Anyone else trying to be sober on their fitness journey?

Keeponswmimg Posts: 111 Member
It's been two weeks since I quit. Although it's been quite challenging, loving the results. Anyone else going through the same thing? If so, what changes do you see after quitting alcohol and what keeps you motivated to stay sober.


  • quigs17832
    quigs17832 Posts: 24 Member
    I've been avoiding alcohol but only because it's just empty calories. Lol
  • HooperDrivesTheBoatChief
    bodwomon wrote: »
    Not alcohol but I finalllyyyyyyy managed to quit smoking. I gave my ma a hundit and told her to deduct from it everytime I slipped and now I haven't touched a cigarette for 2 months!

    I used to gasp for air after climbing one flight of stairs and now I can run up 3 no problem (:

    Well done :)
  • Keeponswmimg
    Keeponswmimg Posts: 111 Member
    bodwomon wrote: »
    Not alcohol but I finalllyyyyyyy managed to quit smoking. I gave my ma a hundit and told her to deduct from it everytime I slipped and now I haven't touched a cigarette for 2 months!

    I used to gasp for air after climbing one flight of stairs and now I can run up 3 no problem (:

    That's brilliant! Can only imagine the amount of resolve and discipline it takes to stay away from smoking.. especially on those stressful days. You go girl!
  • getnickripped
    getnickripped Posts: 266 Member
    Stopped drinking beer and wine. Have them once in a while. If I go out drinking ill have vodka/club or do shots and drink water. Thats IF Im drinking. Usually Im just doing weed and water which has been great for my gut!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited July 2017
    I rarely drink... It's a waste of calories imo. I occasionally have a nice glass of wine with a good meal (usually for birthdays/anniversary etc)

    ... Our friends aren't really big drinkers either, and we rarely go to bars or pubs to socialise.. Makes it easier!
  • Sheetal37
    Sheetal37 Posts: 10 Member
    edited July 2017
    So I'm only 7 days in to my diet.....I love my wine and prosecco, and being a part time mummy, I see my other mummy friends on a Thursday or a Friday, we always alternate going to each other houses with the kiddos and cook lunch and have prosecco afternoons (pls don't judge lol) and this is what I'm finding hard! I love having a drink, and with the weather here being semi ok, it makes me want one more! lol, I just hope I can resist and keep it up lol xx
  • Sheetal37
    Sheetal37 Posts: 10 Member
    @Keeponswmimg not sure if all my message posted...xx
  • Keeponswmimg
    Keeponswmimg Posts: 111 Member
    TylerJ8476 wrote: »
    2.5 years sober year, after 10+ years of drinking daily.

    Let me first be the one to say you all are amazing! It's hard work, but if there is one thing I can tell you, a sober life is a great life!

    I put on A LOT of weight over the past 2+ years, I don't tell you that to scare you, I replaced my alcohol addiction with food addiction, and I am just now starting to work through that.

    Best of luck to you all, and add me if you want!

    Wow! Congrats! 2.5 years of sobriety cannot be easy. Any idea what triggers the craving for food? For me I tend to crave a drink when I feel lonely or bored. So now, I've just replaced that with a busy schedule. Good luck on your journey to wellness!
  • Keeponswmimg
    Keeponswmimg Posts: 111 Member
    I rarely drink... It's a waste of calories imo. I occasionally have a nice glass of wine with a good meal (usually for birthdays/anniversary etc)

    ... Our friends aren't really big drinkers either, and we rarely go to bars or pubs to socialise.. Makes it easier!

    You inspire me :)
  • Keeponswmimg
    Keeponswmimg Posts: 111 Member
    Sheetal37 wrote: »
    So I'm only 7 days in to my diet.....I love my wine and prosecco, and being a part time mummy, I see my other mummy friends on a Thursday or a Friday, we always alternate going to each other houses with the kiddos and cook lunch and have prosecco afternoons (pls don't judge lol) and this is what I'm finding hard! I love having a drink, and with the weather here being semi ok, it makes me want one more! lol, I just hope I can resist and keep it up lol xx

    Haha heard that being a mom can be a full time job on its own. I'm sure you deserve every bit of your drink when you relax. Doesn't sound like you are addicted though, which is great! Also, kudos to you for being a A Mom!
  • Ekanyua
    Ekanyua Posts: 2 Member
    I'm mostly sober, because I can't tolerate alcohol. I drink a sip off my bfs now and then.
  • DreDay46
    DreDay46 Posts: 491 Member
    I applaud everyone that has quit drinking. I've definitely cut down since I've started on this journey, but sometimes....I just gotta have a beer or a shot.....or both.
  • 1SkinnyFatGuy3
    1SkinnyFatGuy3 Posts: 8 Member
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    I'm always sober, even when I drink. I only have one glass of any alcoholic mix at a time, and that's way far from being able to make me drunk.

    Since joining MFP, I've sometimes gone for many weeks at a time without alcohol.