I'm so hungry!!

I'm so hungry!! Don't know what to do... but can't really eat until later on tonight.... :(


  • kaaatielove
    kaaatielove Posts: 248 Member
    Drink lots of water :)
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    try eating carrots and celery. they fill you up with very little calories.
  • newmommy2cash
    I usually will drink a liter of water when I get like that, but why can't you eat? snack?
  • ensoleille
    ensoleille Posts: 56
    Yep, water always helps :) you can add lemon to it for flavour if you like or if you feel like finding your inner child, drink it through a straw like I do :happy:
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    If you wait until later to eat your just going to over eat.
    Make sure that you pack some healthy snacks to have on hand throughout the day.
  • joyvertz
    joyvertz Posts: 13 Member
    how about a vegetable soup or broth? tea? Baby carrots? Celery?
  • BlueAventer
    BlueAventer Posts: 129
    I usually will drink a liter of water when I get like that, but why can't you eat? snack?

    I am drinking water like it's going out of style!! LOL! I already gone over my calories for the day... I'm planning on running after work tonight so I can eat more. :) I know it's sad. But this is only my 3rd day. I'm learning. .
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Listen to your body, if your hydrated and still feel hungry, feed your body!
  • BlueAventer
    BlueAventer Posts: 129
    If you wait until later to eat your just going to over eat.
    Make sure that you pack some healthy snacks to have on hand throughout the day.

    You're right. I do bring lots of healthy snacks to work, and right now eating a bite every 2 hours.
  • BlueAventer
    BlueAventer Posts: 129
    how about a vegetable soup or broth? tea? Baby carrots? Celery?

    I will try that, thanks!!
  • sayambular
    sayambular Posts: 205
    You WILL get there. It didn't happen for any of us overnight to start eating better and things. So it will happen for you too!!! Just stay POSITIVE!!!
  • workinprogress12_2
    workinprogress12_2 Posts: 110 Member
    Don't overwhelm yourself, no one likes to be set up for failure especially the first week. Adjust and maintain, that's all. you'll get it!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,630 Member
    I had to do that yesterday - went bike riding so that I could afford the calories to eat some lentil soup! I agree that you should snack on something healthy - Keep your blood sugar up, and avoid ravenously eating later on. You can do this!
  • BlueAventer
    BlueAventer Posts: 129
    You WILL get there. It didn't happen for any of us overnight to start eating better and things. So it will happen for you too!!! Just stay POSITIVE!!!

    THANK YOU!!! :smile:
  • BlueAventer
    BlueAventer Posts: 129
    I had to do that yesterday - went bike riding so that I could afford the calories to eat some lentil soup! I agree that you should snack on something healthy - Keep your blood sugar up, and avoid ravenously eating later on. You can do this!

    I am so glad I'm not the only one! I felt kind of dumb. But I ran 2.5 miles last night so I could eat some veggies and walnuts. :happy:
  • BlueAventer
    BlueAventer Posts: 129
    Don't overwhelm yourself, no one likes to be set up for failure especially the first week. Adjust and maintain, that's all. you'll get it!

    Thank you so much! :happy:
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    yeah, got to learn to balance those calories like a checkbook! Of course my problem is having too many left at the end of the day.I wish my checkbook had THAT problem! I hope it works out!
  • BlueAventer
    BlueAventer Posts: 129
    LOL! Yeah, I wish I had that problem too. I think I'll get the hang of it after awhile. As soon as I can cut out my daily coffee, I will have that many more calories for real food. :smile:
  • newmommy2cash
    I usually will drink a liter of water when I get like that, but why can't you eat? snack?

    I am drinking water like it's going out of style!! LOL! I already gone over my calories for the day... I'm planning on running after work tonight so I can eat more. :) I know it's sad. But this is only my 3rd day. I'm learning. .

    You should snack anyway. Veggies would be best, they have very few calories.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Seriously drink more water. I notice when I only drink 2cups of water the whole day Im binging but If I stick to 6 or more I stick to my calorie goal. try to drink one bottle 16.9oz after every meal/snack it will add up and you will see you dont get the urge to binge anymore unless you calorie alotment is too low for you.