What do you eat to lose weight?

Robocop27 Posts: 29 Member
I always do crash diets, and end up putting my weight back on so I am trying to eat healthy in a way that I don't put it back on. Can you give me some advice and tips that work for you to maintain your weight loss?


  • Robocop27
    Robocop27 Posts: 29 Member
    Ha ha. After a while it doesn't work for me.
  • Robocop27
    Robocop27 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm Asian so I love eating curry and rice. I just find that my metabolism is just not the same as it use to be growing up because now I can't keep my weight off when I go back to eating normally...this is a pic of what I cooked a few days ago for me and my family.
  • Robocop27
    Robocop27 Posts: 29 Member
    Hmmm the pic doesn't seem to come up
  • MizMimi111
    MizMimi111 Posts: 244 Member
    It's not what food you eat rather how much of it. For your health some foods are better than others but there are not specific foods that will help you lose weight. Eat the food you like within your calorie allotment.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Generally healthy(ish), but I make room for treats within my calories. Personally, 'cheat' days don't work for me, but deciding that occasionally a higher calorie food is worth the chunk it'll take out of my day and just enjoying it goes well. I exercise more to have room for it (as well as for health and fitness), but I don't go over calories.

    The only other things I try to do are:
    • Hit my protein target
    • Hit my iron RDA
    • Keep homemade desserts to 200 calories or less. That's mostly because we usually have company on the weekend and if there are leftovers, I want to know that they'll fit in easily enough if I want to have some every day.
  • GettingFit5551
    GettingFit5551 Posts: 110 Member
    For foods you cook, use the recipe builder here to enter your ingredients and it will figure the calories for your recipe. Then you can enter those into your diary. Just start by entering everything you eat for a while and see where you are with how many calories you are consuming. Then you can see where in your diary you can cut back. With me, it's treats, so I tend to limit those. You should be able to eat the same foods you enjoy and cook for your family.
  • Robocop27
    Robocop27 Posts: 29 Member
    kwtilbury wrote: »
    I think the OP understands that a caloric deficit (i.e. eating less) is required for weight loss. She's asking how to get there.

    For me, the foods that give me the most bang for my calories in terms of taste and satiety include oats, sweet potato, salad with lean meats (chicken), greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs/egg whites, almonds. Most of these are part of my daily diet.

    Thank you, I might try and incorporate those kinds of foods into my diet. See how it works.
  • Robocop27
    Robocop27 Posts: 29 Member
    MizMimi111 wrote: »
    It's not what food you eat rather how much of it. For your health some foods are better than others but there are not specific foods that will help you lose weight. Eat the food you like within your calorie allotment.

    I don't know what I should set my calorie goal at if I'm honest with you...I've gained a lot of weight from silly crash diets and juices cleanses. I'm 4"11 and I weigh 75.3kg to date. I set it at 1200 but I'm not really seeing any results. At least not the kind that other people get so I know I'm not doing it right. At the same time I don't want to eat too little and then put the weight back on later when I've lost all the chub.

  • Robocop27
    Robocop27 Posts: 29 Member
    Generally healthy(ish), but I make room for treats within my calories. Personally, 'cheat' days don't work for me, but deciding that occasionally a higher calorie food is worth the chunk it'll take out of my day and just enjoying it goes well. I exercise more to have room for it (as well as for health and fitness), but I don't go over calories.

    The only other things I try to do are:
    • Hit my protein target
    • Hit my iron RDA
    • Keep homemade desserts to 200 calories or less. That's mostly because we usually have company on the weekend and if there are leftovers, I want to know that they'll fit in easily enough if I want to have some every day.

    Luckily I don't have much of a sweet tooth! But I'm thinking of looking through the MFP blogs for healthy savoury snacks that feel like cheats. This way I'm hoping i won't get bored and start watching YouTube videos of junk food!
  • Robocop27
    Robocop27 Posts: 29 Member
    For foods you cook, use the recipe builder here to enter your ingredients and it will figure the calories for your recipe. Then you can enter those into your diary. Just start by entering everything you eat for a while and see where you are with how many calories you are consuming. Then you can see where in your diary you can cut back. With me, it's treats, so I tend to limit those. You should be able to eat the same foods you enjoy and cook for your family.

    Thank you I will definitely try that! I'm actually quite excited about it. Hopefully I'll be able to track it better if I decide to have a curry for a cheat meal. :D
  • Robocop27
    Robocop27 Posts: 29 Member
    Hypsibius wrote: »
    Why are people so rude in response to questions like this?

    Short, arrogant responses about CICO aren't helpful.

    Listen to Lwtibury. There are absolutely ways to change what you're eating, lower calories and find foods that will make you feel better, provide more satiety / less cravings etc. and help you to hit your goals.

    Experimenting is key! I've found that it's easiest for me if the vast majority of what my diet is at home is lots of veggies, proteins, some quinoa (but mostly lower carb) with some freedom to branch out on weekends. I track macros.

    Doing Whole30 for a month helped me come up w/ a lot of great filling dishes that are 500 to 600 cals or less, and taste awesome. Now even post-Whole30 and eating a more flexible diet I am always working these into my schedule during the week.

    Thank you that was really helpful. Im going to try experiment and consider all the great tips everyone has given into my diet to see if it helps in my weight loss. :)
  • Robocop27
    Robocop27 Posts: 29 Member
    Your meal looks yummy. Im no expert i recently talked with a nurtuonist. She said to stay away from simple carbs-white sugar, bread, rice. Go towards complex carbs-brown rice, wheat bread etc. I did know this it just putting it into practice

    Ha ha thank you. Shame it's not really good for you.

  • MizMimi111
    MizMimi111 Posts: 244 Member
    Robocop27 wrote: »
    MizMimi111 wrote: »
    It's not what food you eat rather how much of it. For your health some foods are better than others but there are not specific foods that will help you lose weight. Eat the food you like within your calorie allotment.

    I don't know what I should set my calorie goal at if I'm honest with you...I've gained a lot of weight from silly crash diets and juices cleanses. I'm 4"11 and I weigh 75.3kg to date. I set it at 1200 but I'm not really seeing any results. At least not the kind that other people get so I know I'm not doing it right. At the same time I don't want to eat too little and then put the weight back on later when I've lost all the chub.

    What did MFP set your calorie target as? If you input your stats (height, current weight, goal weight, rate of loss) MFP will give you a target based on that information. Depending on how much you have to lose you can choose a loss rate of .5 - 2lb a week.

    Now that you know the crash diets and juice cleanses don't work you can take the time to learn good habits around eating that will serve your for a lifetime and keep the weight off long term. It's what I'm learning too.