Should I buy new clothes?


I have lost about 35 pounds and my clothes are falling off of me. I have bought a few new pairs of pants and shorts to get me through the summer, but I haven't done a large shopping trip yet because I want to get down to the goal weight first. I have 15 pounds to go, but I'm a teacher and school is going to start soon. I need basically a whole new professional wardrobe because my pants, tights, and shirts are too big to wear. If I go shopping now, will my new clothes still fit 15 pounds later, or should I still hold out?


  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I'm a teacher too. Just buy a few things you can mix and match through August and September for cheap. I like Uniqlo for teaching clothes. I found that most of those clothes fit even after I gained 8 pounds once school started last year. Plus, everything is fairly cheap and the warmer weather stuff will be on sale. I don't know about where you are, but September is still pretty hot here.
  • InkAndApples
    InkAndApples Posts: 201 Member
    Also a teacher, struggling with workwear! I'm in my last few items of suitable clothing (I'm in the UK so we don't finish until next week). My plan was to buy a whole new work wardrobe in September for when we go back, I even saved up for it.... But I now realise it just needs to be another interim wardrobe.

    It's annoying because I'm leadership so really should be in proper grown up clothes, ah well. Cheapo stores it is!

  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I skipped a size on the way down, and bought cheap clothes from discount stores. When I finally got to my intended size, I bought nice clothes to celebrate. If money's real tight, Goodwill.
  • Jenskiski
    Jenskiski Posts: 67 Member
    I'm about 40 pounds down and have 2 pairs of work pants that are ok. Everything else is way baggy. I still have a long way to go, but I'm going to shop next month to get me through the fall. I don't care if I only have a few outfits that I can wear; I'm not spending a lot of money until my weight stabilizes.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    Buy some new clothes on sale or at Goodwill. No reason to endure looking sloppy. You'll no doubt feel better and more confident when wearing clothes with a proper fit. And those last 10 to 15 pounds come off more slowly, why not feel lovely in the interim?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Buy just a few items that are easily mix and match to look like different outfits until you reach your goal. No one will really notice. Agree with second hand for interim wardrobes as well. Save the big spend for your goal weight. Congratulations on getting to this point!
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    This is a wonderful problem to have :) congrats! I second the idea of Goodwill and similar stores.
  • ltkasmala
    ltkasmala Posts: 109 Member
    First, great job! :) I am also a teacher. When I starting loosing large amounts of weight five years ago, I almost couldn't keep myself in clothes. Changed sizes every 4-5 weeks! My daughter introduced me to thrift stores (I see someone else suggested Goodwill). While you have to plan on taking some time to try everything on--most people don't take the care in their clothes like would, so sizing cannot be trusted!--the end result is a great savings. The store I went to regularly also had 50% off sales with every major/minor holiday, so I used to plan my trips for several items then, if possible. Some people have phobias about buying "used" clothes but I used to wash them and they were new to me! And some of the dresses I bought for $2 or $3 people simply could not believe it! Just an idea. I know it helped me until I got to a stable point!
  • hooleo15
    hooleo15 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you everyone! I'll just get a few pieces I appreciate your feedback!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    hooleo15 wrote: »

    I have lost about 35 pounds and my clothes are falling off of me. I have bought a few new pairs of pants and shorts to get me through the summer, but I haven't done a large shopping trip yet because I want to get down to the goal weight first. I have 15 pounds to go, but I'm a teacher and school is going to start soon. I need basically a whole new professional wardrobe because my pants, tights, and shirts are too big to wear. If I go shopping now, will my new clothes still fit 15 pounds later, or should I still hold out?

    I buy resale and online I love resale. I also like Kohl's for basics.
  • SeikoMonster
    SeikoMonster Posts: 105 Member
    edited July 2017
    I hit the goodwill/desert industries. I'm still loosing and no where near goal. So other than cheap walmart t-shirts I try to go with the used stuff from thrift stores.
    Its been working out okay. Found 4-5 pairs of acceptable dress pants and a few pair of jeans. Plenty of dress shirts and polo shirts I can get away with for a few months till its time to buy new. That was all in one weekend I hit probably 7 of them.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I'd go ahead and get things that fit well and that you'll feel confident in but without spending a lot per item. Consignment shops or even thrift stores if you have more time to dig, would be my top suggestions. You can also take advantage of sales at ON and Target, or Ross, TJ Maxx, etc., for less expensive items. If it were me I'd probably buy 2-3 prs of neutral pants, maybe 5-6 tops that fit well and then mix and match and changes things up with accessories (more like a capsule wardrobe) and then spend more once you reach goal weight.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I've used ThredUp as well; that can be a good source too.
  • ayuri17
    ayuri17 Posts: 21 Member
    Check if it's cost effective to get your current clothes tailored
  • pennygm72
    pennygm72 Posts: 179 Member
    I've been buying in charity (thrift ) shops and on eBay, that way I can get quality clothes at a fraction of the price that are smart enough for work - senior manager in health provision. I love the fact that I have so much choice now I'm smaller :)
  • texteach66
    texteach66 Posts: 92 Member
    Buy at least a few new things (or new to you things)!! I'm a teacher and I always buy a few new things. I want to lose at least another 15, maybe 20. I've lost 98 pounds, so saying that's all I have to lose sounds odd. Anyway, it's nice to feel good in what you wear - aim for that.
  • raeleigh26
    raeleigh26 Posts: 15 Member
    Go buy clothes that fit! Either at thrift stores or discount stores. You will feel sooo good in clothes that fit properly!