New to paying attention to what I eat

My name is Chris and for the first time in my life I'm paying attention to what I eat. I've never tried dieting before and have never been picky. My day consists of working and not eating most of the time and maybe taking a sip of water or having soda or coffee. I have known nothing but feeling like I'm tired or grumpy and sometimes hungry without ever thinking about how my lifestyle affects how I feel.

There is a lot for me to learn and I am willing to do so but I would like some friends to help me since I'm pretty sure people are passionate about it but don't really share. I say this because I've been trying to talk to whoever I can about me starting this journey to better health and it seems like no one really wants to talk about themselves.

It is helpful to me to know how you started eating healthy or if it's always been something you've been conscious of. What hurdles have you had and how did you overcome them. I'm sure there are other things I would like to know but I don't know what they are until I learn more and learn what to ask. :smile:

My goal: get my body to process fats and sugars normally instead of binging and storing fat like I was doing. Lose weight. Get healthy. Look good (I would like to get in shape and be able to show off a rocking body). Feel better.

If you would like to be my friend please add me and if you would like me to add you please feel free to message or reply to this post. Thank you for taking the time to read this and no matter what your goals are I hope you will succeed because you have the strength and ambition inside you to do so.

Best regards,


  • teresacitizen3655
    teresacitizen3655 Posts: 3 Member
    Im watching what i eat
  • Ironlioness40
    Ironlioness40 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Chris, I too have began to watch what i eat. Although it is difficult because i tend to eat all the wrong foods when I am under stress. Most times i over indulge even on healthy foods . For instance, almonds and pecans are my favorite snacks; under stress i tend to eat them until its all gone as oppose to eating a small portion at time. In addition, I work over night so its difficult for me to work out and eat and sleep on a regular schedule like normal folks. Right now, I am prepping my meals a couple of days at a time - this sort of helps especially when i come from work, breakfast and lunch is already made.

    Welp keep pressing toward your goal. Im certain you can accomplish them :)
  • gillidovew
    gillidovew Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Chris
    You can add me. I am at the start of my journey and have over 100lbs to lose. Over the years I have been to slimming world a number of times, always losing a bit and then putting far more back on. I found it faddy and unsustainable only eating certain cereals that were on an approved list and having to eat cheese for my A choice even if I didn’t fancy it. I exercise a lot running, swimming and circuits classes and so need to eat to sustain this. They key seems to be finding something that fits in with your life and starting with small steps. I am pretty healthy with my meals and cook loads from scratch but my down fall is comfort eating, and that’s whats got me to the weight I am today. One bad day and I can wolf calories from the chip shop, chocolate and crisps like I ll never eat again. Something has really clicked with mfp as I really can eat anything, and on a bad day, yeah I can go to the chippy but weigh them out and still stick within my calorie goal. I can also eat back some of my exercise calories so I am not hungry and fuelled for the next workout
    Good luck with your journey and ask away any questions