Calories and Excercising?

My daily caloric intake should be 1200 to lose my ten pounds in a month, which I'm fine with. But I'm also working out and burn about 400 calories a day. So should I be eating 1600 calories a day to balance out the 1200 or should I be eating the 1200 and burning the 400 off? Thanks :)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    the first 1!
  • SpazyK
    SpazyK Posts: 17
    If you eat the 400 calories you've burned off, you will loose weight. However, if you don't eat those 400 calories, you'll loose the weight faster :)
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    If you DO NOT eat back at least most of those calories your body will go into survival/starvation mode and you will GAIN weight. You need to eat 1200 AFTER exercising or close to it.
  • rainbowbuggy
    rainbowbuggy Posts: 320
    If you DO NOT eat back at least most of those calories your body will go into survival/starvation mode and you will GAIN weight. You need to eat 1200 AFTER exercising or close to it.

    This! Couldn't have said it better!
  • PeytonSwan
    PeytonSwan Posts: 56 Member
    I was asking myself the same question , have the same intake, and as I added my exercises you can see that the table with your daily goal and so on goes automatically up !
    But I feel bad eating after doing my exercises, so there is no necessarily force to eat the burned off calories ! As SpazyK already said you'll loose weight faster !
  • SpazyK
    SpazyK Posts: 17
    I disagree, Woja. If you are eating the recommended 1200 calories per day you are not going into starvation mode. If you eat less than 1200, yes that would apply then.
  • Thank you for this question... I have been gaining weight and not sure why,...but I am eating my 1200 and excersizing and almost never eating those calories. I thought it would make me lose weight faster, but it has been quite counter-productive! :(
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    If you eat the 400 calories you've burned off, you will loose weight. However, if you don't eat those 400 calories, you'll loose the weight faster :)

    If you only eat 800 net Calories, you'll do harm to your body. If you don't believe me, ask your doctor.
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    If you eat the 400 calories you've burned off, you will loose weight. However, if you don't eat those 400 calories, you'll loose the weight faster :)

    This is SO not true! If you create too large of a deficit the effects are the same (or worse) than it is if you eat too much. Make sure you are eating those 1200 calories in NET... So, yes, the first one... if you are burning 400 calories you should be eating 1600 or at least within 50 calories on either side of it and you'll do great! :)
  • luvgreen25
    luvgreen25 Posts: 202
    If you eat the 400 calories you've burned off, you will loose weight. However, if you don't eat those 400 calories, you'll loose the weight faster :)

    You might lose faster at first, but then your body will stop letting go of the weight and go into starvation mode. Be healthy - eat most of your exercise calories back. Even if it means a slower weight loss.
  • PeytonSwan
    PeytonSwan Posts: 56 Member
    Just eat those after-exercise calories with healthy light food :) no heavy things ! Salad, nature yoghurt with marmalade , crisp bread and all that kind of sorts :)
  • dgribb11
    dgribb11 Posts: 11
    I've been told that everybody reacts differently so to do whatever feels better to you. I have started using some of them if I need them and leaving them if I don't.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Why 10 pounds a month?
  • vaston
    vaston Posts: 38 Member
    There are MANY responses to questions like this. Your caloric intake is all about NET. You must NET and average of 1200 kcal/day to avoid starving your body. What does NET mean?

    1200 total kcal eaten in 1 day - 400 kcal burned in exercise = 800 kcal NET = BAD. You will start to destroy your metabolism
    1700 total kcal eaten in 1 day - 400 kcal burned = 1300 kcal NET = GOOD. You will lose weight the RIGHT way

    Now to answer the other question: should you eat your exercise calories back? IT DOESN'T MATTER. As long as you net at least 1200 kcal. Don't get pulled into the debate about eating back calories. Personally I think you should NET between 1300-1400 kcal every day. You will still lose weight but you aren't getting close to that 1200 mark.

    So then, why NET 1200 kcal? There are several studies that have established the minimum fuel requirement for the human body at 1200 kcal/day. If you drop below that for several days in a row your body will begin to burn muscle tissue as fuel and conserve fat tissue for storage because it now thinks you are in starvation mode. The problem with this is rebound weight gain. After you lose your weight and go back to a "normal" daily caloric intake, your body will respond by packing on fat because it still thinks it needs to store it. Therefore you gain your weight back quickly, and will likely gain back more.

    So please, net at least 1200-1300 kcal/day. Your body will stay healthy and you will be better able to keep the weight off once it's gone.
  • michelnie
    michelnie Posts: 30
    It is recommended that you do eat some of those exercise calories back, but make sure it's healthy calories of course. Weight might come off faster at first, but sooner or later you'll reach a point where your body is in starvation mode because you aren't feeding it enough energy to survive daily. And that will not only stall your weight loss but it will instigate more fat production from food and may even burn off muscle. Remember with weight loss, you want to keep your lean muscle mass because it burns more calories whilst reducing fat percentage. So if you keep your body well fed, weight loss might be slower, but it'll be more consistent. And you want consistency, not a quick fix. Remember the weight didn't come on overnight, so don't expect it to fall that fast. It's a marathon not a race. Good luck.
  • SpazyK
    SpazyK Posts: 17
    Thanks, Vaston. Very insightful :)
  • I have been questioning this myself, I’ve tried both…not eating my calories back and eating my calories back. I am settling for a happy medium of eating half the calories back. I’m doing this as I do want to net 1,200 but I also think MFP over estimates the calories burned during exercise. If you don’t want to eat after exercise, do what I do and have a protein shake. It’s really good for recovery…and it gives you those extra calories back but isn’t carb loaded.:laugh:
  • rainbowbuggy
    rainbowbuggy Posts: 320
    There are MANY responses to questions like this. Your caloric intake is all about NET. You must NET and average of 1200 kcal/day to avoid starving your body. What does NET mean?

    1200 total kcal eaten in 1 day - 400 kcal burned in exercise = 800 kcal NET = BAD. You will start to destroy your metabolism
    1700 total kcal eaten in 1 day - 400 kcal burned = 1300 kcal NET = GOOD. You will lose weight the RIGHT way

    Now to answer the other question: should you eat your exercise calories back? IT DOESN'T MATTER. As long as you net at least 1200 kcal. Don't get pulled into the debate about eating back calories. Personally I think you should NET between 1300-1400 kcal every day. You will still lose weight but you aren't getting close to that 1200 mark.

    So then, why NET 1200 kcal? There are several studies that have established the minimum fuel requirement for the human body at 1200 kcal/day. If you drop below that for several days in a row your body will begin to burn muscle tissue as fuel and conserve fat tissue for storage because it now thinks you are in starvation mode. The problem with this is rebound weight gain. After you lose your weight and go back to a "normal" daily caloric intake, your body will respond by packing on fat because it still thinks it needs to store it. Therefore you gain your weight back quickly, and will likely gain back more.

    So please, net at least 1200-1300 kcal/day. Your body will stay healthy and you will be better able to keep the weight off once it's gone.

    Wow! This is an amazing peice of information! Thanks for taking the time to post! :-) Very well said.
  • My daily caloric intake should be 1200 to lose my ten pounds in a month, which I'm fine with. But I'm also working out and burn about 400 calories a day. So should I be eating 1600 calories a day to balance out the 1200 or should I be eating the 1200 and burning the 400 off? Thanks :)

    Ok ... you're already taking a calorie deficit into account by eating at 1200 calories a day, and that is set for you to lose 10lbs a month right? So if you're working out ON TOP of that deficit that's already in place, you could be doing some bad things to your body. If you're not eating enough calories, you're body will actually break down the muscles in your body BEFORE it breaks down the extra fat reserves for the added energy it needs. You need to fuel your body enough so that it's BUILDING muscle, not using it for the energy it needs. I'd check with a nutritionist on this, or a doctor, but I'd eat enough to have a NET calorie intake of 1200 a day. NET calories are: food calories eaten minus any burned off during exercise = NET daily calories. So yes, I'd eat those calories back (or at least a good portion of them).

    NOTE~ If you currently are eating far too little calories and your body is in "starvation mode", you will initially gain weight when you increase your calories. Give it 3-4weeks to level out, and you should start to see the scale drop again. PATIENCE is key. :)