Trouble With Cottage Cheese



  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,154 Member
    I agree. Cottage cheese is truly vile and considering my diet is 70% dairy... it has to be truly disgusting for me to hate a dairy item. Yogurt is freaking gross, too. I can only tolerate the 0% Fage because it tastes and smells like mostly nothing. I don't know how people eat this stuff.

    With a spoon and lots of pleasure my dear. That is why we are all different. :)
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    edited July 2017
    Blend it into a smoothie with frozen strawberries and mangos! Or mix it into your scrambled eggs, it gets melty and makes the eggs creamy and gooey. Hnng.
  • joolie1234
    joolie1234 Posts: 126 Member
    So don't eat cottage cheese. Problem solved. I just had some with peaches - yum. But doesn't sound like it is something that works for you. Toss it out and move on with life.

    I love cottage cheese with fresh peaches. Nomnomnom
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I agree. Cottage cheese is truly vile and considering my diet is 70% dairy... it has to be truly disgusting for me to hate a dairy item. Yogurt is freaking gross, too. I can only tolerate the 0% Fage because it tastes and smells like mostly nothing. I don't know how people eat this stuff.

    Yogurt, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese -- all plain -- are easily my favorite dairy items not including the two I limit because of calories (cheese and ice cream). I don't care about and never drink milk itself, and sour cream and cream cheese and butter are nice, but hardly a significant source of calories for me (I might have them occasionally).

    But like someone else said, that's because we all have different tastes.
  • Jenpiddles
    Jenpiddles Posts: 44 Member
    The only way I can eat it is if I mix it with black beans and salsa. It's so good!
  • jruch23
    jruch23 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Try it with a lot of cinnamon or mix some fruit like blueberries or strawberries in it
  • tomorrowistoday0000
    tomorrowistoday0000 Posts: 125 Member
    It's really an acquired taste but there's no point punishing yourself eating it. I've personally come to like it but not as an everyday thing. I have mine with strawberry, blueberries, sliced almonds, coconut flakes and a drizzle of honey.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    I'm currently on a cottage cheese kick over my normal greek yogurt because I'm trying to scale back the carbs.

    The key for me is to go 4% or 2% over fat free. It tastes so much better and doesn't add that many more calories. I'll add fruit like strawberries or blueberries or, if I'm low on protein, a scoop of whey.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I like to add freeze-dried chives to small curd cottage cheese, and eat it with Ak-Mak high-fiber crackers. But I can see how someone might hate it -- I have good memories of eating cottage cheese from my childhood.

    My favorite dairy products for a snack are ricotta and Icelandic skyr with fruit and a little granola for crunch. (skyr is similar to Greek yogurt but I like it more)
  • Camigwen
    Camigwen Posts: 41 Member
    I'm not a fan either although I like to hide it in pancakes, sounds a little odd but if you don't use too much it packs a nice protein kick with little to no flavor.

    There's also a German dish where you mix with a little egg and onion cover in dough kind of like a raviolo and fry in butter.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    Just used some for overnight ostmeal.

    Oats, chopped fruit of choice, cottage cheese, cinnamon, splenda, 1 tbsp cashew milk, 1 tbsp hazelnut creamer.

  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Hey everyone thanks heaps for all your tips.

    @grinning_chick thanks for the links to recipes. And @Lynnette1709 and @CeciliaBobilia thanks for those tips. Cecilia I'd be happy to send the cheese to you but I'm not sure how well half a tub of cottage cheese would travel in the post haha.

    @klrenn thanks for the advice. Nice to get some tips from someone who has done what I'm starting to do myself. Any suggestions for high protein and low cal foods?

    Also thanks to everyone who suggested Greek yougurt. I'm going to try some of the suggestions given on this thread to finish of the container, but suspect I won't be buying anymore (happy to be pleasantly surprised though).

    Once the cottage cheese is gone I plan on consuming all the Greek yogurt and peanut butter I can get my hands on. I know peanut butter is more a fat source than a protein source, but if I used it as a 'treat' protein source would that seem alright to most people?

    Thanks once again to all of you.

    Low cal, high protein foods:
    Lean cuts of beef or pork
    Deli cold cuts -- like roast beef
    White meat chicken and turkey
    Leafy greens
    Pizza with no crust
    Tacos without the shells

  • JodehFoster
    JodehFoster Posts: 419 Member
    I do enjoy cottage cheese, absolutely not the low fat version. Also, there is only ONE brand I will eat here. Have tried several, and the rest are definitely chalky and hard to get down. Possibly another brand that's higher fat & creamier might suit you, but it seems you may have had a bad experience that no experimenting can help.
  • angel7472
    angel7472 Posts: 317 Member
    my husband is from Australia. What we think tastes great here in the US sometimes has very different taste there. He's pointed this out to me so many times.
    Could just be that the cottage cheese has a different taste and texture there. It's possible.
    Anyway, as pointed out before try making scrambled eggs with it.
    Something I used to make:
    1 part cottage cheese
    tin of tuna
    half an onion
    mix all together in a microwave safe dish and then cook for a couple minutes. Drain liquid, mix and microwave for another minute. Drain mix and add pepper. That was my go to super protein lunch when I had no carbs left for the day in my macros.
    When I do I will make noodles, cottage cheese, marinara sauce and motz cheese. Sometimes I'll add shrimp and garlic bread.
    Good luck :)
  • cs2thecox
    cs2thecox Posts: 533 Member
    Bin it. Makes me gag too. I just... can't.

    Zero fat Greek yogurt
    Skyr (basically zero fat Greek yogurt but Icelandic)
    Quark (ditto but German - technically cheese apparently, but really not)
  • elizabethmcopeland
    elizabethmcopeland Posts: 167 Member
    i like cottage cheese and canned pineapple. i cannot say it will be a winning combo for you, but it's one of the few ways I like it. :)
  • ShrinkingViolet1982
    ShrinkingViolet1982 Posts: 919 Member
    It also depends on what texture you find. I've seen very dry cottage cheese which is pretty yucky (and adding sugary stuff doesn't help make it better, not to me anyway), but the wet version goes down better for me. I tend to add it on top of salad and tuna, or add savoury spices like salt/pepper/onion/garlic, and some tomato. It's almost like a cheap/fast lasagna, kind of.

    And if you just don't like cottage cheese, don't do it. Find something else :D
  • AnotherAbby96
    AnotherAbby96 Posts: 2 Member
    Cottage cheese mixed with.....
    • protein powder
    • splenda/splenda brown sugar
    • salsa
    • hot cocoa mix
    • trail mix
    • granola
    • Doritos
    • peanut butter and splenda

    My favorite way to eat it is mixed with protein powder so it's super-duper thick.
  • Maija1985
    Maija1985 Posts: 11 Member
    It tastes great mixed with a bit of sour cream if its dry and chopped spring onions, salt. On a dark rye bread. Or for a sweet version- mix it with sweetener and blend it. Can add cocoa powder, nuts if u wish. Also cupcakes- cottage cheese+sweetener+bran blended and raisins. Bake it as cupcakes