My goal: - 50lbs! Anybody else?? Add me



  • tofiggy
    tofiggy Posts: 44 Member
    I'm trying to lose 25 lbs, also looking for support and friends, feel free to friend me
  • rojiblankalizz
    rojiblankalizz Posts: 38 Member
  • Jaydensmom0914
    Jaydensmom0914 Posts: 16 Member
    Added you! I am planning to lose 40-50lbs
  • NHDaisy2
    NHDaisy2 Posts: 151 Member
    edited July 2017
    I have around 50 to lose. I was MIA from this site for a while - but, I'm back again. Though, I told myself this time I'm not going to focus on the 50 but, start w/the first 10. What usually happens with me is I"ll lose 10 or so lbs., my clothes will start to fit the way I like and I will get comfortable and I will loosen up in my logging etc. So, I thought it I would break it down into smaller increments to see if that would do the trick this time.
  • JeannieWray
    JeannieWray Posts: 5 Member
    thats my goal 50 pounds
  • sunshinegirl122
    sunshinegirl122 Posts: 2 Member
    Im trying too!
  • mlbilby
    mlbilby Posts: 2 Member
    I was on track in 2016, but fell off the track and started to regain sad! I am back now and want to stay focused (as someone said - one day at a time) let's do this. I need to loose almost "80 pounds."
  • mlbilby
    mlbilby Posts: 2 Member
    I need to loose about 80 pounds - need support so joined this group.
  • slowclydesdale
    slowclydesdale Posts: 9 Member
    I'm shooting for 47.6 lbs...Close enough! ;) Good luck!!!!
  • Allison_Brennan
    Allison_Brennan Posts: 25 Member
    I've got over 100 to lose. It's an uphill battle but trying to recommit. I've got 3 kids and only 43. Don't want to be miserable in the second half of my life.
  • rojiblankalizz
    rojiblankalizz Posts: 38 Member
    Honestly Im doing this because with 4 kids being on my feet all day was getting really tiring ... I reached my limits lol now time to feel better!!! And keep up with them LMAO
  • anealey1994
    anealey1994 Posts: 3 Member
    Iv been trying to better my self sence April but just starting useing this app two weeks ago Iv lost 6 lbs sence the app but I'm down 25lbs all together. Iv found the app super helpful for I dont feel like I have to starve myself.
  • Hello, I am trying to lose 35 lbs. and I was trying to lose 45 lbs. about 6 months ago. I lost those 10 lbs. by being cautious of what I ate. I have now stopping progressing so I have to be stricter. Good luck to you.
  • katie4285
    katie4285 Posts: 19 Member
    I am with ya....I am aiming for 65. Would love some help on this journey!
  • anonuser369
    anonuser369 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm in too - feel free to add me. Currently ~180 - need to be closer to 130.
  • justcari013
    justcari013 Posts: 9 Member
    Add me. 110 to lose!! We got this!
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    You've got this! It's actually easier than you think it will be. I lost a little over 50 pounds since last July. (193 to 137, but am currently at about 143). It came off in less than 8 months. Just follow the calorie recommendations they give you on here and watch it fall off. I was so surprised at how quickly it happened. I was in a size 14 last July, and am now buying size 4 and size 6 in everything. The harder thing to do is to maintain the weight loss after losing it in my opinion. Losing it will be easy if you weigh, measure, and track everything. Good luck!
  • rojiblankalizz
    rojiblankalizz Posts: 38 Member
    You've got this! It's actually easier than you think it will be. I lost a little over 50 pounds since last July. (193 to 137, but am currently at about 143). It came off in less than 8 months. Just follow the calorie recommendations they give you on here and watch it fall off. I was so surprised at how quickly it happened. I was in a size 14 last July, and am now buying size 4 and size 6 in everything. The harder thing to do is to maintain the weight loss after losing it in my opinion. Losing it will be easy if you weigh, measure, and track everything. Good luck!

    Thanks!! I hope I can finally have this extra weight off by next year lol
  • laquindaminor
    laquindaminor Posts: 1 Member
    im new to my fitnesspal and keto. i want to lose 50lbs also
  • nnal729
    nnal729 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too!