On 1200 calories a day - anybody else?

WelshFoxy Posts: 14 Member
Hey everyone,

So I'm (relatively) new to MFP. I've been logging for a couple of weeks, but only started chatting on the community today. So....uh....hi!

I'm looking to make friends with other people who are on low calorie diets (from 1200 to 1400 I guess?) so that we can support each other, swap food ideas, and just generally grumble when it gets tough.

So, can we be friends? o:)


  • KarinaOrtiz6
    KarinaOrtiz6 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm at 1430 a day. But I work 2 jobs and i didn't want to drop too low. Anyway, feel free to add me!!
  • Panda8ach
    Panda8ach Posts: 518 Member
    Hey ☺ I'm a short *kitten* on 1200 per day! I'm 68 days in and always happy to motivate and support people... I sometimes need a kick up the *kitten* too! :D
  • WelshFoxy
    WelshFoxy Posts: 14 Member
    Added you both! Thanks :D
  • astrdomitter
    astrdomitter Posts: 120 Member
    Please add me as im just starting back today
  • WelshFoxy
    WelshFoxy Posts: 14 Member
    Done :) Welcome back
  • seaglasstreasure
    seaglasstreasure Posts: 40 Member
    I normally stay within that range. I could always use more friends to share support and motivation with.
  • DrSarahClaire
    DrSarahClaire Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, All,
    I'm posting for the first time, too. I am doing, and have been doing 1430 calories/day for 11 months here, and have lost 41 lbs! I just love it! Journaling is a proven aid to success for me. I sometimes cannot believe how much food I have had in a 1430 calorie day! I am also constrained by having to follow a "pain free' diet, (no proteins and starch foods together, ever!), so I won't get any more diverticulitis attacks! Two were enough! And they work seamlessly together. And I love the challenge of trying new recipes. Success in losing the weight, finding the amounts satisfying, and including regular gentle exercise (walking, swimming, and yoga), have really sustained my motivation. I am happy to be a positive supportive force here!

    I have some more good stuff to share next time! Cheers and Happy Counting!
  • daisycarolina95
    daisycarolina95 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2017
    I just got MFP today and I started dieting today. I am on a 1200 calorie diet.
  • tofiggy
    tofiggy Posts: 44 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi, I'm on a 1200 kcal diet as well (after exercise), started 8 days ago, and been able to do it except went over one day. Also, looking for supportive friends on this journey
  • tofiggy
    tofiggy Posts: 44 Member
    I normally stay within that range. I could always use more friends to share support and motivation with.

    Hi Id love to be your friend
  • rob0781
    rob0781 Posts: 16 Member
    I dunno how you ladies can do 1200 a day I do 2030 a day and some random days im under but most I'm thinking about food non stop. Good job to you all actually doing 1200
  • Taneri08
    Taneri08 Posts: 13 Member
    I am! Add me :smiley:
  • MayBabyChristine
    MayBabyChristine Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there! I'm doing 1380 calories a day, though some days are under, some are over. I've been back for 7 weeks and lost 7 pounds. Would love to have more friends to keep me motivated!
  • nyguyintucson
    nyguyintucson Posts: 4 Member
    I just started and im budgeted for 1600, but have been in the 1200-1400 range everyday without a problem. The reason for this is that before I started dieting (this is my first ever diet) I never ate breakfast anyway so its easy for me to get the calories for only 2 meals and snacks. I have been having mostly fruit for snacks and eating mostly low calorie meals as well. Last night the app told me I didnt have enough calories and they wouldnt let me print a log unless i had more lol.
  • rdd584
    rdd584 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I've been doing MFP on and off for years. 1350 a day here. If anyone wants to add me, feel free!
  • clayelliott847
    clayelliott847 Posts: 125 Member
    I am at 1547 per day. The doctor wants me on 150 carb diet, so that is what it equals out to. I do well during the week, when I make sure I cook and have my meals planned out. But the weekend is a different story. Went to see a movie and drank a large coke. That was over a 100 carbs right there. Soda and bread are my problem areas.

    I did not have much to lose. I have lost 10 pounds in 30 days and now I am down 145 at 5ft 6.
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    edited July 2017
    hiya! My MFP goal is 1270 (1.5lb loss per week) and I try to stick as close to that as possible (but often am more in the 1lb loss window lol)
  • rachiedeA
    rachiedeA Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there I too am doing the same. 19 days logging and counting and am down 10lbs.
  • JnineGains
    JnineGains Posts: 136 Member
    1400 for moi
  • rachelsambrown8
    rachelsambrown8 Posts: 20 Member
    1200 is sooo difficult - got any tips and tricks?