anyone else out their wanting to become a wrestler or mma fi

its been my dream since I was a kid, so I thought if I found others it would motivate me more to add other people like me wanting or who already are a wrestler/ mma fighter : -)


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    well - that desire was put into your heart for a reason. GO FOR IT!!!
  • pratkovic
    pratkovic Posts: 55
    I have done the competitive fighting. If it is a passion go for it. But it is a lot more work than you realize and my body has never been the same since! cutting weight to make a certain weight has screwed my metab and is has taken over 2 years to get it in line. I have a shoulder that will never be the same.

    It was worth it yes because I loved it but it is a lot of work for very little payoff even if you love to fight.
  • banjjo
    banjjo Posts: 89
    That's a great goal! Go for it. Look up Tandi Schaeffer for some great inspiration.
  • jenasylum
    jenasylum Posts: 9 Member
    I'm there too. The interest was sparked years ago but Im just now realizing that someday it may be possible. Is there such thing as Recreational MMA?