LCHF Way of Life frustrations

I'm new to this LCHF eating. I keep gaining weight as I try and figure this out. Anyone else having these issues? I'm now trying to drink a ton of water. I'm also drinking Ketones (Pruvit brand) in the morning....
What's the key?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm new to this LCHF eating. I keep gaining weight as I try and figure this out. Anyone else having these issues? I'm now trying to drink a ton of water. I'm also drinking Ketones (Pruvit brand) in the morning....
    What's the key?

    Fewer calories...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Are you logging your food? It's still about calories.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I'm new to this LCHF eating. I keep gaining weight as I try and figure this out. Anyone else having these issues? I'm now trying to drink a ton of water. I'm also drinking Ketones (Pruvit brand) in the morning....
    What's the key?

    In order to lose weight, regardless of the way of eating you choose, you have to be in a calorie deficit.

    Did you set up MFP with a goal of how much weight you want to lose and the rate at which you want to lose it, to obtain a reasonable calorie goal that would provide that deficit?

    Are you logging the foods you eat, ideally using a food scale for accuracy?

    Are you exercising and eating back some of those exercise calories? How are you measuring the calorie burn?

    Was there a particular reason you chose LCHF, ie medical reasons, you enjoy eating that way, find it satiating, etc?
  • kandyflower
    kandyflower Posts: 14 Member
    Yes I'm loving my food on MFP premium and not hitting my fat target of macros and going over my carbs. Those two are hard to meet for me. Remember, I'm new to this although I had lost 64 pounds on Ideal Protien and gained 50 back.

    Need great ideas on how to hit the carb and fat targets.

    Thanks for all the replies! :)
  • kandyflower
    kandyflower Posts: 14 Member
    Meant to say *logging all my food
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Yes I'm loving my food on MFP premium and not hitting my fat target of macros and going over my carbs. Those two are hard to meet for me. Remember, I'm new to this although I had lost 64 pounds on Ideal Protien and gained 50 back.

    Need great ideas on how to hit the carb and fat targets.

    Thanks for all the replies! :)

    But are you at or under your calorie goal? The macro numbers matter less for weight loss than the total calories. If you are gaining (and not just short term fluctuations) then you aren't in a calorie deficit.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    When you say you keep gaining weight, what exactly do you mean? How long has it been? How many data points do you have? Are you taking into account natural weight fluctuations?
  • kandyflower
    kandyflower Posts: 14 Member
    I know I'm in ketosis though. I have not been looking at calorie intake.
    I'll be more aware of that.
    Me reason I need to lose weight is that I felt 100% better after losing more aches, back and joint pain! I told myself I would NEVER go back to the old me and it just crept back over a period of 2 years. Old habits of eating are harder than I thought to break!

    Thank you!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I know I'm in ketosis though. I have not been looking at calorie intake.
    I'll be more aware of that.
    Me reason I need to lose weight is that I felt 100% better after losing more aches, back and joint pain! I told myself I would NEVER go back to the old me and it just crept back over a period of 2 years. Old habits of eating are harder than I thought to break!

    Thank you!

    Again, if you aren't looking at calories, you have no way of assuring you are in a calorie deficit. There is your answer right there. Being in ketosis does not mean you will automatically lose weight.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited July 2017
    First off, stop taking artificial ketones. They do nothing for you and will just make ketone sticks show up positive despite that the ketones are artificial and doing nothing for you.

    Second, lower your carb intake. You've mentioned you are going over carb goals. What are your carb goals? How much are you going over?

    ETA after looking at your diary: Start logging everything every day so you know what/how much you are eating.
  • kandyflower
    kandyflower Posts: 14 Member
    Ok. I'm all done with the box of Ketones anyway. I had to try it!
  • SgtBigbelly
    SgtBigbelly Posts: 2 Member
    Last July I started a ketogenic diet. I dropped 55 pounds in 2 and a half months. I was amazed how it well it worked for me. My daughter on the other hand dropped a total of 17. I can only speak for my diet but I never saw someone work out and watch their diet so closely as she did. I kept my self in ketosis for several months without a carb reload or even a cheat day. We were out of town over Thanksgiving and I figured it would be ok afterward to just return to my carb restricted diet. Well fast forward to last Saturday. I gained every bit of what I had lost back. Not just by consuming carbs but by returning to bad habits. I was eating an average of 6800 calories a day. My cholesterol went up 30 points and I feel lethargic and lazy. June 29th I decided to restart developing better habits. I fasted for 3 days and actually grocery shopped. I had a really bad habit of drive thru shopping. Jack in the box, Wendys, burritos, you name it. It was easy to shop that way. Every place I would pass has something that appeals to me and I had favorites at all of them. To make matters worse, it is summer in Phoenix and I had really gotten heavily into Blizzards! Even if they are DQ, they make the heat a bit more tolerable. So, it took 4 days to begin the keto transition. Eggs help alot. Butter, bacon, avocados, olive oil, MCT etc. all work in propping my fat intake. My Macros are steady at 70% fats, 20% proteins, and 10% carbohydrates. More importantly than that however is my calorie intake is 1530 +- a couple either way per day. This requires me to list everything I put in my mouth. And it requires me to think about sugar and where it may be hiding. I don't get shaky as though my blood sugar is out of whack. I am barely using it. I did get a b-12 shot for some energy during the transition to ketosis. I believe 80 percent or more is related to what you put in your mouth and the rest is getting up and doing stuff even when I don't feel like it. The food tracker on MFP is great but you need to decide ahead of time what calculates your preferred macros and then eat to the tracker rather than logging what you have already eaten. Kind of hard to give it back if something is out of balance. ( I once had to eat an avocado with ranch dressing and 2 tablespoons of MCT to keep from knocking my self out of ketosis because I ate too much low calorie (high protein) chicken breast because it tasted good. I was over my calories but I stayed safely in ketosis. It is a daily thing. I do eat a lot of the same things over and over because I know they are already calculated. I measure and weigh. It takes time. It takes effort. It takes patience.

    I wish you great success in your challenge. You are the boss. Set your macro percentages and more importantly your calorie target and the rest will sort itself out. A tweak here and a tweak there and you will find the groove. In LCHF, remember proteins can be almost as bad as carbs if you are trying to reach ketosis. Best wishes!
  • kandyflower
    kandyflower Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you so much!!
    I like what you said...
    "The food tracker on MFP is great but you need to decide ahead of time what calculates your preferred macros and then eat to the tracker rather than logging what you have already eaten."
    I will try this!

    Thanks for your wisdom!
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    If you are gaining weight, then you are obviously not in a calorie deficit. It's as simple as that. Some people seem to get so lost in the "rules" of fad diets that they are not as mindful as the should be of the fairly simple principle of calories in vs. calories out.

    I can assure you, that if you get an accurate TDEE and set a daily calorie goal based upon this framework, you will lose weight, even if your diet is 100% carbs.
  • kandyflower
    kandyflower Posts: 14 Member
    What is TDEE?
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    TDEE stands for total daily energy expenditure. It's the amount of calories you burn per day just being alive, and it's a good starting point in devising a weight loss plan. Here is a link to check yours: As a tip, set your activity level to "couch potato" as this will give you some wiggle room in regards to calories.

    After you know your TDEE, select a number approximately 500-700 calories below this as your daily calorie goal. Some people are tempted to get overly aggressive and go too low, but if you do this it is harder to stick with it.

    Now all you need to do is ensure that your daily calories do not exceed this daily limit. Log EVERYTHING honestly and diligently each day. You do not really need to keep track of your macros unless you just want to at this early stage, nor do you have to avoid certain foods if you do not want to. What you do have to ensure is that your calorie counts are as accurate as possible. If you follow this plan and log honestly, you will lose weight. It's as simple as that. Though I say "simple" when the reality is that it requires a lot of self discipline. You just have to ensure that your weight loss goals are a priority in your life.

    Feel free to send me a friend request and I am happy to help :)
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    I agree with the advice of pre-logging and then sticking to your tracker. This is what I do and what helps me be successful. I log everything the night before - and then throughout the day I munch on what I have logged. I almost never eat everything I logged, so it feels good to go in at the end of the day and delete things and make necessary adjustments.

    I too have been drinking the pruvit drinks, and for me, I know they are not the cause of my weight loss but I do find they curb my appetite and give me energy that I didn't have before. So, I'll take it! I have decided to use them for 3 months and then taper off, hoping that by that point I will be adjusted to eating less calories my body will be accustomed to using fat for fuel.

    I also agree that you need to be in a calorie deficit - you can be in ketosis and gain weight. Calories in vs Calories out does still apply, even with a low-carb way of eating.

    Welcome! :)
  • kandyflower
    kandyflower Posts: 14 Member
    I looked over that website and had some great info! Thank you so much!
  • kandyflower
    kandyflower Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks @River_Goddess for the info on the Pruvit drinks and how you've taken them. Thanks for your input on how you log your food. I'll be trying that!