Weigh in frequency

I have been weighing in once a week....first thing after I crawl out of the bed on Fridays. I see a lot of folks weighing in every day...is that better to keep track or is it gonna cause more anxiety lol. When do yall weigh in and how frequent?


  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    It depends
    Do you like data and seeing trends and like a trending app?weight in daily
    Does the idea of day to day fluxes as water weight stress you out? Weigh weekly or monthly
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Daily weighing causes me less anxiety because I know exactly what my body is doing. Daily weighing gives you more data points and data is power!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,057 Member
    When in weight-loss mode, I weigh daily. When I'm maintaining I weigh Friday and Monday. If I remember...
  • Pamela_Sue
    Pamela_Sue Posts: 563 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and evening. My dietician thinks I should just weigh weekly due to the fluctuations from day to day. She suggested a compromise. I still weigh myself every day, but I only record my weight once a week (Mondays for me). It does keep me a bit less anxious about the numbers. Hope this helps you.
  • ddrumstic
    ddrumstic Posts: 15 Member
    Sunday morning for me. Everyday puts me in an obsessive frame of mind and then the results tend to dictate my mood for the day.
  • TorStar80
    TorStar80 Posts: 252 Member
    I am obsessive about weighing but I think it's my personal obsession and need for control. I've heard once a week it healthier. As other people have mentioned you don't capture as much fluctuation. If you can do once a week without issues, that would probably be better.
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    I do it when I remember! I have to put my scale out the night before or I will only remember I was supposed to do a weigh-in after I've already had my breakfast. Now that I am back here and logging, I want to have a more consistent schedule for my weigh-ins, but every day is too much for me and once a week not enough.
  • sweetgeeek
    sweetgeeek Posts: 22 Member
    I weigh all the time. Sometimes throughout the day. Only for curiosity, not because every move I make makes me panic. I don't get anxious I find it interesting to see what makes the weight move throughout the day.
    I only count one weigh in, Wednesday morning same time every time.
  • RichardM1047
    RichardM1047 Posts: 61 Member
    DodieAnnB wrote: »
    I have been weighing in once a week....first thing after I crawl out of the bed on Fridays. I see a lot of folks weighing in every day...is that better to keep track or is it gonna cause more anxiety lol. When do yall weigh in and how frequent?

    I weigh in a minimum of two times a week, always the same place and in the same way, tollaly agree with you about weighting in the morning, before you have breakfast.
  • sedj241
    sedj241 Posts: 36 Member
    It takes your body roughtly about 24 hours +/- to process the food in your belly. When I was losing weight I stepped on the scale everyday (in the morning), this gave me a reference of what foods I should and should not be eating because our bodies react differently to certain foods.
  • MrsPinterest34
    MrsPinterest34 Posts: 342 Member
    I weigh myself daily every morning but record only when the number drops. I expect fluctuations. So even if I skip some days it doesn't bother me. It's quite interesting seeing the crazy fluctuations between ovulation and TOM. When I achieve my target goal and just focus maintenance I'm switching to weekly or bimonthly.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    DodieAnnB wrote: »
    I have been weighing in once a week....first thing after I crawl out of the bed on Fridays. I see a lot of folks weighing in every day...is that better to keep track or is it gonna cause more anxiety lol. When do yall weigh in and how frequent?

    This depends on you and what your reaction to normal weight fluctuations are. I typically weigh in 2-3 times per week.
  • anniemac16
    anniemac16 Posts: 3 Member
    I weigh every day but record my weight loss weekly (Tuesday's ) I find it helps me as I can see what food keep an eye on my daily foods x
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Whatever you're comfortable with is the best thing for you.

    When I was losing weight in the beginning I would weigh myself every 2 weeks didn't even really pay attention to the scale I trusted the process. When I went into maintenance in the beginning I basically weighed myself a couple times a week but I only recorded the way once a week. The reason for that was it was more of a learning process about my body and how my weight will fluctuate daily.

    Now that I've sort of figure it out maintenance I basically weigh myself a couple times a month.
    Will vary on what day of the week I do it the only thing I'm consistent with is the fact that I do it at the same time and under the same conditions
  • anonymouse37
    anonymouse37 Posts: 14 Member
    Sometimes I can be rational about the day to day fluctuations and sometimes it gets to me. I try to lose slowly so weekly doesn't work because a loss might be in the noise of regular weight fluctuations and if I saw no loss after a week, my head might explode. Monthly seems too long because I want to know that my plan is working -- that I don't need to adjust anything.

    My solution has been to have my husband take daily weight readings and let me know if the trend is downward. I look away while he records it. He does a great job. I just focus on what I can control: the calories that I eat and my exercise. So far its been working. There was a period when he told me I might be losing a little too fast, so I made sure to eat to aim for a .75 lb loss per week. Nothing is perfect. This has worked best for me.
  • sosteach
    sosteach Posts: 260 Member
    I weigh in on Sunday mornings. More then once a week would drive me crazy
  • thekevinbroach
    thekevinbroach Posts: 111 Member
    i weigh everyday mainly just because I'm curious how my weight fluctuates from day to day and it does give me some sense of control and I'm just nosy in nature..haha. But... I only log my weight on Monday mornings, following the same routine and same time every Monday morning.