Did you hear what Jillian said ....

Last night on the biggest loser Jillian pretty much shot down everything that people have been saying about muscle weighing more than fat and that if you aren't seeing the numbers drop on the scale then you must be losing inches. She basically said if you aren't losing pounds then you aren't losing inches either. What are your thoughts on this????



  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Last night on the biggest loser Jillian pretty much shot down everything that people have been saying about muscle weighing more than fat and that if you aren't seeing the numbers drop on the scale then you must be losing inches. She basically said if you aren't losing pounds then you aren't losing inches either. What are your thoughts on this????

  • lobita44
    lobita44 Posts: 66 Member
    I still think that if your clothes are fitting better, then you are successful!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    We need to realize that Jillian, while a GREAT trainer, isn't a god. She may have the same misconceptions as many of us. Remember, she is focusing on people so obese that doing just about any exercise at all and eating even a semi healthy diet will result in huge weight losses. For her particular situation, I feel that what she said is pretty much true. I think her mistake (and this may be some creative editing on the production teams part) was saying those things without adding a caviat. I seriously doubt she meant that as a blanket statement, but more of a targeted one for the people ON the show.

    I have no way of proving it, and I imagine she will take some heat for it, but that's what I feel.

    Remember, it is monumentally difficult to gain muscle when in a caloric deficit. There will be some modest definition gained, and some increases in other areas, but generally, when you are morbidly obese, the first thing that happens is massive weight loss.
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    a pound is a pound is a pound.

    muscle is more dense, takes up less room than fat.
  • abillings9
    I heard her say that too, and I was like 'WHAT?!'
    I'm stuck on the scale. For the past 2 weeks now, it's NOT MOVING. But, my pants are fitting oh so much better and I'm losing inches a little bit at a time.
    So I'm really hoping that was not about everyone and just those that have a lot of excess weight to lose. :huh:
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I was stunned when I heard that too. Made me feel like a loser for telling myself that I'm gaining muscle during this 2 weeks with no weight loss. She even said losing inches was a lie.....which is the other thing I'm telling myself.
    But I see it. My pants actually fit now, ones that I couldn't even zip 2 weeks ago.
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    We need to realize that Jillian, while a GREAT trainer, isn't a god. She may have the same misconceptions as many of us. Remember, she is focusing on people so obese that doing just about any exercise at all and eating even a semi healthy diet will result in huge weight losses. For her particular situation, I feel that what she said is pretty much true. I think her mistake (and this may be some creative editing on the production teams part) was saying those things without adding a caviat. I seriously doubt she meant that as a blanket statement, but more of a targeted one for the people ON the show.

    I have no way of proving it, and I imagine she will take some heat for it, but that's what I feel.

    Remember, it is monumentally difficult to gain muscle when in a caloric deficit. There will be some modest definition gained, and some increases in other areas, but generally, when you are morbidly obese, the first thing that happens is massive weight loss.

    I have to agree with you Banks, if you are obese, you will drop pounds before gaining muscle
  • sherris
    sherris Posts: 112
    this can't be true i haven't lost a pound in a WHOLE MONTH!!!!


    I have lost 3 inches on my waist!!!!!!.......and i'm NOT cheating!!!!!!
  • pdxmomof2
    My take on what she said is this:

    The # on the scale is what it is. They are in a game to watch the scale move down each week. So if the scale isnt moving then in the end your not going to be "the biggest loser". The tape measure is not going to win them the money or help them take control at this point.

    We all know our own bodies. We all know when our pants fit us better or the shirt is not so tight. That is an accomplishment. Someday it will be an accomplishment for the people on that show too!

    I say keep those tape measures out! Watch your muscles start to define themselves and be proud of it!

  • motherof3
    I think she was directing this toward the people on the show as well... either way I would love to have her at my house for 2 months!!!
  • AugustBaby1973
    I agree with Banks! I think Jillian was referring to the cast of the show. They are so big to begin with that if the scale doesn't move weekly, then it's like they aren't doing themselves justice. They aren't small enough yet to get the chisled frame that Ali had by the end of the show, so it will take time. Eventually, when they are smaller, the muscle will definitely outweigh the fat they are carrying! :bigsmile:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Yup, Banks I totally agree with you. Her comment was directed at the contestants. Just remember everyone, their sole purpose is to work out and eat right. They work out for 4-8 hours a day, so don't get discouraged when you see your scale only going down a couple pounds.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    You weigh what you weigh - you may lose inches because you are toning up muscle but your weight is what it is! I've had weeks of no loss in pounds but did lose in inches - I feel like it's progress towards my end goal but still need the pounds to go or the tone muscle under the flubber is hidden anyway!
  • jsmccloy
    jsmccloy Posts: 59 Member
    Since the goal on The Biggest Loser is to lose weight then for her intended audience she was right. But muscle definitely weighs more than fat, and if you're losing inches but staying the same weight you're definitely gaining muscle and losing fat (or you've eaten rocks).
    My mother was a nutritionist, and she had silicone models of what five pounds of fat looked like (gross) vs. 5 pounds of muscle that were molded from real fat and muscle. The muscle chunk was a lot smaller because muscle IS denser and weighs more.
  • MattySparky
    you guys have to forget what you hear on tv... the media is a lie! It always has been and always will be. Keep in mind that everything that ANYONE says on tv is bought and paid for. This includes testimonys from the trainers on biggest loser as well. While some of what Jillian said (I didn't see it so I dont know the full extent) may have merit, you can bet that it was scripted and may or may not reflect her actual opinions or even the truth. I have a hard time believing that muscle is not heavier than fat... after all, every single health professional I've ever talked to has said the same thing. Friends of mine who are bodybuilders, people who build muscle like it's their job, have said the same thing and believe it. I think television is deceptive.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I guess I thought it was that she's sick of hearing people who aren't really putting 100% effort forward and then use that as a crutch - oh, I didn't lose weight, I must have gained muscle - or a trainer who wants their client to feel better - oh, you must have replaced fat with muscle.....

    As said before a lb of anything weighs the same as an lb of anything else (fat, muscle, feathers, bricks, chocolate - whatever). But inch per inch, I think muscle is heavier. Correct me if I'm wrong
  • coliechacer
    i agree when i heard Jillian say that last night my heart stopped. Cause my trainer says i will gain muscle weight first idk what to believe anymore!
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    Since the goal on The Biggest Loser is to lose weight then for her intended audience she was right. But muscle definitely weighs more than fat, and if you're losing inches but staying the same weight you're definitely gaining muscle and losing fat (or you've eaten rocks).
    My mother was a nutritionist, and she had silicone models of what five pounds of fat looked like (gross) vs. 5 pounds of muscle that were molded from real fat and muscle. The muscle chunk was a lot smaller because muscle IS denser and weighs more.

    I would love to see that!!!! Put it in perspective.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Yeah - I was a little upset! DH was laughing at me yelling at my tv :blushing: I just went through 3 weeks where I didn't lose 1 lb, but lost 3/4 inch. Then in 5 days I lost 3 lbs! So I know what she said wasn't true - but I do believe she was refering to the contestants that were coming back that obviously hadn't done their work. I also hate the statement that "the scale doesn't lie" YES IT DOES!! But in the case of the show - really it is a good reflector of the work they are doing or not doing (Joelle).
  • drewzaun
    drewzaun Posts: 111
    I don't know. I don't often get the chance to watch the show but it was on in the gym last night so I saw the part that is mentioned here. And I 100% agree with everything Jillian said. And what she said transcends the show and applies to us as well.

    We need to face the facts, you do not gain muscle anywhere near as fast as you can lose fat. Period. If you are obese, and certainly those contestants are, then you are not gaining muscle. Maybe you are stripping out the marbled fat within your muscles, and that is causing you to drop and inch here or there, or maybe your muscle is firmer and not allowing parts to sag quite so much, but you are not losing the main fat. It means you are eating too much or not working hard enough.

    The normal person is not going to lose consistently. Sometimes you will lose alot, sometimes a litte, and sometimes you might gain. This is normal for people who cannot dedicate themselves to the gym and are not 100% in control of what they eat and when they eat it. Everyday life is full of variables. This is to be expected.

    Weight loss simplified is all about figuring out how many calories you need to maintain your weight, then consume less. More complex is not how many calories, but what type of nutrients and when you consume them. And that is critical for muscle gain of any significant amount.

    Sorry, but that is just the way it is.