Does anybody have one "eat as many calories as you want" day a week & lose weight?



  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    No. My weekly deficit is usually around 1200cal. If I ate as much as I wanted on one day a week I would gain.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Yep Tuesdays, but there again I tend to burn somewhere in the region of 2000 exercise Calories on a Tuesday (PT+Zumba+Insanity+Boxercise+lifting+walking to and from each class), which gives me 3000+ Calories to play with and even splurging I can't eat that many.
  • TikiKitsune
    TikiKitsune Posts: 10 Member
    My cheat days are usually only 300 extra calories. (Almost every day of the week, I'm under daily goal by around 200 and I'm on track for losing 1.5lbs per week, so I don't mind if it's just 1lb per week) and I usually have these "cheat days" once per week. I don't even think I could eat much more than that without feeling sick, I've just kinda gotten used to only eating around 1100-1200 calories per day at this point.
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    Once a week would be too often, I think. Mostly because the deficit here is generally around 500 cals. I try to incorporate chocolate (my junk of choice) in my everyday totals, if I want it (I always want it). I am planning on trying to have one day of PLANNED extras once a month, where I make pizza and have some extra chocolate, as that takes me over. I'm still going to log everything though, because "eating as many calories as I want" without consideration for how many calories it was is what got me into this mess in the first place! :smile:

    And this day would be a day when I take a 10km walk and do some weight lifting as well, so I'd have some added calories out and not eat just from my previous deficit.

  • theWODdoll
    theWODdoll Posts: 90 Member
    Unless you're doing a competition where you perform 3-5 workouts in one day at high intensity and/or heavy weights it's not worth it. You want to stay away from extremes. So when a "cheat day" arises, make it a cheat meal only, not an entire day, and make it on a day you workout so you burn some of it off too :)
  • RedheadedPrincess14
    RedheadedPrincess14 Posts: 415 Member
    I do it once every couple months
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    edited July 2017
    I indulge more on Friday night and Saturday, but while it's technically, 'as many calories as I want', what it translates out to is 'eating the food I want, within my limit, and exercising to increase that limit'. Fridays I have my usual (roughly 300 calorie) breakfast, walk about 2 hours, and have a light lunch (One veggie sushi roll at 180 calories). My walk is to do the grocery shopping and I get myself a sliced-cheese sandwich on a bagel for Saturday, too. Then I log what I'm planning to eat for supper, which is often in the neighborhood of 1,100 calories. If I have any left over, then I'll snack a bit during the day. Otherwise, no.

    Saturday, I usually (barring the absence of my favorite cookie at the refreshments buffet after services, in which case I pick something else), have a frosted shortbread, 2 pieces of potato kugel, and some melon for breakfast. Lunch is prelogged and probably about 900 calories. I walk 2 or 3 hours, broken up: 20 minutes to and from synagogue. My walking buddy and I meet up after lunch and walk about 2 hours, sometimes more. I have the bagel for dinner.

    Yes, I eat the food I want, but I make sure I'm still within my deficit for the day.

    Note: I also weigh in on Sunday morning, so knowing that's coming up helps keep me on the rails, too.
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    No Because what was the point of working hard all week, when you could easily undo everything you did with one day.

    I have a calorie goal on the lower end of things (1,300) and on Saturday I had pizza, chicken wings, a few beers and a few other things. I exercised a little more, played outdoor games while drinking and with my exercise calories was still within my calories for the day. I logged everything and knew that when dinner time came I would only have *one* slice of pizza because thats realistically all I could fit, I didnt miss the second or third slice at all.

  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I definitely indulge on weekends (but I have planned for it since I eat less during the week), is it as much as I want, not really. Sometimes maybe. But I am not the type to eat enough to blow my deficit completely out of the water either. Usually only ends up being one or two meals and the rest of the day I eat light and stay active.
  • Zara_Pi
    Zara_Pi Posts: 141 Member
    I'm on OMAD and eat as much as I want and lost 12lbs in 6 weeks to get to 98lbs. And with no exercise.
  • SkimpyMrsCarter
    SkimpyMrsCarter Posts: 105 Member
    edited July 2017
    I wish, but im scard that it would take me off track and i would have a hard time getting back on track.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    When I hit my highest weight (i.e. 50lbs. to lose), I decided that I wanted to get in shape, and started hitting the gym (along with a sensible calorie deficit, of course).

    In addition to weight training, I was doing cardio every day, which allowed me to go to a buffet each weekend. I would eat as much as I wanted there, but that was typically my meal for the day (barring a very small breakfast). I would also fill up on the hibachi meats first (but still make sure I allowed myself a few bowls of ice cream at the end). With this method, I was able to consistently lose 2lbs./wk.

    And I wasn't going to the buffet because I had food issues; it just happened to be a social experience.

    I no longer visit buffets (at least not regularly), and now my weight gain/loss is much more controlled. It was a nice experiment, however.

    Although this method worked for me, I wouldn't recommend it to most, since, if you're looking for a way to "have your cake, and eat it, too," you probably won't succeed by allowing yourself to indulge so extravagantly.
  • MaggieMillion
    MaggieMillion Posts: 10 Member
    Have you lost weight doing that?

    Well, kind of, yes, except that I'm not an over eater. My starting point was about 130 pounds less than 3 weeks ago and now I'm 126lbs and I don't feel I've worked that hard. Obviously I wasn't massively over consuming each day, but I was heavier than I wanted to be. I get bored sticking to a restricted amount EVERY day so what I seem to end up doing about once a year is restricting calories every second day only and it works really well. I don't nose dive in to tubs of icrecream on my off days but if I wanted a little bit in a ramekin dish I'd have some, just not too much, 125mls perhaps. Then on my restriction days I really go for it and make the effort to come in under 1000. For some reason dieting every second day is JUST as successful and as quick for me.

  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    Nope. I ended up eating enough to wipe out my weekly deficit. Eating as much as I want is what got me here.
  • mistyhiss
    mistyhiss Posts: 6 Member
    At the weekends I weigh my food out as normal and attempt to count the calories but will often eat more than I would during the week. It seems to work out OK though and often I will still have lost a pound for that week. I am far more active at the weekends though (gardening and whatnot) which I think helps.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I try not to do "as many as I want" but I usually do maintenance at weekends and a 300-500cal deficit each day during the working week and go for a weekly deficit instead of a daily one, it works for me and I'm losing weight, just make sure you have enough calories to do it and still come out in a deficit, it may slow your progress but it works for my lifestyle. Just remember to log accurately, you can sabotage yourself if you're not careful and don't plan properly. x
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    I have a super day, which is looser tracking than my other 6 days of the week - I still try to keep reasonably within my goals, but not as strict

    I do find on those days, that I tend to go less protein, so I try to watch them - most of my comfort foods are fat/carb heavy
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    Have you lost weight doing that?

    It doesn't work for me, I end up back at the weight I was on Monday by the time my Sunday blow out has been and gone.

    Instead I have a cheat meal. It allows me one day with a naughty breakfast/lunch/dinner that will take me 300-350 over my usual daily allowance. (That's at most btw). I continue to maintain on this kind of diet.

    Not advice, it's what I do. I don't even do it weekly, sometimes it's once a month!