How often do you track your weight?

OK - I have read many posts and most people are in agreement that you should weigh first thing in the AM after using the restroom and most people understand how much your weight changes throughout the day.

My questions is - do you only record your weight once a week or do some of your record it more often?

I always peek and I was down two pounds....but today was my "weigh in" day and I was up one pound! Now...I know I was bloated and pretty sure this is my PMS week....but now this afternoon I am down the two pounds again. Not sure if I should keep the one pound gain and just know it will all even out eventually...or record my weight again tomorrow morning!


**Feel free to add me as a friend


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I record my changes everyday, but that's cause I'm neurotic! Recording once a week, or once every two weeks will give you a more accurate picture of your overall progress.
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    I usually do once a week, same time of day for "official" weigh-ins. However, I keep those little happy nuggets of weight lost in between in my head for when I'm feeling un-motivated.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    I weigh on most days so I can accurately calculate calories burned during workouts, but I usually only update MFP on Sundays.
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    i know you're supposed to weigh yourself at the same time every week just to keep it in the same general context. but i think with girls and their periods you could get away with peeking, i did the same thing today and im down 4 pounds!
  • cibolodave
    cibolodave Posts: 45
    hello... i usually weigh myself every other day. this helps with the peaks and valleys of my weight loss
  • BrownEyedGiRL928
    BrownEyedGiRL928 Posts: 51 Member
    I weigh myself every Sunday morning first thing in the morning before I get dressed and eat breakfast. I also measure my waist at the same time.
  • blwood860
    blwood860 Posts: 31
    I record weight once a week and inches every other week.

    I don't look at the scale between weigh ins - I don't like to see the scale yo-yo every day.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I look at my weight about 4-5 times a week but I only track it on here once a week.
  • Hoteffinmess
    Hoteffinmess Posts: 121
    I weigh myself every Friday morning, completely naked, after I wake up, use the bathroom. I chose Friday because there's no stress attached to Friday! :)
  • Sgriffin2382
    Sgriffin2382 Posts: 360 Member
    Once a week! Don't become obsessed with the scale. It will drive you (and those around you) crazy ;-)
  • texakin20
    texakin20 Posts: 98 Member
    I usually weigh each day.. and use to record once a week to MFP. However, I have hit a point where I gained a couple pounds and now not losing.. but I have not weighed that into MFP. It might be cheating, but I personally will only record when I lose again. I have to get back to where I was lowest to record again. But to answer you.. I picked every Friday morning to "weigh in" into MFP.

    Good Luck!!
  • megankayden
    megankayden Posts: 37 Member
    I hate weighing myself and am mistrustful of store bough scales, therefore I only weigh myself when I am near a doctors office scale. I have a baby and we attend baby and mom groups at the Local Health Unit and they have one so I step on that once a month. I go by how my clothes feel, and how I feel more motivating that way for me :)
  • vinlop
    vinlop Posts: 71 Member
    I know this isn't going to be a popular method, but I weight myself almost every day, and I only record when I see a loss. I think it all evens out in the end, and this seems to keep my motivation up.
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    I like to weigh myself every morning after I pee :blushing:. The weight loss/gain on the scale determines how I will eat for that day. If I'm losing, sometimes .1 lbs sometimes .6 lbs, I continue the way I'm going. If I'm gaining then I change it up for the day until I'm losing again. It's a habit to weigh myself in the morning. I'm not obsessive about it but if I don't then I won't eat right for the day. Hope this helps!
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    It's really your decision on when you want to weigh in. Some do it once a week and some once a month because the scale does fluctuate due to water retention and also your cycle. I would not suggest weighing everyday because that can become very frustrating and overwhelming. Only record what you get on your set day to weigh in so it's kept as simple as possible. If you start doing to much you will get lost in it and end up quitting. Good luck and I hope this helps.
  • scottppa
    scottppa Posts: 31 Member
    Once a week, always in the morning after I use the bathroom, usually on Friday or Saturday morning. If I stepped on the scale daily, the fluctuations during the week would drive me nuts!

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  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I weigh every day and track every loss......cuz I'm crazy.:blushing:
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I weigh once a week on the same day, in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    I weigh myself every Sunday morning first thing in the morning before I get dressed and eat breakfast. I also measure my waist at the same time.

    I do the same thing. Seems to work well :)
  • carousello
    carousello Posts: 9 Member
    Don't torment yourself, weigh in once weekly at the same time every time, and first thing in the morning before food is usually best! This seems to be the best way to be as accurate as you can!

    I could go up and down 6 pound around my time of month too, I try to remember this so I'm not too disappointed if I'm up around that time..

    Good luck your doing grand!
