Things that are holding me back from loosing weight and what to do?

All_Exits_Lead_Within Posts: 47 Member
edited July 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
First off, my 5'5 frame has been stuck between 225 and 230 pounds for a long time. I have plantar fasciitis and I'm always tired. I love baking for people and keep eating the treats I bake. I love potato chips and have to fight hard not to buy them when I'm at the supermarket (I'm seriously trying to break an addiction of eating a big bag every second day). I am extremely insecure about going to the gym that I joined, so I don't go. Basically, I am most people who are struggling to lose a lot of weight. Keeping organised is another huge problem that gets in the way of me doing what needs to be done.

Any advice, motivation or tips from people who are currently succeeding or have succeeded is truly welcomed.

If you'd like to add me, that's cool.


  • All_Exits_Lead_Within
    All_Exits_Lead_Within Posts: 47 Member
    edited July 2017
    I do make some excuses, I won't deny that, but I believe there is more to it than just making excuses; some bad habits are hard to break. And I do log my food, I actually just made my food diary viewable to friends to keep myself honest.

    I know Teabea - baking is such fun. I think part of the problem with baking is that people are always complimenting me on it and asking me to bake them stuff and since I enjoy it, I agree.

    Perhaps my only real issue that I struggle with is no motivation because I am ALWAYS tired.

    **to those that lost weight** Were you tired when you began and did you get less tired as you lost weight?
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Start experimenting with baking low cal desserts.
    Go to the gym- nobody cares what you look like or what you're doing. We're too busy with ourselves.
    Weight loss will almost entirely eliminate your PF- I'm proof of it!
    Don't buy anymore potato chips. Seriously.
    Start changing one small thing every month. Don't fall into black or white thought patterns; Bad days happen. Just don't let them turn into bad weeks.
    Go read all the stickies. All of them. Really.
    Good luck :)
  • buffalogal42
    buffalogal42 Posts: 374 Member
    If it helps, I find exercising gives me more energy. Even if I am tired when I start, by the end of 30 min I feel rejuvenated. You can do it!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,481 Member
    Do something about your feet. Look on YouTube for stretches. Get some orthotics. There are a lot of options. Don't live with pain unnecessarily.

    Going to the gym isn't necessary to lose weight. In fact, exercise is overrated as a weight loss strategy. There are many benefits to exercise though.

    Quit telling yourself you love baked goods and potato chips. It's an exaggeration and not helpful.

    This is just my own observation. I've lost 100 lbs and it's been gone 10 yrs. After staying stuck at about 2/3 to goal, in desperation, I joined Weight Watcher. No, I'm not recommending it. But unlike most WWers after I made Lifetime, I kept attending meetings. I've been to 400+ WW meetings. Observation- if you want to eat baked goods and lose weight, you are going to travel a difficult path.

    If you want to lose weight, calculate a calorie deficit, keep a food journal, and figure out how you are going to live with it. Try to plan in advance how you will cope when discouraged.
  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,214 Member
    A lot of snacking is the main cause of gaining weight. It's all the cookies, crackers, chips, dips, etc that we sneak here and there and think it isn't a big deal. If you have problems going to the gym consider doing some home-based work out programs like the ones offered by Beachbody. I've had success with a few of them. And all that is needed in most cases is a set of dumbells.
  • shuchita2016
    shuchita2016 Posts: 1 Member
    Its all in your mind and you can control it . Bake and share it with everyone . Go to gym and dnt eat any potato chips or bake dish for 1 week. After that eat small packet once in a while ,decrease the quantity then decrease the frequency and when u loose give urself a treat .go shopping .try making new reciepes i am sure you cook and bake pretty well so everyone will love it . Eat small proportions of food .you can bake and eat after 6 months without worrying about your weight. Its never too late .dnt set a day or date and think i will do it later. No ,even if your minds says no, go to gym , walk, run do anything go against your mind. You can do it.
  • rachelsambrown8
    rachelsambrown8 Posts: 20 Member
    Try some at-home workouts
    Also, eat something healthy before you bake, then brush your teeth and then pop a stick of gum in your mouth and/or drink some flavored water while you bake!
  • Blitzia
    Blitzia Posts: 205 Member
    If it helps, I find exercising gives me more energy. Even if I am tired when I start, by the end of 30 min I feel rejuvenated. You can do it!

    This. Before I started trying to make changes, I was always tired. I was VERY sedentary. Now, I'm still tired sometimes and I have days where I just want to sit on the couch, but if I get up and make myself move a bit, I usually feel better and have more energy.

    You don't need to go to the gym to lose weight. If you don't have one already, get a step tracker. (The old school Fitbit Ones are probably cheaper than the gym membership and definitely a better investment if you're not actually going to the gym.) Try to beat your step record every day. I know you have some foot issues, but you don't have to run, just MOVE. I jog in place while I'm brushing my teeth, washing dishes, watching tv, etc. It may sound silly and you may not think it accomplishes much, but every little bit helps, and getting up and moving for one minute usually gives me the energy to turn that one active minute into 10 or 20.

    I also agree about cold turkey on the chips. If you can't do portion control with them, don't buy them. If you feel like you can't stop yourself from buying them, don't even walk down the chip aisle. There's not really any other special tip, at some point you just have to decide not to self-sabotage.

    As for the organizing, I'm not sure what you mean. You don't need much organization to lose weight. You can make tremendous progress with only a food scale, the MFP app, and a commitment to sticking to your MFP calorie goal.