I just signed up for a 5K... in 10 days. :/



  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    spartan_d wrote: »
    I wasn't going to say anything at first, but... I heartily agree with those who say that if you're already active, you should be able to mostly run or jog a 5K, even if you run slowly.

    Seriously, folks. Resolving to walk this distance is setting the bar way too low. It may be advisable if you've been a resolute couch potato, but otherwise, it's not a good way to challenge one's self.

    It's all about the calves. When I was 29 or 30 years old, I signed up for a 5K. I figured I could run it, because I could walk forever. Walking 5 miles was no problem, and I might have been able to just walk a 5K in 45 minutes, certainly in under 50 minutes.

    Well. I ran as far as I could, limped the rest, and could barely walk the next day. Cardio and being active wasn't the problem; trying to run 3 miles without being trained to run was the problem.

    Fast forward to my late 40s and early 50s, and co-workers convinced me to do the 3.5 mile Chase (now JP Morgan) Corporate Challenge. Several years in a row, I trained as best as my limited time and woefully inadequate understanding allowed. And every single year, I was unable to run full course. The best I managed was running 2 miles and walking the rest. By then I was smart enough not to push so hard, so I got by with just having very sore calves the next few days.

    Later, I found a program and became a runner. Now, at age 61, I can decide to register for a half marathon on Friday and run the race on Saturday. But I'm no longer untrained for running. Now I'm a marathon runner, and pretty much perpetually in shape to run 13 miles if I want to. I wasn't always that well trained, and when I wasn't trained for running at all 3 miles was a Very Big Deal to run.

    Walk-run intervals? Sure, that can be done. Run 3 miles, totally untrained for running? Maybe, if you run easy and are willing to put up with the recovery. But it won't be a fun next week. And how many people with no training to run can even get the idea of running easy right on the first try? Walking, or walk-run intervals, are far more likely to produce a positive experience.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Squats and deadlifts are the only things that can save you now.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I don't see a problem with walking it, or doing run-walk intervals. You can challenge yourself by increasing your pace.
  • spartan_d
    spartan_d Posts: 727 Member
    Sorry, but no. As others have said, if you're already active, then you probably don't need to plan on running the whole distance. You can run slowly if you need to, but you can still run most of the way.

    Yes, the muscles and tendons will need to adapt. That's why you might need to take it slow -- and perhaps take the occasional break. If you decide ahead of time to walk the 5K distance though, then you're already selling yourself short.

    And YES, I am a runner. A reluctant one who doesn't particularly enjoy running. In fact, I say these things from experience, as I always had to take it slow in my early days -- but I still managed to mostly run the entire distance precisely because I was already living an active lifestyle.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    edited July 2017
    spartan_d wrote: »
    Sorry, but no. As others have said, if you're already active, then you probably don't need to plan on running the whole distance. You can run slowly if you need to, but you can still run most of the way.

    Yes, the muscles and tendons will need to adapt. That's why you might need to take it slow -- and perhaps take the occasional break. If you decide ahead of time to walk the 5K distance though, then you're already selling yourself short.

    And YES, I am a runner. A reluctant one who doesn't particularly enjoy running. In fact, I say these things from experience, as I always had to take it slow in my early days -- but I still managed to mostly run the entire distance precisely because I was already living an active lifestyle.

    An active non-runner who's committed can walk a 5K in under 38 minutes. Or "slow run it" in 40-42. Which is a more ambitious goal?

    Or, select a deliberate walk/run cadence to go even a little bit faster.. 33-35 minutes.

    I did a 10K earlier this year... with a walk/run cadence and hit my 10K in 71 minutes. My runs averaged 11 minutes and my walks 13:30. My peak run was 10ish and peak walk 12.
  • scarlet67
    scarlet67 Posts: 107 Member
    Can you skateboard lol :wink:
  • only6icecubes
    only6icecubes Posts: 20 Member
    It's only 3.1 miles! If you walk a 15 minute pace you're done in just over 45 minutes. Have a beer at the end and enjoy the rest of your day. If you hurt the next morning, start drinking early.