Does anyone else find themselves starving?



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You should eat every 2.5 to 3 hours.


    That´s something to do with insulin spikes and or something like that. Somedays that i didn´t prepare my afternoon snacks i would eat almost eveything in da fridge just before dinner time.

    To not feel starving is the simple answer.

    so you should eat every 2.5 to 3 hours, if that happens to you, not OP or anyone else....

    Just my $0,02 advice. As i said...It worked for me. Lost 66 pounds so far and my clinical analysis just got way better.

    Glad that worked for you to stay in calorie deficit. I only eat 2x per day and stay in calorie deficit. To eat the way you did would have been a disaster for me and I would never have been able to stay in deficit. Staying in deficit is all that matters. Nutrient timing and frequency does not. Your way of eating was not a factor in your numbers improving. Your fat loss was.
  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    So my calorie goal is just under 1500. I made a breakfast today packed with protein so that I wouldn't get too hungry too fast. For lunch I had some cereal. That was about four hours ago. It almost 4 pm and I found myself STARVING. But I only have about 600 calories left that I'm trying to save for dinner. What gives?

    Happens to me sometimes. I'd say once every other week (give or take) I'll get a day like this is I'm running a somewhat aggressive 1.5-2 lbs/wk deficit. Usually just got to gut through it, and if I'm for sure feeling to hungry for sleep I'll usually throw in some extra veggies.

    That said, it's fairly routine for me to get sensations like that on a regular basis. Maybe 2 or 3 times a week. In the majority of these cases though it's psychological hunger. When I actually check in with how my stomach feels, energy levels, and fullness are I realize I'm fine and the feeling usually stops.

    Everyone has different experiences of these things, but if you don't already, I'd recommend examining your hunger sensations and determine if you're actually hungry, or just psychologically hungry. One of the best tells for me is that psychological hunger comes on quick, and can ebb and flow. Being actually hungry always gradually increases, and once is there, is incessant. Sharp hunger coming out of nowhere is almost always psychological.
  • noirelb
    noirelb Posts: 216 Member
    I just want to let you know that during a women's period, her metabolism increases of around 8-10% due to progesterone so I think adding 150 calories for a snack for 4 days (10% of your calorie intake) during you period would not change your deficit. There was an actual study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition done to back this up.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I'd be hungry an hour after eating cereal. I would have at least thrown in an 80 calorie Greek yogurt there, or some cottage cheese.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    If Ii ate cereal for any meal I'd be starving too. I have to eat HIGH volume vegetables and lean meats. No dressings or calories spent on drinks. Hell, I don't even eat fruit much when I'm really cutting. And there are still some points during the day when I'm hungry.
  • noirelb
    noirelb Posts: 216 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    I'd be hungry an hour after eating cereal. I would have at least thrown in an 80 calorie Greek yogurt there, or some cottage cheese.

    Agreed, I am always hungry 2 hours after cereal. It's high in calories due to sugar but not filling. I find oatmeal - (quick cooking plain) to be the best filler. Add fruits/nuts/yogurt
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    My suggestion would be to start hacking your diet. Change what you eat so that you can eat more. The other option is to add exercise as many have suggested. I did both. I learned to make the same foods I loved with less calories and I added exercise. Some foods I learned to like that I never thought I would in a million years. My usual breakfast during my weight loss phase was a bowl of All Bran with half a banana sliced up in it (I would slice and freeze ripe ones for my cereal) with almond milk and I would then drink a protein shake. It generally did really well for me until late morning, and then I would eat a lower calorie protein snack/bar. Granted, I'm tall, and a guy, so I had more calories to work with (about 400 more than you) plus I added a lot of exercise calories of which I ate back around 50%. So those are options.
  • monjones07
    monjones07 Posts: 1 Member
    I've recently adapted to a Low Carb/Keto diet. I find myself not craving sugars or junk and I have to remind myself to eat because my appetite has diminished. For me personally, this is the way to go to loose and maintain the weight. Cereal is ALL carbs basically so then you end up hungry sooner and wanting more junk.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    One of the keys to success is going to be identifying what is hunger and what is appetite. Certain foods will have increased satiety and you need to spend time figuring out what these are for you. There are several habits you will need to develop to avoid eating when you don't need to.

    For me drinking 16 oz prior to meal times was key, especially in the beginning and moving away from my grazing tendencies.

    I have a list of go to foods that are especially satiating:

    Oatmeal w/ honey and cinnamon (210 kcals)

    2 egg omelette w/ hot sauce/pepper (190 kcals)

    Also note that any hormonal shifts will trigger your appetite (not hunger) and will also cause increase cellular absorption (water weight). Stay hydrated and this will pass in a week.
  • codycoder
    codycoder Posts: 5 Member
    I know the feeling well.

    1,500 calories per day seems low without knowing any other details. I'm assuming you've researched what amount of calories you need to create weight loss and that the goal isn't too aggressive. 1/2 to 1 lb of fat loss per month is a good goal IMO because the body can only burn so much fat and 1lb of fat = 3,500 calories.

    Remember it's about net in/out. If you ate 2000 calories but burned 2200 you'd be 200 calories deficit which will cause weight loss.

    If you're eating 1,500 but burning less than that you will not be losing and your body will think it's starving.

    You only need a deficit of about 120 calories per day to lose a pound of fat per month.

    That's really easy to do, leave out the soda.. honestly tones of ways.

    Increasing the deficit increases the difficulty and increases the fat loss (up to a point). The body is not willing to party with all it's fat too quickly so rushing is bad IMO.

  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    I find on the days I am starving are usually the days that I haven't gotten much sleep. I'm not sure why but lack of sleep makes me ravenous.

    Oh me too! Poor sleep and I'm ravenous all day!

  • kokonani
    kokonani Posts: 507 Member
    You should eat every 2.5 to 3 hours. Try to eat as many "protein" foods as you can (I did a intense internet search on protein and complex carbohydrates). Cereals won`t do it. I´ve lost since January 66 pounds (268 - 202) and feel i can go on forever with my meal plan (doesnt feel dieting at all). Example of meal plan that my nutritionist gave me (It worked for me)
    7:30 am Breakfast - fried egg (coconut oil)....3 slices of "turkey" or "chicken breast" ham....slice of whole bread...6 almonds...cup of coffee (love this 10 year old son too, but only twice a week for him);
    10:30 am snack - 50 calories of any lean cheese and 10 almonds;
    12:45 pm lunch - Half a plate of meat or fish, the other half is with (beans or brown rice or sweet potatoe u get the picture) and vegetables;
    15:00 pm pre-workout shake (whey protein 25gr) taken with a shot of l-carnitine;
    16:45 pm post - workout shake (whey protein 25gr) and a banana or orange;
    19:00 pm dinner - Half a plate of meat or fish, the other half with vegetables;
    22:00 pm late snack - cup of tea with 2-4 whole waffers (sometimes I don´t eat them at all)

    That´s around 1500-1600 calories a day.

    1 hour exercise 4 times week and all the water i can drink (crucial)

    Hope it gives you and idea that eating to far apart isn´t a good idea and that´s why you´re starving.

    Eating frequently works only for some people. I do much better having less frequent meals- like one or two huge meal with all my calories for the day. This tends to eliminate my cravings and snacking.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    that's funny/ironic - when I eat cereal for breakfast, I'm hungrier at lunch than if I ate 2 boiled eggs.
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    If you're hungry and not just bored/snacks, eat a healthy snack, log it and get on with it. Don't live hungry, hunger will steal your ability to live in the present.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    cereal for a meal would leave me pretty hungry in pretty short order...although I don't find it unreasonable to be hungry 4 hours after a meal.
  • Kintsugi_Haikyo
    Kintsugi_Haikyo Posts: 361 Member
    Yea, it happens to me. Less often now that I am getting further into shape. But, what gets me is if I stay up late and watch a movie or something. I always seem to snack.
  • gingerbiscuit2508
    gingerbiscuit2508 Posts: 7 Member
    Have you tries drinking water or squash if you feel hungry? It maybe because you're thirsty??? Sometimes my body tell me to eat when all I need is some water x best of luck on your journey x