I'm soooo disappointed

Is really disappointed. I can't drop a pound. The 5 original pounds I lost I think was just the difference between the Dr's. scale and mine. I'm trying to stay right at my calorie intake or below. I'm running every stinking day and adding strength training excercises to boot but the scale doesn't budge. Granted, I'm 51 and the metabolisim has slowed to a crawl but wouldn't you think I'd lose a pound or two. Very disappointed today. :(


  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    How long have you been doing this for? People Plato for weeks then a load drops off at once! staying still is moving forward :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Is really disappointed. I can't drop a pound. The 5 original pounds I lost I think was just the difference between the Dr's. scale and mine. I'm trying to stay right at my calorie intake or below. I'm running every stinking day and adding strength training excercises to boot but the scale doesn't budge. Granted, I'm 51 and the metabolisim has slowed to a crawl but wouldn't you think I'd lose a pound or two. Very disappointed today. :(
    Did doc give you a hormone profile?
  • katema62
    katema62 Posts: 15
    I only use one scale...when I go to the Doctor's I'm always over...because I have clothes on or I had already eaten.
    Also, going through peri/meno thing...weight doesn't budge...just started taking some natural things...they are helping.
    Good luck
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    Since you just joined MFP this month...don't get discouraged! One of the issues could be that your calorie intake is too high or too low (your diary isn't public so I couldn't take a look). Experiment and see what YOUR calorie intake should be.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I hear ya, it is the middle age metabolism. I'm 48 and I've logged in here every day for the last 90 something days. I've worked hard on the exercise, and I've worked hard on the calorie counting. I've lost 9lbs. That really fabulous for 3 months hard work, but I can tell you that I was gaining and losing the same first 4 lbs in the first 6 weeks. I think my metabolism had to reset itself. Here are some of the great suggestions I got:

    Switch up your exercise - I was just walking at least 30 minutes per day, at about 3.5 mph. Now I hit the elliptical, do some pilates, yoga and dance blast cardio. Walking is still my first love, but sometimes I run too.

    Put your protein goal higher, watch your sodium and sugar intake (you can add those to your diary to watch). I was told to try and keep my sugar to 25g per day, but I eat fruit and that pretty much is impossible for me. But I still watch it.

    Stay positive, stay focused and log everything no matter what. Don't cheat yourself. Eventually the pounds will come off, slowly, but that is the way it is for us. I can live with that.
  • DJmom44
    DJmom44 Posts: 91
    You didn't mention whether you stay at or below your NET calories; this will make a difference. And your food diary is closed, so we can't see what kinds of foods you are eating; that will also makes a difference.
  • tidworth1972
    You could always try buying new scales, there is always the chance yours are faulty.
  • chouxsalad
    I'm 32 and have been on the same regimen as you for the past four weeks! My best guess is that the weight I'm trying to lose is the 'last five pounds' and as a result it's the most persistant. I think I dropped the usual few pounds right at the start and have not budged on the scale/size measurements since. In fact, I've I've been creeping up a pound or two. I went from an eat-what-I-want diet (definitely 2000+ calories/day although I never tracked) to 1200 and less (that's what is suggested to me for weight loss). I am meticulously logging ALL my food/water consumption and eating very healthy. No processed foods or 'junk' food. Lots of water, veggies, protein and healthy carbs/fat. I also went from no exercise to running every day (20 min run, 10 min walk) and have recently started going to the gym to lift weights as strength training in addition to cardio. It's too soon to see if the strength training will have any effects (fingers crossed) but so far...nothing!

    I'm sticking with it as I don't really see what else to do. Hopefully patience will prevail! My biggest concern is once the school semester starts (I'm a teacher) that I won't be able to increase the intensity of my workouts by making them longer.

    Wish I had some suggestions for you, but I wanted to throw my story in to commiserate! :)
  • m_erira
    m_erira Posts: 52 Member
    disappintment is part of life... but you need to keep it going all the MFP community is supporting you, and remember not loosing sometimes in part of the process... don't get discourage... my first weight in was also frustrating... but even thought I was sad... I realized it was part of the fact that I decide to change my life and watching what I eat and regular exercise is just part of being healthier... so KEEP IT GOING!!!!!! the scale eventually will drop!!!! I'm certain
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    You can do this. :-)