Have fibromyalgia and plantar fasciitis and trying to lose weight

combsshan Posts: 47 Member
Hi, I've never had a weight problem until the last 10 years or so. I developed fibromyalgia 10 years ago and about 5 years ago got plantar fasciitis. Before this I always controlled my weight with exercise, but am no longer able to do that. I do yoga 20 minutes 2x/week and ride a stationary bike 25-30 minutes 3x/week at a moderate speed (don't know exactly what speed since my speedometer is broken, but I'm sweating when I get through) anything more strenuous than that throws my fibro into a flair. Weight lifting is also a no-no. Walking is out because that causes the PF to flair. So wondering if there are any other's out there with the same types of health issues?
My other issue is the meds I take for the fibro are known to cause weight gain and I know that's true. They say that one messes with your satiety signals and the other causes you to crave carbs. All I know is that I've gained 20lbs since I started taking them.
So I started with MFP last week and it says I need to cut my calories to 1340 a day, but man I'm starving at that!!!! Read something somewhere else that says to not cut more than 200 calories at a time to avoid that "hungry all the time" feeling. Said to cut 200/day calories and stay there until you no longer feel hungry all the time and then cut 200 more. To keep doing that every few weeks until your hit calorie goal. Does anybody know if this will actually work? Or is 200 calories to small of a deficeit to make a difference?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.



  • cssimms580
    cssimms580 Posts: 0 Member
    I find that the more carbs I eat the more carbs I crave. So I try to keep my carbs below 25 grams a day and I have trouble eating 1200 calories most days. If I let my carbs get up to 50 grams, I am hungry all of the time no matter how many calories I consume.
  • naeboo615
    naeboo615 Posts: 3 Member
    I also have the same issues plus asthma. I used to be very active but cannot seem to have the energy lately. I will send you a friend request.
  • provence9
    provence9 Posts: 119 Member
    I had plantar fasciatis really bad for a while. I went to a podiatrist. He showed me a foot stretch that really helped. Place the toes of your one foot against a while. Then, lean into the wall. Switch. You can also look up stretches on youtube.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I have plantar fasciitis and it has almost cured itself just by losing weight. It used to be so bad I had to do water walking. Now I can walk or run 5 miles and just get a little sore. Massaging my foot on a tennis ball when it's irritated is all I need to get my feet pain free now.

    A pound of fat is 3500 calories. So a deficit of 200 calories a day would be about a .4 pounds a week loss. If you don't have much to lose that is a perfect rate of loss. If you have more to lose the plan to take off 200 every week until you are losing 1-2 pounds sounds reasonable.
  • kyann229
    kyann229 Posts: 1 Member
    I have fibro and ended up going off of my meds bc I gained almost 60 lbs from them. I have days where I can feel it and get the fibro fog, but have also lost 20 pounds since quitting meds. I stretch a lot and walk. I've had plantar and use a tennis ball or a frozen water bottle. Roll them under your foot. Also, doctor suggested foot exercises that have helped significantly. start by stretching your foot to the ceiling and then hold it for 10 seconds. Then stretch your foot straight out and hold for 10 seconds without curling your toes do that twice then roll your foot to the right 5 times and then roll your foot to the left 5 times. I do this in the mornings before I get out of bed and it stretches my foot out so that I don't have the pain when I first stand up.
  • binkydriver
    binkydriver Posts: 8 Member
    combsshan wrote: »
    Hi, I've never had a weight problem until the last 10 years or so. I developed fibromyalgia 10 years ago and about 5 years ago got plantar fasciitis. Before this I always controlled my weight with exercise, but am no longer able to do that. I do yoga 20 minutes 2x/week and ride a stationary bike 25-30 minutes 3x/week at a moderate speed (don't know exactly what speed since my speedometer is broken, but I'm sweating when I get through) anything more strenuous than that throws my fibro into a flair. Weight lifting is also a no-no. Walking is out because that causes the PF to flair. So wondering if there are any other's out there with the same types of health issues?
    My other issue is the meds I take for the fibro are known to cause weight gain and I know that's true. They say that one messes with your satiety signals and the other causes you to crave carbs. All I know is that I've gained 20lbs since I started taking them.
    So I started with MFP last week and it says I need to cut my calories to 1340 a day, but man I'm starving at that!!!! Read something somewhere else that says to not cut more than 200 calories at a time to avoid that "hungry all the time" feeling. Said to cut 200/day calories and stay there until you no longer feel hungry all the time and then cut 200 more. To keep doing that every few weeks until your hit calorie goal. Does anybody know if this will actually work? Or is 200 calories to small of a deficeit to make a difference?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    Massage massage and more massage
  • combsshan
    combsshan Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. Have set my goal at 1600 calories a day and I feel a little hungry, but not ravenouse like at 1340. Hoping that by next week I can cut another 200. Haven't lost any weight yet, but I'm still encouraged.
  • 1daatatime
    1daatatime Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I have Fibro and plantar and also issuws with ankle botched ankle replacement and arthritis and restless legs plus more .Iv come back to MFP and set it at 1200 should I set it higher do you think my AMR is 2200?
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    I have Fibro and a different foot problem. I do yoga, the exercise bike, swimming, and seated lifting. The lifting helps the most and keeps me from having to take the super pain meds too often, but it can be hard to be consistent with during flares.
  • crackingwise
    crackingwise Posts: 14 Member
    I had plantar fasciitis a few years ago. Went to local CVS, they had a shoe insert machine to measure my feet and recommended the insert I should use ($60). I wore them in my shoes for a month or so, and it completely went away. Haven't needed them since. So if you want to save some ching and fix your foot pain, give it a shot!
  • towardaminime
    towardaminime Posts: 27 Member
    I have fibro, asthma, arthritis most joints but especially in my knees, hands, back and neck. Then about 2 months ago I stepped off a curb wrong and managed to tear the tendons in both ankles. No surgery but was booted for a few weeks. I am still not up to walking except for my normal daily activities. I have a treadmill here at the house because I refuse to walk alone outside because I am afraid I wouldn't make it back home by myself. I am losing weight on 1210 calories a day plus any extras from my activities. I eat my extra calories back. I have found that I don't get hungry during the day IF I use most of my calories for fruit and vegetables. I have been binging on watermelon lately. I bowl piled high is only about 100 calories by weight. I have also prepackaged mini carrot sticks, cucumber, etc into snack packs of 100 grams each. I can just grab and go from the fridge. I seem to get hungry if I don't eat anything for more than a couple hours but if I can grab vegies or fruit without having to fix it, I do ok without getting really hungry.
  • combsshan
    combsshan Posts: 47 Member
    I had plantar fasciitis a few years ago. Went to local CVS, they had a shoe insert machine to measure my feet and recommended the insert I should use ($60). I wore them in my shoes for a month or so, and it completely went away. Haven't needed them since. So if you want to save some ching and fix your foot pain, give it a shot!

    I already wear orthotics to help with the PF. I wish mine resolved itself that quickly. I've been battling with it now for about 6 or 7 years. I wore cheap little flats with no support in them for years and that's probably how I jacked up my feet. I went from the girl with 40 pairs of cheap shoes to the girl with 6 pairs of really expensive, supportive shoes. :D