Weigh in frequency



  • dalem14
    dalem14 Posts: 18 Member
    Every morning for me.
  • Pablosammy
    Pablosammy Posts: 52 Member
    Every morning, after the morning wee and while I'm still naked! Takes 10 seconds, and I got the Fitbit scales so they log everything for me. I do see daily fluctuations of over a kilo, which seems crazy but it's made me appreciate how it can happen and taught me not to stress about it.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    I am a daily weigh-in gal. It's just what works for me!! I've weighed in every day for 8 months. It's keeps me on track and I fully expect to see the scale go up and down slightly...it's all about the downward trend overall.
    I like it because if I see a sudden increase, I can go back to my diary and say "oh! All that turkey bacon means lots of sodium, so it's water weight". Also, hormones cause water weight changes and weighing in daily helps me know what's going on with my cycle.
    It doesn't work for everyone but the key is finding what works for you! Good luck!
  • jryun2
    jryun2 Posts: 3 Member
    Once a week after i work out to lose some water weight first lol. everyday fluctuations discourage me big time
  • alkight84
    alkight84 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm working with a trainer and she wants daily weigh ins. I thought that was terrible but actually it helps me stay focused. If i gain a pound I know I need to be more strict about what I eat that day
  • tk2222
    tk2222 Posts: 199 Member
    I like daily, it actually amkes me less anxious and gives me more of a sense of ordinary daily fluctuations. Every individual weigh-in is less of a big deal, than if it was a big weekly thing where I would be expecting to see progress every single time.
  • emhorn625
    emhorn625 Posts: 35 Member
    edited July 2017
    My "official" weigh in day is Friday but I do weigh myself a couple of other times during the week. It helps my motivation and keeps me on track.
  • bscroggins05
    bscroggins05 Posts: 65 Member
    I weigh twice a week, on Tuesday and Friday. Once a weeknis not enough for me and everyday is too much. That being said, I was up from vacation last week and have been weighing daiky this week. Whichbia confirming for menit was watwr weight. But I only log on my official weigh in days.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I weigh in daily because doing that at the start of the day reminds me of what I'm doing. It tells me this is another day to keep track, fill in the diary, etc. When I go to once a week weighing, I tend to be more slipshod about it all and the weight slowly crawls back up to where I started.
  • Pablosammy
    Pablosammy Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for the above tip about Trend Weight, it's my new favourite website! Especially as it integrates with my Fitbit scales.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I train before work 6 days a week. I go wearing exercise clothes. Three days a week I spin, and since I spin in cleats, I put them on in the bike room. Between the time I get to the gym and I put on my special shoes, I weigh myself.

    Do what works for you!
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    I'm creating hard data I can take to a healthcare professional if need be this time around so am keeping track daily and plugging it into a weight trend spreadsheet. The completely normal daily fluctuations bothered me in the past when I tried to weigh daily and derailed me at least once. So by keeping it clinical this time, I am aiming to get over prior irrational thoughts/behaviors associated with daily tracking at the same time. One stone, two birds sort of thing if you will.
  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    I do weigh myself once a week (Tuesday for me) and record.. But, I will jump on the scale when I get curious to see where I am at in the beginning and middle of the week.
  • haroldrios1692
    haroldrios1692 Posts: 90 Member
    Weighing in everyday is like checking your bank account daily hoping that a check was deposited when you know you get paid on the same day every week. Our body weight fluctuates due to water retention etc...so doing it daily is just misleading. Changes in true weight are gradual...id do it on Friday or Saturday morning on a fasted stomach and first thing in the morning after waking up.
  • Extreme_Design_Fitness
    I personally weigh myself Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays just so I know I'm on track.. some might think that's to much and your weight will fluctuate but you will notice once you get used to what you weigh and at what times the numbers are not as important as how you look and feel keep positive and try not to live by numbers live for how you feel
  • rednote49
    rednote49 Posts: 124 Member
    I weigh myself every 5 weeks. I had a rather unhealthy relationship with the scale in the past so I just focus on my cals and gym time. More importantly I measure my inches lost which looks are lot larger than just lbs on the scale.
  • fpmferreira
    fpmferreira Posts: 21 Member
    For someone on a strong weightloss program I think an every day weighting can be stressful.
    I think, it should be done once a week, at the same time (ex. every morning after waking up).
    If not in a program like that, once in a while.
    I usually weight myself every two months.
  • 2y2k
    2y2k Posts: 41 Member
    I think people should do what's right for them. If you want to weigh in every day– weigh in every day. If you want to weigh in once a week– weigh in once a week. No one should tell another what they think they should do. Everyone knows what's right for them. I personally weigh myself once a day, because, like DeannalFisher said, it simply becomes a data point, a facet of the entire picture. Wishing you well! <3
  • TnZMom
    TnZMom Posts: 222 Member
    I used to weigh weekly but would get so frustrated if I was up a pound. Weighing daily I might be up a pound one day but will probably lose that and more by the end of the week. I like having the downward trend. All it takes is two weeks of weighing daily and you see you are losing, whereas two days in those two weeks might be no loss or a gain. Especially if you menstruate.

    I used to avoid weighing daily for the reasons you mentioned but now do it daily and actually feel less stress.