On 1200 calories a day - anybody else?



  • NerdyNesa
    NerdyNesa Posts: 13 Member
    Also on 1200. Feel free to add me
  • candiceeve88
    candiceeve88 Posts: 2 Member
    I am doing good so far how are you doing
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    I'm at 1200 a few days of the week. I can't eat the same amount every day so I get low a few days so I don't have to have a depressing Saturday or can have a glass of wine here and there and still lose.
  • CoffeenSquats
    CoffeenSquats Posts: 982 Member
    Welcome! (Kinda.) I'm on 1200, but I aim for 1000 to leave room for error as I don't physically weigh my food, etc.
  • tinajlee
    tinajlee Posts: 11 Member
    I'm new on my 5th day and on 1200 per day... feel free to add, I'd love to swop ideas and recipes
  • leetopliss79
    leetopliss79 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm only hitting 1100 calories a day
  • itisrocketscience
    itisrocketscience Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm aiming for this amount of cals too. Would be great to have some MFP friends to keep my motivation up! :) !
    What really helps me is to see what others are eating for new ideas and it makes me more accountable to log my meals if I know it might help others ☀️
  • WelshFoxy
    WelshFoxy Posts: 14 Member
    My tips so far:

    My calorie spread usually looks like this: Breakfast is 100-200 cal. Lunch is 300-350 cal. Afternoon snack is 100 cal. Dinner is 300-500 cal. Evening snack is 100 cal.

    Sometimes I save up my calories through the day so I can pig out for dinner (one of those people who likes going to bed on a full stomach)

    If you can't bear to give up that coffee in the morning, replace your usual milk with almond milk (100ml = 47 vs 13 cal)

    If you have to drink, Diet Coke and vodka is one of the more palatable drinks that are low calorie!

    Alpro soya desserts are a god send. They taste AMAZING.

    Keep a physical chart of your progress as well. I have a wall chart which I update each night (with a fruit card if I've stayed under calories, an ice cream card if it's a cheat day, and a few 'keep going' cards for when I slip up). It's extra motivation and is a physical reminder!

    Also keep a photo diary of what you eat (I use Instagram for this - PM me if you want a link!)

  • joinn68
    joinn68 Posts: 480 Member
    rachiedeA wrote: »
    Hi there I too am doing the same. 19 days logging and counting and am down 10lbs.

    How do you lose 10 lbs in 19 days (3lbs a week) on 1200 cals? Lots of exercise? Or high starting weight? Or? Just curious.
  • WelshFoxy
    WelshFoxy Posts: 14 Member
    joinn68 wrote: »
    rachiedeA wrote: »
    Hi there I too am doing the same. 19 days logging and counting and am down 10lbs.

    How do you lose 10 lbs in 19 days (3lbs a week) on 1200 cals? Lots of exercise? Or high starting weight? Or? Just curious.

    To be fair, I lost 3.7 lbs last week. I figured it's because I was only on week two, and a lot of what I was losing was water weight. Imagining it will be a lot slower and steader after the initial 'honeymoon' period
  • lexington88
    lexington88 Posts: 29 Member
    Me! I'm on 1200, and will be until at least after my Summer holidays in September. I'll probably stick to it after that too, as I lost almost 4 stone on 1200 calories back in the day, but if I do go up, the most I'll go up to is 1500.

    It is hard, and I find that for the first few weeks (where I'm at now) I get so low on energy, but I know that once I hit my stride, I'll be feeling so much better as long as I fill those 1200 calories with lots of veggies and lean protein.

    I'm a bit of a gym-phobe too, so I can rarely make the calories back by exercise. I'm working on it, and on weekdays I'm generally around the right mark, but weekends are where I struggle most, especially if I visit my family for dinner as they don't know the concept of moderate portion sizes.

    But yeah, add me and we can struggle on together!
  • TorStar80
    TorStar80 Posts: 252 Member
    I'm doing 1200 a day and mostly I've been at or under that. Mostly my trick is to keep my calories relatively low through the day and enjoy a higher cal dinner. So breakfast is usually two eggs and some tomatoe or an apple, lunch is typically veggies (veggies fill you right up and are generally low in calories). I try to stick some protein in there but I don't feel I'm very hungry in the middle of the day, also I have a very sedentary job, I'm not burning a lot of calories so my plan works for me.. good luck!
  • Maggyms16
    Maggyms16 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there!
    I am on a 1400 diet for a few week, I have lost a 15 kgs with this diet and still working on losing another 8.
    I would love to exchange thoughts and ideas with you.
    Add me if you like.
  • katie4285
    katie4285 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi ya'll! I am on about 1100-1200 calories a day. Been at it 7 days. Love some support! Please add me
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm set for 1200 per day, but I exercise enough to eat 1400-1600 a day most days. My progress has averaged out to one and a half pounds to two pounds lost per week over the past two months. I fully intend to up my calorie intake to a maintenance level when I reach my goal weight. Good luck!
  • SaraydaB
    SaraydaB Posts: 120 Member
    Hi! I am on 1200 calories too!

    Please Add
  • cactioctopi
    cactioctopi Posts: 7 Member
    I'm also on a 1200 cal diet, it's very tough, especially since I like to snack- a lot! I could honestly eat a whole pizza if I let myself! However, I am an athlete and I think that losing weight and being healthy will help my performance a lot, I'd like an accountabilibuddy so I'd love to help you through this!
  • QueenPooh
    QueenPooh Posts: 1 Member
    I will be doing 1200 calories a day for now so count me in!
  • vnb_208
    vnb_208 Posts: 1,359 Member
    Add me 1320 per day I've been logging 343 days with a 89 lb loss
  • _NicLovin_
    _NicLovin_ Posts: 121 Member
    I'm at 1200 a day, and have been using MFP regularly for the past month. I'm also looking to grow my support circle so I can stay on track and stay motivated. Feel free to add me. :-)