I started 30DS today and i could not even get passed 10 mins of level one i dont know how im ever going to make it lol I need support anyone wanna do it with me????? Add me as a friend new to this site.


  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I'm on lvl 2. I loved level 1! <3
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    Keeping working at it! Take mini breaks just long enough to catch your breath then move on! Just keep at it! It'll get easier, and you'll be in pain the first few days. But it.is.so.worth.it!!!
  • brianna626
    brianna626 Posts: 156
    It does get easier, I am on day 19 (level 2). I unfortonately did not do it straight as I wanted to. But you do build endurance. My first day I was able to get through the whole thing but I was winded by 4 or 5 day of level 1 it was so much better. I hate level 2 but I hear it is the least enjoyable. Good luck, it will get better!
  • MoodyCrab15
    I tried this for a week and still wasn't comfortable to move on past Level 1 - how did those of you who have done this stick with it? I started to get bored...I have major ADHD with working out.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Hey! Im starting 30 day shred on 1st august!! My fitness levels arnt really that good =/.. And im worried that ill only be able to complete the first 5 mins ish!

    Keep on trying and you will get there :)

    Ill add you for support throughout the 30 day shred workout! As i will be doing it myself in a few days! =)
  • jaybee25
    jaybee25 Posts: 117
    Add me if you like :) I am on day 8 today so will have done level 1 on sunday ...if I don't have a rest day lol I have so far had 2 on level 1. Push through it and take short breaks when you need them,you will find it gets eaiser and the dvd goes alot faster as well :) You can do it!!!There are alot of people on here that have had the same problem you are not alone!! :) Goodluck
  • Cherese1983
    Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm doing it too! It gets easier I promise!!
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Keep at it. I'm currently on Level 2 Day 3 and I assure you that you will see yourself change and get stronger everyday. The first day I started it I could barely get through it. Then the second day was actually easier. Then the third. By day 8 I couldn't believe the difference in my stamina, strength and endurance. Stick with it!!!

    Although I must say, this level 2 has me wanting to punch Jillian Michaels in the uterus.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    OMG! I know! It is sooo hard! I got through the workout, but it is soooo hard! I had sore legs for days on end! I couldn't even go down the steps. Add me as a friend and we'll keep doing it together!
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    i feel you on this, i just finished week 1, now that im on week 2 i find myself pausing the dvd and getting my water, you can do the same, there is no need to pass out trying to get in shape, get the remote and after 10min pause it, get your water, but be sure to march in place until you catch your breath, then begin again, before you know it you will be done with week 1.

  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Keep doing what u can do-I was the same was for the 1st 4-5 days of it then it got better. I was totally winded tho. Now I feel my endurance is top notch! And have done many other jillian workouts w/out issues and currently p90x. U can do it-take mini breaks and jump back in
  • charlottebronte
    30 Day Shred is quite effective, but don't expect to master it on the first go-round. Stop to breathe when you need to, and then jump right back in with the video. Be consistent and challenge yourself to go a little farther today than you did yesterday. Since JM doesn't count, I had to--how many jumping jacks, how many squats--whatever, and then I made myself do a couple more than I had done before. The results are worth the effort. All the best to you!
  • kbizzleoo
    kbizzleoo Posts: 114
    I promise it gets easier! just keep at it!!!
    I just got done about a week and a half ago and was very happy with my results. I took 5 days off throughout the thing but still completed 30 days! don't give up!

    You know that squat and press thing that you do in level one? well I remember I could barely do it for even HALF the time with my 2 pound weights...now I'm doing Ripped in 30 and on week one we do that and I am able to go the whole time with my 5lb weights!

    Your body will adapt and change...just like she says!
  • haydenlove4
  • haydenlove4
    Keep at it. I'm currently on Level 2 Day 3 and I assure you that you will see yourself change and get stronger everyday. The first day I started it I could barely get through it. Then the second day was actually easier. Then the third. By day 8 I couldn't believe the difference in my stamina, strength and endurance. Stick with it!!!

    Although I must say, this level 2 has me wanting to punch Jillian Michaels in the uterus.

    haha that just made me laugh out loud!!!
  • haydenlove4
    Keep at it. I'm currently on Level 2 Day 3 and I assure you that you will see yourself change and get stronger everyday. The first day I started it I could barely get through it. Then the second day was actually easier. Then the third. By day 8 I couldn't believe the difference in my stamina, strength and endurance. Stick with it!!!

    Although I must say, this level 2 has me wanting to punch Jillian Michaels in the uterus.

    haha that just made me laugh out loud!!!
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    I just ordered it online and should have it in a week or so. I can't wait to jump on the 30 day shred band wagon, im super excited and cant wait!!!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Day 9 of level 1 for me today. (Started it before, got halfway through level 2 and had to stop due to a stupid injury.) It's hard at first but like Jillian says - stick with it and you WILL see a change in your endurance!

    It does get a bit boring after a while, but I try to challenge myself by doing the moves with heavier weights, bigger jumps on the jump ropes, starting the jumping jacks sooner, etc.

    One thing I wish is that her warm up was longer, especially going in to Level 2. I don't like that she doesn't do the knee/ankle warmups, and yet we're still jumping around! Oh well - I can always pause the DVD and do them on my own.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I wonder if jillian michaels has ever had her a** beat by a fat lady - just wondering
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    I am technically on day 9 of L1 too and trust me, those first days are hard but today, when I got done, I felt like I was just warming up so I went to L2 right after to see how far I could get and I DID IT! I got through both back to back. It was a nice change of pace too. I get bored as well and enjoyed L2 more than 1 but I did call her a nasty name or two. lol Good luck and anyone feel free to add me as a friend. We could all use the support!!