Sisterhood HCP Week 3



  • iwant2stayhealthy
    OK so after a no loss week last week I was expecting the SOS..but I lost a pound. I'm also pissed off because I am not feeling well so I can't walk and I am not hungry at all. As my DD reported, our beloved treadmill has bitten the dust after over 18 years of service. It really owes me nothing. I got it as a gift from my DH after I gave birth to my last daughter. My friends were hysterical because they thought I should as for jewelery but nope...I wanted to lose the weight ASAP..I guess you can see where my problem is..OCD at the very worst when it comes to my weight.:laugh: ..I am happy that I am at least losing something but I can't do much in the way of excercise when I have a migraine from hell and everything hurst me. I just wanted to post here because if I didn't my DD pepamint would flay my bottom big time.

    One note..skinny pant actually made it up a bit higher and I have lost one inch on my waist. Other measurements to come when I feel better.

    BTW it's snowing again. I did walk to the post office an back, which is about half a mile round trip, rather than driving so I guess it counts for something? How do you stay on a diet and excercise when you're feeling like warmed over baby poop? I'm afraid I'll slip back into my old habits.

    Enough about mois..way to go everyone..whoo hoo....congrats everyone on your success and hang in there everyone whose week didn't go as anticipated..mister talk about lady bits from me...I've been neutered so to I guess you have someone else in your corner...OK amigo :wink: ?
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Sorry I haven't been posting much, been busy.

    Yay for everyone who lost! =)

    I'm down 1lb from last week, but I'm struggling to keep on track now (I just wanna eat everything! :noway: ). Wish me luck! :ohwell:
  • Kristihgp
    Hey girl...we've all been there!!! Keep your focus...remember those 28 pounds you've lost so far!!!
    What an accomplishment!! Also...I love your other tag...about falling down!?!?! Just don't stay where you're at (wanting to eat everything) and you'll be back on track in no time!!

    Good luck!! We're all here to support ya!!
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Yay, so it's official - I've lost 2 lbs this week making it a total of 3 lbs in 3 weeks! Yay! Congrats to everyone on their successes (and near successes) this week!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Yay to Everyone! I have to shower and get my girls ready but I was just reading everyone's weightloss or acomplisments!
  • Phoenix69
    Phoenix69 Posts: 34 Member
    Good Morning everyone,

    Sorry, I didn't weight in yesterday. I actually thought yesterday was Monday all day until my daughter asked after dinner if I was taking her to Basketball and then I realized it was Tuesday.

    I have had a Great week. I am down 3lbs. I still am not consistent on the exercising but I think I am really getting the eating thing under control.

    Hooray to everyone who has lost!

    And no worries to those who did not! This is a new week and as I am learning it is all about baby, baby, baby stepps. Remember, "It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up."

    Have a great week everyone. :flowerforyou:

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  • FoxyLoxy
    FoxyLoxy Posts: 80 Member
    Sorry I missed yesterday...working overnight is killing me. And my memory. So anyway, no loss to report this week.

    Conratulations to everyone with their losses! It looks like everyone is doing so well :drinker: And Phoenix thanks for the quote, "Its not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up." This is my day to get back up!

    Have a great day everybody! :flowerforyou:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Good Morning!!
    Just wanted to drop in and say a big yeah to everyone:bigsmile: I don't know how many of you watched Biggest Loser last night, but Jillian had a few things to say that only she, in her blunt bordering flat out rude, could say. I think I saw something about it on another thread, I'll do some investigation work and bring you her quotes. It was kinda a slap in the face, but I guess we need that at one time or another.....brb.
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Ok so I just read the thread about what Jillian said, a good read if you have a minute. It's under General and titled DId you hear what Jillian said? I watched the show and I must say, as bad as I don't want to hear it, she's right. (to summerize, she said that muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, and the scale doesn't lie, and the idea of losing inches and not pounds is stupid and don't candy coat it) That opened up a can of worms on that thread by the way. I do agree with her to a point. I think that she was addressing the people on the show and the fact is that when you have that much to loose, you lose fat first, and don't gain muscle right away. She was also saying, quit making excuses and stop sugar coating the truth -- you didn't lose any weight, now get over it, work harder and move on.
    The inches vs. pounds is a huge can of worms right now I think. Everyone will hit a plateau, for a week, month or whatever, while hitting it, your clothes might fit differently,(which is a huge boost of self-esteem and a kick in the butt to keep going and it makes for great mini-goals as well) due to your body "reconfiguring" so ta speak, but the scale won't budge. I don't think this is a horrible thing, just don't let yourself make excuses and justifications. Be honest with yourself, and keep on with your goals. Eventually this too shall pass. I think Jillian's tough love is justified, those contestants are there for one thing only, to lose massive amounts of weight in a short time. Both trainers later said that 2 pounds a week is absolutely acceptable for someone at home to lose, given "life" gets in the way.
    Here's my thought, take as you want or throw it away:wink: , let's not get into the excuse game (like Joelle on the show:grumble: ) just because the scale doesn't say what we want it to, doesn't mean we are failures, but no excuses.
    I don't know if any of you did the 5 minutes extra cardio last week, but I think here's a new challenge. No Excuses. That may involve that moment when you don't want to go to the gym, or push those last couple of squats or power through that last half-mile -- No Excuses. Or when you really want those couple of chips, or little nibble of chocolate -- No Excuses. Before you work out to that DVD, put a piece of paper above the TV to remind you -- No Excuses. Slap it to the side of your water bottle you take to the gym or wherever -- No Excuses. Put it in the front of your mind all week -- No Excuses.

    * PS. please don't take this to sound as if I'm not including myself in this, trust me all those excuses up there are from me! Especially the chips:grumble: Good Luck to all, as Mister Sister puts it, do your best and forget the rest!:wink:
  • mom2one
    So, I weighed myself last night, and I haven't lost a pound!!! :angry: But, the good news is I didn't gain anything either :tongue: I know I slacked off on the exercise last week, so I plan to pick it back up this week!!! Congrats to everyone for the weight loss this week!! :drinker:
  • abullock
    abullock Posts: 36 Member
    I read some of the threads about Jillian’s comments. Here is my two cents: We live in an immediate gratification society, and I know that I, like many, have wanted to find a quick fix for weight loss. I start strong and I expect the scale to respond according to my expectations (which are high and admittedly unrealistic) and if it doesn’t I have often moved on to the next quick fix or simply given up. I am at this site, tracking my calories, committed to exercise because I know that there is no quick fix. I am committed to losing weight and changing my life.

    That being said, I sometimes get discouraged when the scale is not my friend and does not tell me what I want to hear. So I look for other ways to keep myself motivated – things like the tape measure and skinny jeans. See I think Jillian is right and wrong. The scale doesn’t lie – It is like a super b*tchy girlfriend that doesn’t tell you what you want to hear but always tells the truth. The tape measure and skinny jeans are like super supportive friends that say “Look you lost .5 inch and good job those pants are almost buttoned.” As measures of progress they serve very different purposes: the scale tells me like it is but the tape measure keeps me going. So I say to Jillian, you can be critical of the scale – it is a b*tch that doesn’t lie! But keep your hands off my tape measure – it is kind and measures progress in cm, and sometimes that is what I need to keep going. Otherwise I am liable to give up on the healthy lifestyle and start researching how much weight I could lose if I drank green tea, Acai, and did a colon cleanse all at the same time!
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    abullock -- :laugh: well put! The scale may be that b*tchy friend, but you know deep down, she's right and you still love her (even if it is a love/hate relationship). Thanks for putting that in about the tape measure, I don't think I put enough emphasis on how that can pull you through (maybe cuz I don't even have one, so I can't track my inches lost etc:ohwell: so I didn't think about it that way). Thanks for the perspective:wink: That's what I love about this group.....:love:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Lucky Lep -- I was wondering if you could post what you said on the "Jillian" thread on here ( I would do it, but I didn't want to share if you didn't want to). I think your story will be encouraging:wink: Thanks
  • s_dimples
    1.6 lbs down!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I love watching The Biggest Loser, but I think that it sets people up for failure, too. A really good friend of mine, who had weight problems all of her life, started going to the gym with me. I taught her how to lift weights, and what kind of cardio to do, and she lost 18 pounds in one month. She decided to get Gastric Bypass surgery last year. Her reasoning was that she didn't want to always watch what she ate or exercise every day for the rest of her life, and that she was losing weight TOO SLOW. I don't think that it is realistic to expect a huge 10 pound weight loss every week, and some people want to hurry things along without thinking about how long it took to put the weight on in the first place. Right now, I could be unhappy that I've only lost 1 pound this week. But if I actually paid attention to my goals, I would see that I only wanted to lose 2 pounds a week, and I've already lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks. It would be great to lose my weight fast, but I know that I would be setting myself up for a big disappointment if I didn't appreciate how far I've come already.
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Yeah to s-dimples and MissResa:bigsmile: And anyone else that I forgot to say yah to:bigsmile:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    didnt get a chance to say good morning to all so im saying good night :blushing: hope tomorrow is great for everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix69
    Phoenix69 Posts: 34 Member
    I read another quote today that I thought was perfect for all of our struggles. Something to help when we are having a bad day.

    "One has to remember that every failure can be a stepping stone to something better."
  • Phoenix69
    Phoenix69 Posts: 34 Member
    I read another quote today that I thought was perfect for all of our struggles. Something to help when we are having a bad day.

    "One has to remember that every failure can be a stepping stone to something better."
  • Phoenix69
    Phoenix69 Posts: 34 Member
    Sorry about this, I have the same thing up twice. I am not sure how the happened and I can't seem to take it off.

    Sorry, :blushing: