165plbs down in a year and 1/2, and counting

What motivates you? Im a normal Latina that comes from a normal overweight family, everyone's diabetic, everyone's has bs health issues, that I did not want. I wanted to be the best me, an example to myself that I'm capable of anything I wanted. I was and am still striving to be the best me I can be in life. You are your own worst enemy. You have the power for greatness, or not. It is your choice. Yes it's HARD. But hell yes it's WORTH IT. I chose my effing health and LIFE over binge eating and food. I'm reclaiming my life everyday and it's time for you to stop telling yourself tomo. Start now. 1 meal at a df5oohzwhjy7.jpg
time, 1 healthy decision at a time, 1 Rep at a time, 1 day at a time. Time will pass either way, make it count.
