Halo Top Reaction!?

josette06 Posts: 119 Member
Halo Top is rad and all, but I was wondering if anyone else experienced extreme mouth and throat burning from eating it? It's not even worth the burning that lingers for an hour anymore. I am extremely disappointed in my body and was wondering if anyone else experienced it. I am guessing it's the artificial sugar. :(


  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    edited July 2017
    Many, many people have. It's a reaction to the higher amount of artificial sweeteners. The throat feeling may be heartburn that you are not recognizing.
  • sstini55
    sstini55 Posts: 36 Member
    Halo Top and Quest bars are disgusting.
    I had a bad reaction to both. Upset stomach for two days and my eyes swelled up. And there's the taste.....gross.....
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    Instant sharp stomach pains,sux cuz I wish I could tolerate it
  • valerie7999
    valerie7999 Posts: 16 Member
    edited July 2017
    I noticed a funny feeling in my
    Mouth. I wouldn't say pain though. The added fiber makes my stomach upset. Artificial sugars can give you headaches and stomachaches sometimes. Sounds like your alergic to something in it.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    josette06 wrote: »
    Halo Top is rad and all, but I was wondering if anyone else experienced extreme mouth and throat burning from eating it? It's not even worth the burning that lingers for an hour anymore. I am extremely disappointed in my body and was wondering if anyone else experienced it. I am guessing it's the artificial sugar. :(

    That sounds like a mild allergy. I'd stay away. Anyone can develop an allergy to any food.
  • senoiainkbear
    senoiainkbear Posts: 5 Member
    Halo Top always leaved me with that bloated heavy feeling like I have a brick in my tummy for two days. Good flavor but not worth it.
  • dm5859
    dm5859 Posts: 81 Member
    I tried the oatmeal cookie flavor yesterday and it was good but a little too sweet for me. I mean I'll eat it again of course... I also have the vanilla bean to try. My sister is in love with lemon cake. So are our chihuahuas. I wish they had vanilla with chocolate chips. I hate mint chip from every brand. As for reactions, I've not had any but I'm used to sweeteners. Real sugar gives me headaches. Weird right?