30 day shred challange starting Today ... 28th of July ( gro



  • izzy02
    izzy02 Posts: 23
    I started a few days ago.. Today was my D3 L1 .... Can I still join?
  • sleepygiraffes
    sleepygiraffes Posts: 35 Member
    I started yesterday, CW 134. I think the last time I measured my waist, it was 26. Not too sure though, I'll have to re-measure! Good luck everyone :)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Here's my starting stats

    Weight 171lb
    Neck 37cm
    Chest 106cm
    Waist 88cm
    Belly 99cm
    Hips 101cm
    Right Upper Arm 31.5cm
    Left Upper Arm 29.5cm
    Right Thigh 60cm
    Left Thigh 59.5cm
    Right Calf 41cm
    Left Calf 41cm

    I'm going to have my first go now!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Hey, I'm on day 3 but would really like to join, I'll count today as day 1 ;-) WI is tomorrow so will post it in the morning and I've lost my measuring tape so will buy one and post measurements tomorrow too! :-)
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Oh...this is painful. :sad:

    190 - Starting weight.
    43 in - waist measurment.
    13 in each - right and left arms.
    26 in each - right and left thighs.
    47 in - Hips

    Getting ready to shred!
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    Alrighty, a bit embarrassing, but everyone starts somewhere. :)

    Starting weight: 207.8
    Waist: 38.0
    Right arm: 15.5
    Left arm: 15.5
    Right thigh: 28.0
    Left thighs: 28.0
    Hips: 44.0

    I think I measured my hips a bit low, but as long as I'm consistent I don't think it's much of a problem. For myself I'm also recording my calves, neck, chest/bust, and right at my belly button (widest part on me). I wish I knew what my measurements were a couple years ago when I was at my highest of 236!
  • Prettyme924
    Prettyme924 Posts: 86 Member
    weight 142
    stomach 35"
    waist 35"
    neck 14"
    ...hopefully once i complete ..weight will be 135...stomach 30...
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Ok, I did level 1 for the first time today, that was all good ... I was a bit disappointed at the calorie burn relative to how hard
    I tried!! But I suppose that's what happens with strength training eh?

    what's your plan with moving up a level? 10 days of level 1? then 10 of level 2? etc. I found level 1 fine, I can't do that many push ups on my feet, I can do about 10 on my feet ... I think in my head I thought it was going to be 30 different workouts with each increasing in intensity!

    How heavy are the weights you use? I was using 3kg weights, but found the strength training pretty tough (but just about doable) with those, but too easy with my 1kg weights!
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    All of you are welcome ... and it's great to have such good group to motivate each other.

    I didn't measure my self too ... so I'll do it in hours.
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    Ok, I did level 1 for the first time today, that was all good ... I was a bit disappointed at the calorie burn relative to how hard
    I tried!! But I suppose that's what happens with strength training eh?

    what's your plan with moving up a level? 10 days of level 1? then 10 of level 2? etc. I found level 1 fine, I can't do that many push ups on my feet, I can do about 10 on my feet ... I think in my head I thought it was going to be 30 different workouts with each increasing in intensity!

    How heavy are the weights you use? I was using 3kg weights, but found the strength training pretty tough (but just about doable) with those, but too easy with my 1kg weights!

    Yes it is not that much in burning calories ( mine about 200 ) but you will see the difference soon in your shape :-)

    this workout planned to be done by 10 days of L1 then 10 in L2 and finally do the 10 of L3. You said the workout is fine ... yes it is but the second day you will feel very very sore and day two will ba really rough but don't skip it or do it the other day. Every time you will start it after a stop you will fell sore so it's better to continue doing it daily.

    The wieghts are depends on you. I use 1 kg dumbbells
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    Sorry couldn't complete the last post ,

    I use 1kg dumbbells to be able to do all the actions well. I my srlf feel hard on using 2kg in 30 ds. I tried but I couldn't.
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    Ok, I did level 1 for the first time today, that was all good ... I was a bit disappointed at the calorie burn relative to how hard
    I tried!! But I suppose that's what happens with strength training eh?

    what's your plan with moving up a level? 10 days of level 1? then 10 of level 2? etc. I found level 1 fine, I can't do that many push ups on my feet, I can do about 10 on my feet ... I think in my head I thought it was going to be 30 different workouts with each increasing in intensity!

    How heavy are the weights you use? I was using 3kg weights, but found the strength training pretty tough (but just about doable) with those, but too easy with my 1kg weights!

    I log it as about 200 calories burned too. I've heard many people say they didn't actually lose much weight doing the shred unless they coupled it with something else, but their measurements really changed because it introduces strength which a lot of people overlook in their exercise routine.

    I use 3 and 5 pound weights. I think I could push up to 5 and 8 pounds, but I'm trying not to overdo it too much. I'm training for a half marathon in just over a month and need to be able to do more than just limp through my training runs, hence the slightly more conservative approach. Don't worry, I still feel it though! :)
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    Still to get my measurments will do this tonight for sure! , just completed D3 L1 and im getting fitter but im still drenched in sweat and my calves are a bit sore!

  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Thank you. I think 2kg weights would be ideal, but I don't have any! I currently don't do any strength training, I run, bike, swim, do bootcamp (which is the only time I do any strength stuff), so hopefully the shred will be good for me! I'm pretty excited about it atm! Always good to do something new eh?

    Final question, we do 30 consecutive days without a rest day, is that right? I usually have a rest day every week, but am happy to sacrifice it for the challenge!!

    I loved that it was only 20 mins, feels very fit-in-able. I did it this morning whilst the kids watched a cartoon! PERFECT!
  • Ninnyninball
    Ninnyninball Posts: 29 Member
    Did Level 1 before work this morning - for me its easier to get it done in the morning so when i come home i can jsut relax - i walk 70 minutes a day to and from work 5 days a week (but I think my body is used to that now) also do spin once a week.

    I might try go twice a week for the next few weeks - only 5 weeks till my holiday!!! need to do as much as possible before then! Thing the 30DS will defo help I am covered in sweat after it!

    I find Level 1 tough but doable! looking forward to see what Level 2 has in store!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Thank you. I think 2kg weights would be ideal, but I don't have any! I currently don't do any strength training, I run, bike, swim, do bootcamp (which is the only time I do any strength stuff), so hopefully the shred will be good for me! I'm pretty excited about it atm! Always good to do something new eh?

    Final question, we do 30 consecutive days without a rest day, is that right? I usually have a rest day every week, but am happy to sacrifice it for the challenge!!

    I loved that it was only 20 mins, feels very fit-in-able. I did it this morning whilst the kids watched a cartoon! PERFECT!
    I think theidea is 30 consecutive days, but we all know that sometimes life won't allow it. In another group I post with a couple of the ladies did the shred over about 5 weeks and still saw amazing results. So I think a rest day would be fine!
  • julie_safc
    Hi! I have just ordered this from Amazon, so it will be coming early next week hopefully! :happy:

    Can I just ask what you put down in your exercise diary for this? I was hoping there would be an option for 30 Day Shred but I couldn't find one.

    I am new to the site, only joined yesterday, so any advice would be greatly recieved :smile:
  • eve180
    eve180 Posts: 51 Member
    I would love to join. I will begin today with the 30 day shred. I will list my measurements this evening. I need this challenge since vacation is coming up for me. I also work 3 to 4 miles, 4 days or more a week ( I just started back). It will be interesting to see the results in 30 days. Thanks for the challenge.

  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Hi! I have just ordered this from Amazon, so it will be coming early next week hopefully! :happy:

    Can I just ask what you put down in your exercise diary for this? I was hoping there would be an option for 30 Day Shred but I couldn't find one.

    I am new to the site, only joined yesterday, so any advice would be greatly recieved :smile:

    Hey I use a HRM when I do shred and usually burn approx. 250cals a session, today I worked real hard and burned 300 though!! Just as a rough idea :-)
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    The 30 ds was planned to be done day by day for 30 days. But someyimes we cant fo it ! Try you best not to have a rest day !!

    We all usually count it here as a cercuit training , general.

    I will do L1 D2 soon

    Who feel the soreness from yesterday start?