Heavy guys that run

Are there any heavier guys (over 205/210) that run (over 20 miles a week).

Trying to get some ideas on personal experience running as a heavier person and the effects it's had on your body over the long term.


  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    started at around 285 now at about 215 been there for most of a year. I run around 20 miles per week. Hasn't bothered or effected me at all. Shoes don't last long though maybe 3 months or so before they are toast.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I was about 235 when I started running and have stayed in the 200ish range fairly consistently. (Ideally I'd like to get lower to improve race times etc but my main focus is fitness rather than a number on the scale)

    The biggest things I've noticed (other than improvements in both speed & endurance) over time have been that my resting heart rate has come down significantly, my blood pressure is much better, my doctor is happy with my serum lipids and I enjoy a much better sense of well being.
  • BrianKMcFalls
    BrianKMcFalls Posts: 190 Member
    Not doing much running currently, but quality shoes built for a heavier runner help and they wear out fast. I enjoyed trail running the most, less of a pounding on the joints in my opinion, asphalt wasn't too bad if I limited the miles, concrete killed my knees.
  • Andy10725
    Andy10725 Posts: 68 Member
    I was 289lb. Tried jogging when I restarted on exercise. Not a good idea for me. It had too much stress on my knees. If you are set on doing it, run on grass or really springy treadmill. Should also throw in some exercise that strengthen your leg muscles to prevent knee pain.
  • Rammer123
    Rammer123 Posts: 679 Member
    edited July 2017
    Not doing much running currently, but quality shoes built for a heavier runner help and they wear out fast. I enjoyed trail running the most, less of a pounding on the joints in my opinion, asphalt wasn't too bad if I limited the miles, concrete killed my knees.

    Is there any specific shoe you'd recommend?

    I've run a lot since being a kid playing soccer and other sports, but after finishing playing and putting on a lot more weight, I still run well for my size, and my leg strength and endurance has increased with my weight, so the pace has slowed a little but not too much. I just feel heavy and want to limit any added stress on my joints.
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    Are there any heavier guys (over 205/210) that run (over 20 miles a week).

    Trying to get some ideas on personal experience running as a heavier person and the effects it's had on your body over the long term.
    Yep, I'm 210-217lbs for the past 5 years, I've ran on and off all my life, always been overweight, I run 15 miles long run, a tempo 7 miler, a 5-6 mile interval session and a 5k park run each week, My best times recently =1 mile 7.30, 5k 26 mins, marathon 4.21
    Effects on my body = very little weight loss, I drink and eat more.
    I'm 50 no negative body injury if that's what your asking
  • BrianKMcFalls
    BrianKMcFalls Posts: 190 Member
    Not doing much running currently, but quality shoes built for a heavier runner help and they wear out fast. I enjoyed trail running the most, less of a pounding on the joints in my opinion, asphalt wasn't too bad if I limited the miles, concrete killed my knees.

    Is there any specific shoe you'd recommend?

    I've run a lot since being a kid playing soccer and other sports, but after finishing playing and putting on a lot more weight, I still run well for my size, and my leg strength and endurance has increased with my weight, so the pace has slowed a little but not too much. I just feel heavy and want to limit any added stress on my joints.

    I used to wear Asics, but currently wear Saucuny. I would recommend getting fitted at a running store, take them your current shoe, they can tell a lot by the wear patterns. You should find a good shoe that way. I bought my first pair of Saucuny after a fitting and have replaced them three times since using Amazon.