How often do you track your weight?



  • RainyDayKelli
    RainyDayKelli Posts: 85 Member
    I weigh every day and track every loss......cuz I'm crazy.:blushing:

    haha, me too!
  • Johnsweaver
    Johnsweaver Posts: 46 Member
    I weigh every morning under the same conditions and sometimes I'm 2 lbs heavier than the day before...even after good nutrition days. It would cause me more mental anguish if the odd high weight day were on a weekly weigh-in.
  • luvgreen25
    luvgreen25 Posts: 202
    Personally, I find the ups and downs sabotaging. I know it's just a mental thing, but when I have a gain, I mentally beat myself up and then the whole day is ruined. I don't like the whole yo-yo thing, so I weigh in once a week. Same time, same day, same clothes.
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    once a week if that. I'm not a fan of the scale. I tell my team to go by feel and look.
  • jonesinitup
    I used to be a Weight Watchers gal, but had a baby and not only did I gain 50 pounds with the baby, but with daycare I can no longer afford WW! Double whammy. I'm loving MFP; it's a lot like WW, which I did for years and years. My advice to you is this: you have one sacred time to weigh in, and you only get one chance. You will never know why your weight fluctuated the way that it did, but you have to trust that if you weigh yourself once a week at the same time, etc., then that's your weight for the week. It may be disappointing (and definitely could be related to your cycle; I was always up 1-2 pounds at "that time of the month") to be up for one week, but you could use it as motivation to stay on the straight and narrow for the week to come. Then, next week you could be surprised by a large lost!
    That's my take: weigh once a week, and stick with what you got. :)
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    I weigh most mornings not because I'm addicted to the scale but because it motivates me. If I've lost weight I'm encouraged to keep up with my plan. If I've gained, I'm motivated to work harder. I only record loss.

    In the past when I put the scale away I always ended up gaining because I wasn't paying attention.

    I'm actually down 15 pounds from my all time high weight but I'm only tracking the loss here from what I weighed when I joined a few days ago.
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    I weigh myself daily to see how I am progressing but I only write it down on this site once a week, on Tuesdays, so that if it fluctuates it isn't going to discourage me and I will know whereabouts I am with my weight loss.
  • Feddyvon
    Feddyvon Posts: 47 Member
    I've become rather obsessive about the scale, probably to a detrimental level. I weigh myself each morning right before getting in the shower, and then every evening before getting into bed. I don't compare the morning and night numbers to each other, but I compare them to the day before to see if progress was made.
  • michaelaam18
    I record my weight every Monday, but I weigh in every day. Sometimes 2 or 3 times per day.
  • kathytexas
    kathytexas Posts: 21
    @vinlop. I think what works for you is a good thing. That is a good idea to only record loss for motivation as long as you have the overall picture and are still losing regularly.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Everyday. Make sure there aren't any severe fluctuations and that I'm on track.
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    Like to peek every other day or so, but I'm trying to weigh in once a month now.
  • NatalieWiley
    NatalieWiley Posts: 147 Member
    Once every 4 - 6 weeks at my doctor's office. I don't trust my home scale is accurate. I step on it and it says one number and then i step on it 30 seconds later and it may be up or down 1 - 5 pounds. Can be very discouraging.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I am to easily upset by the daily changes in my weight, so for my own sanity I just weigh in once a week. I go to WW meetings, so I just weigh in there.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    I officially weigh in every sunday morning around 8:30am after im awake and been to the loo :)

    Sometimes if im feeling naughty throughout the week or if i have had a bad day as in food wise then i will just check the scales too see if the 'bad day' has affected my weight :)

    Personally i think an official weigh in once a week is alot better than weighing in ever 2 weeks - this way you can keep a better track of your weight!
  • dragonfly1120
    dragonfly1120 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a little neurotic too. I weigh every day on my Wii Fit. I like to see the graph. If I gain, it motivates me to try extra hard to eat healthy foods. And encourages me to exercise. I hate exercise! LOL
  • robinkhn
    robinkhn Posts: 12 Member
    I weigh on Wednesday and Sunday. Wednesday is with my sisters-in-law via email as we all live in different parts of country. We are just trying to support each other. Sundays is "official" weigh day. I have been weighting a long time to get scale to show something other than 213, so I posted today.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Depends on how accurate you want to be. As some have already stated, weighing yourself can turn into an obsession, so keep perspective. If you want to meticulously track week-to-week weight loss, you could weigh yourself same time every day on the same scale (step on three times to get avg for that day) - then record an *average* for that week. Yes, that's 21 times stepping on the sale. I don't do all that, but that method would give a pretty accurate chart of week-to-week weight loss (assuming a relatively accurate scale).

    I weight every 2-3 days, always on Monday (my "official" weigh-in). Mondays are good because I tend to cheat on weekends. Knowing Monday is my weigh-in day has helped me stay on track many Sundays. I have a $30 digital scale from Target that I have verified is pretty accurate (coming home immediately after being weighted at the doctor's office). I step on the scale and as soon as I get two identical readings, use that number. Most of the time, that's two times on the scale.

    I used to think that weighing in the morning after going to the bathroom was kinda like cheating, but it makes sense to weigh then because it's the easiest time to be consistent.
  • Amyding115
    Amyding115 Posts: 120
    I weigh in once a week. Monday. If I've lost it's a great way to spend Monday. I try not to get on the scale more than twice a week because I lose motivation if I don't see progress every time. But I stay consistent with the fact that the only time I get on the scale is in the a.m. after going to the bathroom and being naked or in my undies. As someone else said, it gives a better reading for actual progress versus bloat and water weight. And I don't have to wonder if what I was wearing made any sort of difference.
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    i weigh middle of week usually thursday morn before breakfast on my day off then my official day is sunday morning and this is when i log but dont let your cycle get you down its quite normal to have fluid retention af that time of month what really matters is the long term rome wasnt built in a day and as long as it keeps moving downhill it doesnt matter if you have a minor fluctuation its the direction not the straightness of the path best of luck on the journey