Yummy desserts

lovelyhulett Posts: 37 Member
Hey all! I would love to get some yummy dessert recipes. I have a big sweet tooth but now with my diet and being strict with it I would like to have some healthy dessert recipes. Thank you all :)


  • susanofarrell
    susanofarrell Posts: 30 Member
    Vitamin Spinach Icecream (apple juice concentrate, spinach, lemon and ice). Google it.
  • dklibert
    dklibert Posts: 1,196 Member
    My go to right now is a cherry almond slushie. 1 cup frozen dark cherries thawed, 1/2 cup water, sweetener of choice (I use a packet of artificial sweetener), a few drops of almond extract and 2 cup ice. Blend until smooth. Works with any fruit really. I have made grape, watermelon, and cantelope.
  • Jo9220
    Jo9220 Posts: 2 Member
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    What does "healthy" mean to you? Low fat? Low calorie? Low carb? Low sugar?

    I have dessert every day - during the week at the moment its sugar free jelly (Jello), frozen berries, yoghurt that I mix with protein powder and freeze, chopped nuts and cereal.