Help, I'm Dying.

Hey, so I'm not new to diet thing. But I am new to asking for help. I'm 5'8, 30 years old, no children. I'm starting my journey at 350lbs.

I've had a battle with weight ever since I was a young girl. In my 20s it was the smallest I had been at 170lbs. I got that way from overexercising and phentermine. Needless to say that didn't work and I gained all of the weight lost plus another 100lbs. I've had jobs where I sacrificed both mental and physical health and now here I am. Thirty years old, severely obese, depressed, and suicidal.

Why am I airing out everything in this post? I don't know what else to do. I need help. I know I have support from friends and family, but I'd like to meet people here that will hold me accountable. I have nothing else to lose by being honest. I can exercise, but it's the food that's the hardest for me to control. Due to my job I can't really resort to drugs and alcoholism runs in my family so food it is.

I know I'll be dead by the end of the year if I keep going at this rate. I need help. I want to find similar people with similar struggles to help me daily. I'll do the same for you.

Sorry if this was long to read. Thank you ♥️




  • TsitoB
    TsitoB Posts: 505 Member
    You can do this. Plan yourself out. Establish specific goals for yourself, even if they are small at first. I am by no means a professional, but you can do this if you commit to it.
  • TLH9109
    TLH9109 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you. I appreciate it.
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    You are really brave to put all of that out here.

    Some other things to consider are incorporating a "new way of eating" by choosing different foods as part of your meal planning efforts.

    These are some of the things that helped me:

    I began to look at food differently by thinking about high protein/fat/fiber and low carbs/sugar meal planning (Paleo or Ketogenic). It's not the pyramid and it's not the USDA "my plate" - it's totally different and helps with the sugar / carb cravings.

    See this website for a list:

    While I kind of fell into Paleo / Keto (high protein / fat with low, low sugar and carbs), I cannot imagine not eating this way pretty much forever. I am not hungry. I seem to be able to stay within my nutrition / calorie goals and I FEEL better.

    No aches, pains and I lost weight almost without trying. (And, I am not always strict about eating no carbs -- I still occasionally allow myself some of the things that I like, {{{FRENCH FRIES}}} - just not more than once a week)

    I include some very nutrient dense foods (a protein shake* for breakfast and a "blended" meal for lunch along with some mushrooms and mixed greens along with some Greek yogurt and shredded coconut) to assist with supporting collagen and muscle maintenance. The added fat in these meals keep me from being hungry and are within my calorie limit.

    For the idea behind blended meals, see this website for details:

    Also, get a physical from a doctor that is going to spend more than 15 minutes with you, preferably someone with a background in hormonal management (if you are pre menopause, see someone who understands PMS; if you are post menopause, see someone who is a menopause specialist). Your hormones can make you crazy and make you hate your life. When my estrogen is low, the sound of my husband chewing makes me want to kill him... just saying.


    You want a doctor that will work with you to balance your hormones, check your thyroid (based on your symptoms, not your blood tests), and possibly also prescribe something to support your adrenals.
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    Sunna_W wrote: »
    While I kind of fell into Paleo / Keto (high protein / fat with low, low sugar and carbs), I cannot imagine not eating this way pretty much forever. I am not hungry. I seem to be able to stay within my nutrition / calorie goals and I FEEL better.

    This was the most surprising thing for me when I ate like the MFP macro algorithm suggested. In the beginning, I was actually eating more, but I was eating better. I concentrated on making my protein and fiber goals, ignored fat, and kept on or under my calorie goal; that's it. I didn't feel cheated or starved.

    (And, not a single vegetable except for mushrooms and onions--you don't have to eat salad to do this--nor did I exercise on purpose until I was close to my weight goal. I just mention this in case those are barriers for you. :) )
  • snooky211
    snooky211 Posts: 67 Member
    Well done for asking for support. Things look bad now, but in fact you have already started to take control by opening up. Set yourself small goals for the following day...and don't allow yourself to pull back from seeing them through. A daily goal could be to walk for 10 minutes, and you can slowly increase this. Go outside, try to get into natural surroundings for at least a short time each day. I think you are very brave, and I am rooting for you
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    If you have ten bucks a month you can get a Planet Fitness membership. There are a lot of large people there working on their health and you won't have to worry about looking different.
  • fatprincess4now
    fatprincess4now Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I am 36 years old and lost 64 lbs and still need more. I would be happy to chat with you and give you tips which helped me.
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    OP, good on your for reaching out. This community is here for you. That's the beauty of it. Any time, night or day, whatever is on your mind, you can post it here and someone generally will answer and has been where you are.

    I think the baby steps are a good idea. Trying to do too much at once is very overwhelming. The two things I would suggest you start with is:

    1. Logging. Don't worry about WHAT you are eating today, but I want to see you log it. And I mean seriously log it. This will get you used to logging and measuring and it will give you a true idea of exactly how much food you eat when you are unrestrained. I think it's good for everyone to know what they eat when they are just eating.
    2. Take a very short walk everyday. I don't care if it's just to the end of your block or around your building at work. Just move. Get your body used to walking.

    Once you've done #1 and #2 for 2 weeks, you can take another baby step. My idea for that would be to look at your daily calories for #1 and shave off 200-400 calories a day. Then walk a little be farther.

    You get the idea. I think just doing #1 and #2 is going to put some "control" back in your hands and you will start to feel better mentality, which is where it's all at with weight loss.

    I think you've taken a great first step to come here and get it out.