New to this!!!

Hi everyone!!!
starting today. tried everything, including lap bad, which you can cheat. weigh 249 @ 5'9". goal is 150. started this life change on monday and lost 4 lbs so far. looks like my evil diet plan is working!!! read some of the before and after posts, very inspirational!!!


  • twink44
    twink44 Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome! I think this is an amazing tool for weight loss. I only started a week ago, but the food diary is helping me eat enough to feel great and stay on track to my goal. Glad you are here. Friend me if you want.
  • Kappyoc
    Kappyoc Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome! This is great for support and accountability. The food tracker is great, if you are honest! Did you just have lapband on Monday??? Friend me and we can travel this road together.
  • colleen656
    colleen656 Posts: 25
    no lap band was done in january. all i have lost was 15 lbs
  • T0Writ3L0v3
    T0Writ3L0v3 Posts: 5 Member
    keep consistent with logging in and reading other peoples posts! you'll love it! 4 lbs?! Way to go!! Keep it up!!