Baby Weight Struggle


Any other mums looking to drop a few stone and get back to pre baby weight (and maybe a little more).
Need a few motivational friends to keep me on track.



  • meldjk44
    meldjk44 Posts: 28 Member
    Yes, I am here to lose my baby weight and some for sure! I need to lose about 30 pounds.. and it sure is a struggle, but logging on everyday and counting the calories has really helped!!
  • megcromer
    megcromer Posts: 15 Member
    Yep, had #4 last June and it is time. Have about 20 to lose!
  • SingingPilgrim
    SingingPilgrim Posts: 45 Member
    Yep! Baby #2 is 2 months today and I want to get back at it.
  • chantelle0312
    chantelle0312 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes and a little more.
    I'm so happy with myself for not gaining too much though I used this app first when I was obese getting down from 228lb to 120lb over a couple of years and I was only up to about 145lb(even with moving to the US while pregnant) so not too bad and with just breastfeeding got back to 135lb now he is 9 months I want to seriously get back to 120 maybe 115lb, I will see.
  • SaraydaB
    SaraydaB Posts: 120 Member
    edited July 2017

    I waited so long (baby is 1.6 years) I started 3 months ago and have lost 17 pounds so far... still a long way to go. Feel free to add ;)
  • cloudsjen
    cloudsjen Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, although my second is almost 2 years old, I'm ready now!
  • zosha5
    zosha5 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, lost most of it but then stoped breastfeeding and instantly gained back 10! Struggling to lose it again, finding time to work out, time to eat healthy, plus I'm three years older and 35. Feels like just harder to lose weight the older I get
  • tlmhiebert1985
    tlmhiebert1985 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes I've lost over 20 pounds and have another 7 till I'm back at my pr-pregnancy weight after baby #2 which turns 7 months tm. I lost majority of it right away but then struggled and yo-yoed for the last four months. Now I'm two weeks into staying determined and devoted to losing the rest.
  • Mummytofitmummy
    Mummytofitmummy Posts: 83 Member
    Yes me!
  • megcromer
    megcromer Posts: 15 Member
    Ok, so how can we work this. People always respond yes but then where do the discussions go from there?????