"Skinny *****"

Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
So recently I was having a conversation with my MGR, because she has pictures of her two best friends on her desk, and they have Rockin Bodies I must say! She started telling me that they read all the Skinny Bi*ch Books and from reading them, they bacame Vegetarians.....:noway: She said prior to the books, they ate burgers, chicken, everything and anything, and after the books, they completely changed their food habits and life!! So I was definitly curious, who's read the book? and how did it effect you? it's 10 bucks at Barnes and Noble, should I consider reading this book? Details would be appreciated! :) Gracias and keep up the good work MFPeeps! :bigsmile:

-Jess :flowerforyou:


  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    I read it. It did have some helpful things in there about artificial sweeteners and pesticides and stuff... but I pretty much felt like the book was a giant plug for Veganism.
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    Bump! Good post!
  • camille97
    camille97 Posts: 91
    Hey, it's 10 bucks, says "Skinny" in the title, and looks like it worked for some pretty sexy people ;)

    Why not? I'm now even considering finding it myself!
  • carisatterwhite
    carisatterwhite Posts: 16 Member
    I read some of it. If you want to become strictly vegetarian. No meat, eggs, dairy. They are completely against animal products of any kind. I guess that would be vegan?
  • jatcat310
    jatcat310 Posts: 63
    I have read the book and a lot of it rings true, there is a lot of shocking stuff in there but there is no way I could give up meat no matter what they call it...no gonna spoil it if you get the book.

    So I have decided to be a Skinny B****, but not a vegan one.
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    I loved the book. I don't eat red meat. just chicken and fish. it really does change your image of how we get our meat and what is being done with it. Its eye opening and I really enjoyed it. Basically if you eat crap you will be crap.
  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    I was unimpressed with the book. Being a true vegan is hard work and takes commitment.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    This book honestly changed my life!!! I went on to read the Kind Diet after I read it, and the information in it is so useful! I read it a few years ago, and have been vegan ever since. My doctors basically told me I'd be dead by 23 (very rare and severe form of Lupus which has killed off nearly every woman in my family very young)...I'm 27 now and still going strong thanks to the lifestyle change brought on by this book!
  • madworld711
    I've read it. I found it at the half price bookstore a couple of summers ago. It was just okay. Not really anything new & they really did ***** about pretty much anything that wasn't organic or vegan. I considered for maybe a second on becoming a vegan. But, quickly reconsidered as I drove by the BBQ place & got a whiff of the smoked meat.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I have read it, basically it's a no nonsense no excuses book about changing your habits. Kinda like, coke is bad for you so don't ever drink it....just don't. That kind of view about changing habits. Also they slip in some pretty graphic stories about animal cruelty that you really don't expect, I didn't appreciate that being that I already don't eat meat and would have appreciated a warning before getting those horrible images stuck in my head.
  • adcocks2001
    I read the book and it has changed my life. I have not ate meat in 3 weeks. Trying to eat more fruits and vegetables. I was devistated when I read about the treatment of these animals and what all goes in with it. Plus they are all pumped full of hormones. Simply unfit to eat or give you family. You should give it a look!

    The reason I got it was my friends had breast cancer 3 years ago. I saw her the other day and she looked GREAT! Then she told me about the book. She has lost 50lbs in 6 months. Also she goes and gets checked every year to check her cancer level. Last year before diet change it was at 30... This year 9!! Now that spoke very clearly to me....
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    I haven't read it, but I am reading 'The China Study' by Dr. Colin Campbell right now, and it is thoroughly researched (for literally years), factual, not at all faddish, and very enlightening about what animal protein of any kind does to our bodies. I have had issues with meat for years, haven't eaten ground beef since 1997 unless it was from a roast that I ground myself and that only very rarely, and limited red meat at all in the past 10 years, but the information contained in this book has me re-thinking my entire approach to my diet concerning ALL animal protein. I've already decided to give meat up for good, and I'm only a third of the way through the book! The animal-protein/disease connection is just too well documented (although not receiving a lot of mainstream attention, surprise surprise) for me personally to ignore it any longer.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I haven't read it, but I am reading 'The China Study' by Dr. Colin Campbell right now, and it is thoroughly researched (for literally years), factual, not at all faddish, and very enlightening about what animal protein of any kind does to our bodies. I have had issues with meat for years, haven't eaten ground beef since 1997 unless it was from a roast that I ground myself and that only very rarely, and limited red meat at all in the past 10 years, but the information contained in this book has me re-thinking my entire approach to my diet concerning ALL animal protein. I've already decided to give meat up for good, and I'm only a third of the way through the book! The animal-protein/disease connection is just too well documented (although not receiving a lot of mainstream attention, surprise surprise) for me personally to ignore it any longer.

    The China Study is an amazing read!
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    I've not read the book, but I was an animal loving super sensitive kid so when I was like 11 and saw a poor little goat being skinned ALIVE (in Saudi Arabia where I grew up) I instantly became a vegetarian as well as traumatized. I was a vegetarian for almost 15 years but I started noticing I was getting very sick often and the more in shape I became the sicker I would get. The last straw came when I left work one day and drove to a gas station in a daze handed the cashier my wallet and scarfed a whole snickers bar in about 2 seconds (the only time I've ever done that in my whole life). I seriously thought I was going to pass out. I went to the doctor and I checked out fine. Finally I decided to start eating chicken and fish and I haven't had that problem again :) So the whole point to my life story is this....If you're going to try and go Vegan/Vegi make sure you are getting the proper nutrition, it's a lot harder then it sounds
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    So recently I was having a conversation with my MGR, because she has pictures of her two best friends on her desk, and they have Rockin Bodies I must say! She started telling me that they read all the Skinny Bi*ch Books and from reading them, they bacame Vegetarians.....:noway: She said prior to the books, they ate burgers, chicken, everything and anything, and after the books, they completely changed their food habits and life!! So I was definitly curious, who's read the book? and how did it effect you? it's 10 bucks at Barnes and Noble, should I consider reading this book? Details would be appreciated! :) Gracias and keep up the good work MFPeeps! :bigsmile:

    -Jess :flowerforyou:
    Lol if you're ethnic, you probably love meat. I do too which is why I don't bother with vegetarian diets or books. JMO.
  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    I have heard some good things about that book and, even though I am a dude, I have flipped through some of it. It is mostly about cutting out a lot of animal products in your diet (well, ALL animal products really). So, yeah, not eating fried chicken and giant bacon cheeseburgers will help shed the pounds. However, I prefer Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto." It feels less gimmicky to me and more about finding a healthy, sustainable ideal than a coveted outcome. But, as I said before, I have only read parts of that book, and I am still not "skinny" really, so what do I know (plus, by the end of writing this, I am still a dude).
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    I haven't read it, but I am reading 'The China Study' by Dr. Colin Campbell right now, and it is thoroughly researched (for literally years), factual, not at all faddish, and very enlightening about what animal protein of any kind does to our bodies. I have had issues with meat for years, haven't eaten ground beef since 1997 unless it was from a roast that I ground myself and that only very rarely, and limited red meat at all in the past 10 years, but the information contained in this book has me re-thinking my entire approach to my diet concerning ALL animal protein. I've already decided to give meat up for good, and I'm only a third of the way through the book! The animal-protein/disease connection is just too well documented (although not receiving a lot of mainstream attention, surprise surprise) for me personally to ignore it any longer.

    Hmmmm this sounds super interesting! I am going to check it out. I hope it's on iBooks :)
  • ChristinaMarie85
    ChristinaMarie85 Posts: 142 Member
    I tried to read it, but all the meat bashing didn't catch my interest. It has some good info, but I got bored pretty quickly.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member

    Lol if you're ethnic, you probably love meat. I do too which is why I don't bother with vegetarian diets or books. JMO.

    WTF does ethnicity have to do with it? I'm Mexican and vegan...what are you trying to say exactly??
  • madworld711

    Lol if you're ethnic, you probably love meat. I do too which is why I don't bother with vegetarian diets or books. JMO.

    WTF does ethnicity have to do with it? I'm Mexican and vegan...what are you trying to say exactly??

    yeah. that's just weird.