You Know You're an MFP Addict When...



  • Feel yourself checking facebook less and MFP more

    Facebook addict here

    This is one I have DEFINITELY started to notice
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    You lie in bed at night thinking, "Did I lock the door?" You say to yourself, "I can't remember; oh well..." then you roll over to fall asleep.

    Lying there half asleep you think, "Did I log in that banana I ate before dinner?" You then hop out of bed and frantically search for your phone so you can check to see if you logged in everything you ate that day.
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    -when you log your exercise in while you are still sweating and panting

    YES, THIS^^^^ I sit in my car after working out at the gym and log my exercise in my phone!!!

    LOL...I do this all the time...!!

    I also get very upset when I can't log in because I am out of cell service on holidays and my "days logged in" heart drops a
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Go to sleep with your phone in your hand, reading your MFP news feed

    Hahahha I do this all the time too

    We sound pathetic :) I love it!! I do the same!!
  • bethm1210
    bethm1210 Posts: 66 Member
    When you pull out your phone to scan the barcode on the Black Velvet apricots you just sampled at Sam's Club, and then tell the sample lady all about MFP :bigsmile:
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    When the battery in your phone is almost dead and it's not even lunch yet....and it came off the charger full and ready to go that morning :D
  • You have the internet open with 5 tabs--all of which are MFP.
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    Too funny!!! all so true!
  • bcrugbygirl
    bcrugbygirl Posts: 43 Member
    i keep the browser on my phone so as soon as i put something in my mouth it gets logged as well as u tell random people at places ur shopping about how amazing mfp is lol
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    when you are talking to someone who doesnt need to lose weight or any person at that and you talk about mfp and it comes up in the conversation more than 10 time and finally the person / ppl you are talking to ask you what mfp is!
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    when you know the calorie burn for your walk to Starbucks and the calorie content of your grande, non-fat, extra hot latte!
  • walkingshoes
    walkingshoes Posts: 33 Member
    You warn someone the amount of calories, carbs, protein, sodium, and sugar of a specific food they're about to consume. Drives my friends crazy :devil:
    This one made me laugh. It is so true! I was warning my bosses wife about that ribeye they ordered for us at the ruth chris that had over 1300 calories. I just felt like a true friend could not conceal this knowledge.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Bump. These's are too funny.
  • Feel yourself checking facebook less and MFP more

    Facebook addict here

    Facebook? who needs stinkin' facebook! lol
  • kimberly130
    kimberly130 Posts: 166
    .... you sit with MFP on a tab on your web browser, updating it as soon as you make a cup of tea!

    totally do that all day long!!! :laugh:
  • beedo30
    beedo30 Posts: 186
    When the battery in your phone is almost dead and it's not even lunch yet....and it came off the charger full and ready to go that morning :D
    I have 3 batteries, I have killed all 3 in one shift!
  • You find pure, absolute joy of weighing yourself in the AM, going to the bathroom, then weighing yourself again!

    .....or am I just crazy? :laugh:

    I thought I was the only one... LOL
  • bluevwgurl
    bluevwgurl Posts: 220 Member
    You warn someone the amount of calories, carbs, protein, sodium, and sugar of a specific food they're about to consume. Drives my friends crazy :devil:

    It did not go over well (but she was going to inhale a 3 serving chocolate chip "muffin" that was 640 calories!) i guilted her out of it. lol
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    When you are at the drive in and you are posting on mfp
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    When you get your laptop ready along with your iphone to go to a forget the laptop bag and get to your friends to realise that you left your phone charger in the car of which has been driven off by your friend....

    You're halfway through compiling a message on MFP using the iphone to have the out of charge!!!
    No laptop, no iphone = NO MFP!!!

    = TANTRUM !!! ha ha ha - could job I'm patient in reality!