Sunburn is getting worse it seems..Help!!



  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    you could try Biooil
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    Also, I would just stop working out for a couple days. The sweat is REALLY not going to help and that's how you're getting the "most blisters". The sweat is getting trapped under those bubbles. It's gross, I know. I had a bad sunburn a few weeks ago. D:

    Sounds like you know exactly what I am talking about! Its so gross! Ahh!
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    Last summer I got insanely sunburned. Every time I worked out, I didn't sweat: BUBBLES appeared under my skin, and they would only go away if I applied unreasonable amounts of lotion. It was disguisting. However, I worked out anyway and I'm sure the pain in my face worried some people in the gym. And I'm sure my (now ex) boyfriend thought I was super sexy too bahaha. The only thing sexier than the burn was probably the subsequent peeling. Just thought I'd share that story.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Coming from the land of the sun (lovely phoenix arizona, we get ALOT of sunburns here) since youre so far out for the inital burn you need to take a shower using unscented soap and get everything off your body. Then pick up the BLUE ALOE (its aloe with lanocain or lidocaine depending on the brand, basically the same thing) this is the kind that will numb the effected skin keeping you from having an itching burning sensation. It didnt blister within 24 hours so yours actually isnt as bad as some Ive personally had but fair skin takes extra care. You can re apply aloe every 2 hours, but I do advise wiping off the old layer with a damp wash cloth for best results. If its still itching about 12-18 hours after starting the aloe you need to take an oatmeal bath (yep just like for rashes as kids) its likely something in your natural sweat is irritating the skin (remember you basically destroyed the top layer so all this skin hasnt been exposed to chemicals before) and keep using the aloe. Since you are just starting to use aloe, or any after-sun regimine, timing is touchey but I would say by monday at the latest if it hasnt healed At All you need to see your Dr. You may have an undiagnosed sun allergy
  • maxsdad9
    maxsdad9 Posts: 25 Member
    A serious sunburn will always peel. Sorry, but there is nothing u can do about it. Sounds like u had first degree burn. It wont scar. I wouldn't ever advise putting butter on a burn, That is definitely a no no! The best thing to put on it is aloe vera gel Not pleasant as it dries a little sticky at first, but it will reduce the pain and itch and it is good for your skin.
  • southernbelle39
    I'm very pale so I get sunburned a lot and the best thing to do is put aloe on it and try not to peel it. (I reapply aloe a few times a day but it helps out a lot if you put it on before you go to sleep).

    A trick I've learned is to mix baking soda in room temperature/luke warm water. Take a wash cloth and soak it, ring it out, and lay it where you're burnt. Do this until the wash cloth is cold and repeat. This will help take the sting out of the sunburn. (Do this for about 10 minutes).

    Since it sounds like you are already peeling it might also help to use a lotion that has aloe in it as well. That will help keep the moisture in and it won't make your skin feel tight.

    Hope this helps!
  • maxsdad9
    maxsdad9 Posts: 25 Member
    What was the SPF of the sunblock? How soon before going out in the sun did u apply it. Did you re-apply it every hour or so????
  • jmikels67
    jmikels67 Posts: 116
    I agree with an earlier poster that the reason you're getting "blisters" is from the sweating. Had a light burn a few weeks ago on my shoulders. Not painful, and I aloe'd. Worked in the yard and got really sweaty, and the burn area (which had started to peel slightly) got all bubbly. It was from the sweat building up under the area that wasn't quite ready to peel yet, but was loose from the skin underneath. It is gross, but I used a towel to gently rub the peely skin off. It was sensitive for a day or two, but I just used more aloe. If you're continuing to have trouble I'd say keep using the aloe, and take a break for a couple of days to allow it to heal completely. Don't worry you won't have scars - I'm very fair skinned to, and I just had a weird tan line till that area re-tanned. :-)
  • gt_mooar
    gt_mooar Posts: 13
    If you have an aloe vera plant you can use that (it smells really bad though). also as a kid my mom would buy pepermint essentail oil & mix a couple of drops with water. Be careful if you add to much pepermint it will feel like your burning all over again! Have you tried doing excercise in the water? I dont know where you live but if you can find some river/lake that has shade you can excercise in the shade. I would think the cool water would feel good against your burn. where it was blister like be careful that you dont get it infected where you peeled some of it off. The thing about burns is, once you burn you cant stop it. So, when you were sunburned it probably kept burning for a while after. Good luck!!!
  • Bringerofrain
    Bringerofrain Posts: 163 Member
    People have told me that a product Called Aveeno works really well. It a mixture you soak in the tub with.