INCREDIBLY....more than 200 Pounds!!!!! I am very proud of these guys and the rest of you MFPers should be too. Let's see what happens over the next 9 weeks of this competition.

If you haven't been able to catch an Episode of MFP The Biggest Loser yet. Here are links to the competition from the beginning.

Initial Contest Announcement and Rules:

Official MFP The Biggest Loser Teams Announcement:

Mini Bios of the original 39 contestants that started the competition.

The Biggest Loser Contest Frequently Asked Questions:

Fan Profile Badges for fans to post as their profile picture to support their favorite team:

Episode One

Episode Two, Part One:

Episode Two ,Part Two:

A note addressing a couple of critical comments of MFP The Biggest Loser competition:

Episode Three, Part One:

Episode Three, Part Two:

Episode Four:


  • Success41
    Success41 Posts: 44
    Excellent job everyone! Please let me know if you do a second round.
  • TiraG
    TiraG Posts: 68
    Excellent job Blue Team!
  • MovesLikePuma
    WOW!!! Great job everyone! This came at the perfect time. I am having a very frustrating week and this helps me get back in focus.
  • MovesLikePuma
    Oh, and GO PURPLE! LOL
  • artificialdream
    artificialdream Posts: 24 Member

    Gooooooooooo Oraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange!!!

  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member

    Go YELLOWWWWWWWWW!! We have some catching up to do :-)
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I'm with jedwards on this one: this couldn't have come at a better time. I'm sad that the Yellow Team doesn't have better numbers overall, though it is reassuring to see that I've lost around 8 pounds (though to be fair to my team- NOT the highest percentage; that's a whole different set of numbers!). That's right with my goal of 2 lbs a week, so MFP must be working. I know I have definitely been working! I see some of the others with really big numbers lost and that can be discouraging, but I can't live their lives so I can't expect to have their results.

    This contest first pushed me to TRY to run a mile (completed), then to run it in under twelve minutes (I tried, but wasn't able to do), and then, because I hadn't realized what I could accomplish before, I decided to begin C25K training, and have been running for two weeks. I'm not fast, but I'm moving more, I actually look forward to doing it, and I'm feeling pretty good about myself. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, and this competition pushed me to take my first step on that journey.

    For that, I'm VERY grateful. :flowerforyou:
  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    AWESOME!! Really inspiring - thank you for sharing!
  • Ginial1479
    Ginial1479 Posts: 45 Member
    THIS IS SO GREAT... Again, thank you Jonas for your hard work... And thanks to your weekly helpers...


    I'm very proud to be part of such a experience!

  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Go Black!!!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Wow, almost 200 lbs! That is amazing! You guys rock!
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    Wow... that is such an awesome job.... Great Job Everyone... Keep up the great work!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Wow! Every pound adds up I guess! 200 pounds ... great job to everyone on all teams... but
    Go Team Orange! :)
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    Awesome job, guys and keep up the good work! Amazing recaps and episodes!
  • pghsteelerfan
    pghsteelerfan Posts: 132 Member
    Its been exciting and inspiring to see these teams compete...i came to MFP skeptical of this process, how can a lil ole website inspire me to lose weight????? HA!!!!! Finding pals, observing recipes...etc. etc. ( so i'm opening my mouth and inserting foot.) one way to keep from eating....I am so blessed to have been given this opportunity of blessings...
  • kathyrice
    kathyrice Posts: 39 Member
    Wow! What an accomplishment for everyone! I am proud of each and every contestant in this competition. It's been a great support group for me and I'm sure everyone else!

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