Struggling with Cardio!

elysiamae_x Posts: 14 Member
edited July 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
So when it comes to exercising, I have always stopped because I really do not like doing cardio. Wether it's on a bike, treadmill or cross trainer-I just hate it. I find it especially boring. Does anyone have any tips to stay motivated to do cardio exercise? I also find I barley burn any calories when doing it anyway so I feel as though it's a waste of time


  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,818 Member
    I consider cardio to be the devil's work ... pure frikkin evil :P

    I take my tablet to gym and watch series. Keeps my mind of the cardio.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Bodyweight intervals and hiking/hill walking are my cardio go tos. I very occasionally go for a run. It doesn't have to be a machine! I never step foot in a gym.
  • eJane13
    eJane13 Posts: 26 Member
    I hate cardio too! I get bored with the typical things but found I love the Zumba classes at my gym. It's pretty much the only way I happily do cardio haha
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,970 Member
    edited July 2017
    Steady state cardio is not that helpful for either health or weight loss.

    There's really almost no such thing as steady state cardio in the real world.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited July 2017
    rybo wrote: »
    Do other forms of cardio that aren't boring. Steady state cardio isn't the only kind out there. Get outside and walk/hike, carry heavy things, do complexes with light to moderate weights, body weight circuits, play a sport, etc.


    Keep is worth it.

    I hate choreography (2 left feet) so a class was out of the question.

    Then I found Just Walk and Walk On DVDs by Leslie Sansone and Jessica Smith (respectively). Check out YouTube for a test drive. I found these to be much more interesting than my treadmill (which collects dust now).
  • fitin50s2
    fitin50s2 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm thoroughly convinced if I had not moved out of the gym to the outside, I'd of given up cardio 100% by now.

    Find an activity you enjoy and go for it. Some activities can be fun inside - indoor volleyball, etc... Depends on your interests.
  • elysiamae_x
    elysiamae_x Posts: 14 Member
    okay thank you everyone, i really appreciate the adcvice! ill look into doing a class at my gym or doing swimming perhaps
  • GottaluvFood
    GottaluvFood Posts: 65 Member
    Look into hobbies rather than gym-time.

    Dance lessons? The lessons themselves will get you sweating, but there are opportunities outside of the class after you know. Most dance class places offer dances regularly. Park systems, where I live, have outdoor Big Band concerts in the summer. You'll make friends.

    Hiking? If you don't do any cardio now, some is good enough. Go for walks in the woods for an hour or two.

    Gardening? It's estimated that light gardening uses 300 calories an hour.
  • ronocnikral
    ronocnikral Posts: 176 Member
    Steady state cardio is not that helpful for either health or weight loss. Humans aren't meant to do boring repetitive movements. You are correct that hours on a treadmill are a waste of your time.

    When you say "steady state cardio is not that helpful for either health or weight loss" is that because it is "boring?" Regardless if "Steady state cardio" is boring or not, I disagree with the statement.

    Let me tell you what looks like hell to me. I watched about 3 mins of a "crossfit competition" the other day. I watched people jump on top of a box, and then down, and then back on top of the box, then back down. And just about the time I fell asleep, they moved on to picking up a medicine ball off the floor, over their shoulder and letting it drop on the floor. They then proceeded to turn around, pick up the medicine ball, over their shoulder again - wash, rinse, repeat. It's hard to imagine a more appropriate comparison to sisyphus.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Steady state cardio is not that helpful for either health or weight loss. Humans aren't meant to do boring repetitive movements. You are correct that hours on a treadmill are a waste of your time.

    When you say "steady state cardio is not that helpful for either health or weight loss" is that because it is "boring?" Regardless if "Steady state cardio" is boring or not, I disagree with the statement.

    Let me tell you what looks like hell to me. I watched about 3 mins of a "crossfit competition" the other day. I watched people jump on top of a box, and then down, and then back on top of the box, then back down. And just about the time I fell asleep, they moved on to picking up a medicine ball off the floor, over their shoulder and letting it drop on the floor. They then proceeded to turn around, pick up the medicine ball, over their shoulder again - wash, rinse, repeat. It's hard to imagine a more appropriate comparison to sisyphus.

    No, it's because it doesn't burn many calories and studies show it's one of the least efficient ways to improve health markers. Crossfit sounds like hell to me too, but if you can avoid injuries or rhabdo it's an intense enough workout to make much more of a difference to your body than ten million miles on a treadmill ever could.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited July 2017
    Steady state cardio is not that helpful for either health or weight loss. Humans aren't meant to do boring repetitive movements. You are correct that hours on a treadmill are a waste of your time.

    When you say "steady state cardio is not that helpful for either health or weight loss" is that because it is "boring?" Regardless if "Steady state cardio" is boring or not, I disagree with the statement.

    Let me tell you what looks like hell to me. I watched about 3 mins of a "crossfit competition" the other day. I watched people jump on top of a box, and then down, and then back on top of the box, then back down. And just about the time I fell asleep, they moved on to picking up a medicine ball off the floor, over their shoulder and letting it drop on the floor. They then proceeded to turn around, pick up the medicine ball, over their shoulder again - wash, rinse, repeat. It's hard to imagine a more appropriate comparison to sisyphus.

    No, it's because it doesn't burn many calories and studies show it's one of the least efficient ways to improve health markers. Crossfit sounds like hell to me too, but if you can avoid injuries or rhabdo it's an intense enough workout to make much more of a difference to your body than ten million miles on a treadmill ever could.

    It really does depend to a great deal on duration!
    Come for an all day cycle ride and tell me it doesn't burn many calories.....

    Audax events are sometimes called (not entirely jokingly) "eating competitions held in beautiful countryside". :smiley:

    At a conservative 500 cals an hour my cycle riding so far this year has burned 83,500 calories.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    I love cardio but I'm weird

    however my cardio is often something I love. get outside and go for a hike or walk or run, find a sport you love, dance, swim. Cardio doesn't have to be the same old boring old treadmill or whatever equipment is in the gym. I'm sure you can find something you love