What's the right way to achieve fat loss?


I'm struggling to figure out how I should lose fat and need some guidance! I'm 5ft and 9st. The weight worries me less so but I do want to lose enough fat to look better in clothes. But I think i should also be around 8st which would make me healthier and help with asthma.

So my question is - should I calorie count (mfp suggests 1200 calories) till I've lost the weight? Through cardio and some lifting. Then focus on lifting to build muscle and 'shape up'.

Or.. Attempt to do a body recomp to build muscle now and do very little cardio? Also mfp suggests calorie cycling. Is that best? Or should I keep a smaller deficit all week long and lift.

As you can probably tell I'm a bit overwhelmed by the options!

Thanks guys


  • Maggyms16
    Maggyms16 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there!
    Although I may not be the best person to answer you but if you ask me, I would suggest you to concentrate on cardio and exercises (+ lifting according to your need and ability), to achieve your goal body fat percentage, and after achieving that you can concentrate on building muscles or whatever you like.
    Hope this might help you as it did in my case.
  • noirelb
    noirelb Posts: 216 Member
    What's your weight right now and bf% if you know it?
  • sharleni4401
    sharleni4401 Posts: 4 Member
    noirelb wrote: »
    What's your weight right now and bf% if you know it?

    Thanks guys. What should I do in terms of calories. I'm at 9st. I put in to mfp that I wanted to lose 1lb per week, which results in 1200 cal target.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    You are within the healthy weight range for bmi, but at the top end - you could perhaps lose a bit of weight, and if you do resistance training at the same time, you'll be more likely to maintain the muscle you have and get a more defined look.

    Cardio will be beneficial for fitness (and your asthma!) and to help create a deficit so you can eat more calories. How much did you tell mfp you wanted to lose per week?

    Calorie cycling isn't necessary - you can eat the same amount every day, or if you want you can look at your weekly calorie goal instead (so eat a little less some days to give you the ability to eat more on others - helpful for social weekends and treats!)

    All specific goals - losing weight, recomp/maintenance or purposeful gains - come with a calorie goal, and counting calories can be done to meet these goals. Pick your goal!


    .....and only adding to find the eating/exercise habits that work for you. There are many paths that lead to a similar end goal. Find the path that you will stick with long term.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    noirelb wrote: »
    What's your weight right now and bf% if you know it?

    Thanks guys. What should I do in terms of calories. I'm at 9st. I put in to mfp that I wanted to lose 1lb per week, which results in 1200 cal target.

    I would change it to half a pound a week. You should get a few more calories, and smaller deficit will help you lose less muscle, along with adequate protein intake and a good lifting program. Plus it will be easier to transition to maintenance once you reach your desired weight/look.

    @noirelb she said 9 stone in the opening post, which is 126 pounds (1 stone=14 pounds, British people tend to follow it)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Agree with lllc and malibu927 completely. Lower your deficit. More resistance training. Some cardio.
    I don't agree with waiting on resistance training till you are at the bf% you want. Resistance training is part of how you get there while keeping good muscle mass. Much easier to keep it than rebuild it.