Skipping periods and weeks of cramping?



  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Delayed period and faintness make me think your deficit is too steep.

    If I were you I'd cut the exercise by half and add a hundred calories a day.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    edited July 2017
    So you skipped one period...This happens sometimes. Every year my cycle changes. I might miss a period and then it realigns.

    The weeks of cramping is a little it every day for weeks? I get pinches and cramps throughout my cycle because there are little cysts in there. I don't have PCOS though and it only started happening in the past couple years.

    I do some heavy weight training and skipped about 4 months last year. The doctor said everything was fine though. When my period came back, the cycle was 40 days instead of my usual 28.

    Sometimes diet and exercise can do this. It's good to keep an eye on it and be aware. Make sure you're not being too aggressive and getting enough FAT in your diet. It is needed for good hormone balance as well as nutrient absorption.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Did you ask what the abnormal heart rhythm is? Some are benign, some not so much. The cardiologists are the specialists, although not all are created equal. Dr Google is certainly less helpful, unless you enjoy being anxious about everything.
  • Shortieweightloss
    Shortieweightloss Posts: 29 Member
    Oh thank god, I think I got my period. It's very faint and could just be spotting, but hopefully it's more than just that. See, I just had to make a thread freaking out. :P Sorry about all of the TMI!
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    Great suggestions. Especially regarding that if things are bad get seen sooner etc.

    One thing your GP/primary care doctor can do is a STI screen.

    Some STI's (like chlamidia for example)can lay dormant for many years in women before symptoms appear, so even if you've had no action for some time it can be a possibility.

  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Oh thank god, I think I got my period. It's very faint and could just be spotting, but hopefully it's more than just that. See, I just had to make a thread freaking out. :P Sorry about all of the TMI!

    It's okay. Glad you got it.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Delayed period and faintness make me think your deficit is too steep.

    If I were you I'd cut the exercise by half and add a hundred calories a day.


    I think you're not eating enough and this is something I noticed you haven't addressed. How much weight have you lost since starting to lose weight? 1200 calories is the minimum recommended for women and if you aren't eating exercise calories back you are likely pushing your body too hard.

    I did the same thing circa 2009 and passed out at the gym.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Delayed period and faintness make me think your deficit is too steep.

    If I were you I'd cut the exercise by half and add a hundred calories a day.

    I agree that it sounds like she's under-eating.

    @Shortieweightloss how many pounds have you lost in the last two months?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    One thing I'm worried about but can't really do much about b/c the doctors don't listen to me is heart problems, although I don't know why those would impact my cycle. I've had two doctors over the past 3 years tell me I had abnormal heart rhythms, but then when I get sent to a cardiologist, they tell me my stress test, EKG, etc look fine and there's no reason to worry or restrict my life in any way (I've asked about roller coasters and been told go ahead, ride all you want. You're normal.)

    Well, I have wicked heavy periods that lead to anemia (if I'm not aggressive about supplementing with iron) and that leads to increased heart palpitations, so for me it is indeed all connected, but it's my cycle causing the heart issues, not the reverse.
  • Shortieweightloss
    Shortieweightloss Posts: 29 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Delayed period and faintness make me think your deficit is too steep.

    If I were you I'd cut the exercise by half and add a hundred calories a day.

    I agree that it sounds like she's under-eating.

    @Shortieweightloss how many pounds have you lost in the last two months?

    About 10 lbs in about 2.25 months.
  • Shortieweightloss
    Shortieweightloss Posts: 29 Member
    The period seems to have been a false alarm. I had a tiny amount of blood on my toilet paper, and then I put in a tampon and pulled it out to see if there was blood on it, which there was a small amount. Have had nothing since, though. At least I still have my appointment to see the obgyn in a few weeks.
  • Shortieweightloss
    Shortieweightloss Posts: 29 Member
    Your blood pressure at 108/78 is just below the low end of normal (using U.K. Standard chart) some people are more sensitive than others to changes in bp. Are you drinking enough fluids? That can make a difference.

    I would think so. I pee constantly from drinking water all of the time, and I put electrolyte powder in my water bottle when I exercise.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    The period seems to have been a false alarm. I had a tiny amount of blood on my toilet paper, and then I put in a tampon and pulled it out to see if there was blood on it, which there was a small amount. Have had nothing since, though. At least I still have my appointment to see the obgyn in a few weeks.

    It's not unusual to have some spotting before your period really kicks in.

    The pattern of my menstrual cyles has changed many times over the decades. Over-exercising and under-eating can definitely affect it.