Dr.OZ Total 10 as a guideline not the rule



  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    mrosner87 wrote: »
    Mrsnatty - want to know what other people are doing that works and sustainable. MFP I've known about since a girlfriend had bypass surgery but my goals are attainable with persistence. Not to mention being single and on the market!

    What works for weight loss is being at the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals. All plans are based on this premise, regardless of what their claims are.

    What's sustainable will greatly vary between individuals. There's a million plans out there and what clicks with one person will be a disaster for someone else. You can experiment with a few different plans and see if one is a good fit, or you can just use MFP, which is one of the easier options in my opinion.

    Yep. I like planning my meals around what's on sale locally for the week and what my family likes. I would last about 5 minutes on something that required specific foods or macros each day, and even less if it will cost me more. ;)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    mrosner87 wrote: »
    I had 4 oz. Of chicken. Creamed spinach and Brussels sprouts for lunch. Yet sitting here at my desk 2 hours later and I feel hungry again. Sugar snap peas and low fat yogurt or plain almonds or even Quaker steel cut oats are my options available. What would you choose?

    I would pick one based on the combination of what I wanted most and what would help me meet my nutritional needs in the context of all the other food I was eating that day.
  • mrosner87
    mrosner87 Posts: 24 Member
    edited July 2017
    I checked my macros for today so my protein and fat definitely needs to go down and up with carbs. Good advice!
  • mrosner87
    mrosner87 Posts: 24 Member
    Do any of you notice a difference when you're on your period?
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    mrosner87 wrote: »
    Do any of you notice a difference when you're on your period?

    I tend to crave sugar/chocolate a couple days before then my appetite is pretty non existant when it actually comes. I do, however, notice that I tend to gain 1-2lbs mid-cycle when I ovulate rather than the typical bloating before my actual period. I track this in my diary in the notes section
  • mrosner87
    mrosner87 Posts: 24 Member
    Interesting because i fluctuated on initial bloat. A longer trend will reveal more to me :) thanks
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,733 Member
    mrosner87 wrote: »
    Suzanne that was towards Deanna not you. Not an argument just a reading comprehension thing and probably too much detail on my part. Judgement free zone? Deficit is nice but what about the carbs. I dont eat bread, pasta, or rice normally. Is there another food I don't know about?

    Well, there's potatoes, quinoa, barley, buckwheat, oats, and corn to start with.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I don't know anything about this plan so this is what I would do regardless of your plan:

    Look into stress management tools. If you know that your priorities shifted when you were stressed then you know that this may happen again if you don't handle it.

    See what parts of this plan were not sustainable for you or you didn't like and discard or change them. If something was the first to go when you stopped dieting then it was not potent enough to be habit forming.

    Add back anything that diet did not allow, but you really liked and missed and not having it made it stressful for you.

    If eating this way affected your social life, make exceptions where appropriate. Long term changes take real life into account.

    If eating outside this plan made you feel guilty or triggered negative self-talk, remind yourself that you are using this as a guideline not a rule, and that it's okay to not be perfect all the time. Food is food, and it can be enjoyed without regret even if it's outside your plan. It's good to have a strategy, and regardless where this strategy comes from (yeah I dislike Dr Oz too), if it makes dieting easier for you then it's useful. The problem arises when instead of using this strategy as a tool for calorie management you allow it to entirely rule your choices and feelings.

    Most of all, keep logging consistently to make sure you are staying in a calorie deficit and getting your nutrients.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    My advice is stop trying to hit your macros perfectly. Protein is the most essential, making sure you get enough fat is essential, everything else, meh.

    I just eat food. I try to make smart choices when in a deficit so I'm not permanently hungry, for me that looks like all three macros at each meal ideally. But I will still sacrifice lunch for cake sometimes. Go over maintenance for a good meal out with friends.

    It doesn't need to be complicated, that's a sure fire one way ticket to frustrated giving up because too hardsville. Live life. Eat food. Stay within your calories.

    Totally THIS. Set your protein appropriately and use it as a target. Carbs/fat. suggestion/guideline.

    Obviously you don't want to overshoot protein either. but using the .8-1.4g per lb of LBM or 1g per kg of TBW and set that as a floor...
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    mrosner87 wrote: »
    I had 4 oz. Of chicken. Creamed spinach and Brussels sprouts for lunch. Yet sitting here at my desk 2 hours later and I feel hungry again. Sugar snap peas and low fat yogurt or plain almonds or even Quaker steel cut oats are my options available. What would you choose?

    Me? Almonds don't fill me up so that's out. I dislike the taste of low fat yogurt so I'm not going to waste my calories on something I dislike. Out of these choices I would go for the oats because I like them.

    See what I did? I went through the choices and picked the one that is most appealing to me, which also happens to be filling in my case. That was MY choice, and everyone's would be different because people feel full and like different foods. When you need to make a choice go for what fills you up the most if hungry and for what you would enjoy the most if not too hungry, if what you enjoy the most also happens to be the most filling then there's a jackpot (may not not always be possible). You are stressing too much about food. This can wear you out. No wonder it takes a toll and doesn't stick. Things don't need to be complicated and not every detail needs to be managed. I just eat what enjoy eating within my calories and make general choices that don't leave me hungry all day every day. That's all there is to it for me. I have several situation-specific tricks and strategies that I learned work for me, but other than that my diet is pretty light on rules.