Anyone Else Future TTC? Losing Weight For Pregnancy



  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    Hello Ladies!! I am sorry I did not respond sooner. It has been crazy with the wedding and my stepdaughter's 5th birthday. I am so excited for all of you and wish you all the best. I have sent friend requests to every one so if I missed anyone please feel free to send me one :)
  • Goldstr324
    Goldstr324 Posts: 19 Member
    No more babies for me, at least planned ones lol. I'm not sure how you feel about programs, but I lost my last baby weight using Isagenix. 35 lbs & 55" in just about 3 1/2 months. I've kept it off easily for a year now - so I am still loving my morning shakes and supplements
  • hrj888
    hrj888 Posts: 30 Member
    I am hoping to have kids in the next 2-3 years if that counts. I want to lose weight first before I try to conceive. I tried to conceive several years ago and was unsuccessful. I want kids with my current boyfriend. We both want kids. Hoping to get married soon too. I'm hoping losing weight will increase my chances of conceiving naturally or I will try IVF.
  • Meh2Milf
    Meh2Milf Posts: 12 Member
    Anybody pregnant yet? :p
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    Meh2Milf wrote: »
    Anybody pregnant yet? :p

    Ha. Nope. My friends are going back and forth on whether they want to do surrogacy at all now. I am willing and excited to do it if they want to, but they are seriously considering other options instead because of the financial implications without guarantee of success.

    I don't mind if they change their minds to choose something else but waffling thing is making me a bit irritated. Just decide so I can get my life organized adequately.
  • xandra47
    xandra47 Posts: 121 Member
    Meh2Milf wrote: »
    Anybody pregnant yet? :p

    I freakin wish! Hopefully next year. I'm down 13 pounds and only 10 pounds from my goal weight though! :)
  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    Meh2Milf wrote: »
    Anybody pregnant yet? :p

    Not yet. I went backwards in my weight loss journey and I believe that is playing a part in it. My ideal goal would be to get back to pp weight from my first daughter but unsure if that will happen. We are leaving it up to God at this point. I do want to be healthier though so I am focusing on my weight loss until I get two pink lines <3 Then I will be looking into ways to maintain or safely lose weight during my pregnancy. I just want to be healthy as possible to alleviate the risk of preeclampsia again. My family is predisposition for it so anything I can do to lessen it would be fantastic.

    Good Luck Ladies!
  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    Meh2Milf wrote: »
    Anybody pregnant yet? :p

    Ha. Nope. My friends are going back and forth on whether they want to do surrogacy at all now. I am willing and excited to do it if they want to, but they are seriously considering other options instead because of the financial implications without guarantee of success.

    I don't mind if they change their minds to choose something else but waffling thing is making me a bit irritated. Just decide so I can get my life organized adequately.

    Oh that has to be so frustrating!! I hope they make up their mind soon!
  • Meh2Milf
    Meh2Milf Posts: 12 Member
    Oh no I hope they get it together and decide!

    I went backwards a bit too. But I'm tackling my pcos now and feeling better. So as my hormones get under control I hope to be more consistent and lose the weight easier. I have 6-9 months before we want to ttc.

    I hope everyone either gets a bfp soon or reaches their goals to start ttc!