How do y'all do these morning workouts?

I need some more am workout buddies on my list. Nobody is up yet so I just want to stay in the bed. How do y'all do it?


  • royalty_mind_1me
    royalty_mind_1me Posts: 284 Member
    @wittsabouther I don't lol. Afternoons for me! B)
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    If you want to work out in the morning, get up and work out. If you "just want to stay in the bed" wait till late morning, early afternoon, late afternoon or evening. The good news is, you get to work out when YOU want to work out.

    "How do y'all do it? " Because they WANT to.
  • joinn68
    joinn68 Posts: 480 Member
    As they said you have to want to. When I did, I was able to because I slept earlier. Which was also good because didn't get hungry/ late night snacks and Nlno time wasted online, TV and stuff.
    Also: workout buddy.
  • sosteach
    sosteach Posts: 260 Member
    I walk early in the morning before it gets too hot. I have a workout buddy for dog. They are great company and always willing to get up with you. She doesn't like the gym but neither do I so I do different workouts
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    I like early workouts because it's over and done with and I get the workout high to start the day off well! It's rarely easy to get up when the alarm goes off, but I just have to put mind over matter and get my legs out of bed (no hitting snooze!!). Plus like others have said, whether you're outside or at the gym, it's so much quieter and you're less likely to run into someone you know when you're all sweaty and smelly, if that sort of thing bothers you ;)
  • raspberriliana
    raspberriliana Posts: 61 Member
    I think it just depends on whether you're a morning person or not - I have tons of energy in the morning and very little in the afternoon/evening. I love running in the morning bc it's not too hot, there aren't a lot of people and I feel great for the rest of the day.
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    King_Spicy wrote: »
    I found the most motivating thing about being at the gym at 5am, was I had the entire gym to myself. Noone in the squat racks, noone on the benches, noone in the locker room or toilets, etc. It was extremely peaceful and pretty much the only reason I looked forward to actually doing a workout in the morning.

    The city is asleep too. There are no people on the roads, you've got them to yourself.

    However, I've got to be at the train station by 5:40, so no morning workouts for me (besides 10 minutes on my bike to the station)
  • tjones0411
    tjones0411 Posts: 179 Member
    Add me to the 5am workout group. I started doing it years ago because it was the only time I had - small kids, full time job, blah blah blah. At 5am, I could get my workout in and be home and ready for work before the rest of my house was even awake. Now, it's become habit. I prefer going and getting my workout out of the way...and it sets the tone for the rest of my day.
  • Fallfrenzy
    Fallfrenzy Posts: 118 Member
    Always been a morning person, so exercised in the morning. Found that by the time I got home from work, I would rather relax. Also, I would rather not take two showers in one day.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    scorpio516 wrote: »
    King_Spicy wrote: »
    I found the most motivating thing about being at the gym at 5am, was I had the entire gym to myself. Noone in the squat racks, noone on the benches, noone in the locker room or toilets, etc. It was extremely peaceful and pretty much the only reason I looked forward to actually doing a workout in the morning.

    The city is asleep too. There are no people on the roads, you've got them to yourself.

    However, I've got to be at the train station by 5:40, so no morning workouts for me (besides 10 minutes on my bike to the station)

    Yeah, I'm looking forward to getting back to the days of not having 60-90 minutes each way to work.
  • jeanettefranco
    jeanettefranco Posts: 3 Member
    My gym is across the street from my office, so my main motivation for morning workouts is to avoid rush hour traffic. I cut my commute time in half. I also enjoy having my workout accomplished by 7a, the rest of the day is mine.
  • girlgeeklula
    girlgeeklula Posts: 85 Member
    I do it because it 1) is when the temperature is most tolerable here in Houston and 2) it fits best within my schedule. I'm a morning person and have the time to workout in the morning, so it is when I take care of my fitness goals.
  • kcn2bluesky
    kcn2bluesky Posts: 187 Member
    If I don't get up at 4:30-4:45 to workout, I know I won't get it done later in the day. It's too busy in the evenings at my home...dinner and family time is a priority for me after work.
  • sugarstrawberries
    sugarstrawberries Posts: 140 Member
    I never thought I'd wake up early to work out, but I just recently started the habit of getting at least an hour swim in before work. It's super refreshing, it motivates me for the day, and it has set a routine into place for me. There is usually no one else around at 6:15am, which is super nice for my social anxiety. If I go in the afternoon there's usually some *shudder* tweenagers around the pool.
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    For me it just became a habit. Early on, I would make excuses as the day went on or something would come up and I couldn't/didn't feel like getting in my workout.

    I started planning out my workouts and laying out my workout clothes the night before so I was prepared and had a plan. I still do this in maintenance.

    The more consistent I worked out in the morning the easier it became. Having a home gym definitely helps.

    Now it feels so amazing to get a workout in before the day start, plus it gives me natural energy. Seeing my body slowly change and dress sizes go down and down kept my motivation going. These days I need my morning workouts and look forward to them!

    This, also my instructor gave me some really good advice. She said to have absolutely everything prepped the night before. Clothes, food, toiletries!! Everything. Even sleeping in gym clothes to start!! Yes!! It worked!!

    Now I love it and it's so natural. It's like brushing my teeth in the morning. It's just what you do!!
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    You do it by starting - just get your first morning in and go from there.

    Prep the night before, set up your workout clothes, supplements, breakfast, and work clothes (if applicable). Get to the gym and embrace the atmosphere – you will get a good parking spot, the gym is much less crowded and much less narcissistic. No one is there to impress anyone (rarely see makeup or meggings), socialize (rarely see people goofing around chatting), or take gym selfies - it is all business. You rarely have to wait to use the equipment you want, all of the weights are in their proper place, people are more courteous, and it is so early that the gym hasn’t been trashed yet.

    You’ll feel great as you walk out, the toughest part of your day is behind you. Then get ready to do it again tomorrow.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I ride in the mornings...the alternative is riding in the afternoon when It's 100*+ and I'm not really down with that. I'm not one of those 0 dark 30 people though. I get up around 5:30 and gear up and then go have a cup of coffee on the patio to wake up. I'm typically on my bike at 6...weekdays I do about 10 miles at a conversational pace which takes me about 40 minutes. Get home and shower and get ready for the day.

    I'm not a huge morning person, but riding in the AM is a great start to the day and I feel ready for whatever the day may bring. Also, nothing like watching the dawn of a new day from my saddle and that fresh morning feel...
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    You probably should go to bed a little earlier which can be a problem on the first night before workout but after that you will adjust to your new bedtime. I have been waking up at 4:30 or earlier for about three years now, no alarm required.