sensational in six - week 1!!



  • Todays points:
    sleeping - 1
    eating clean - 0
    food diary - 1
    schedule - 1
    exercise - 1

    I just re-read how to do the points thing and I have to revise my exercise count to 4 rather than 1...didn't understand how to count it but now I get that its a point for every 15 minutes...I'm doing 41 minutes of Insanity plus a 20 minute walk around my office so that's 4 rather than 1.
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Alright ladies, yesterday some of us were of to a great start...some of us, not so much but we're still here aren't we??

    Resisting eating at my parents house is proving to be quite difficult...really who could resist ice cream, cinamon buns and baguette with cheese?? Next week, I'll be better when I'm in my own house with my own food.

    sleep - 1
    clean eating - 0
    food log - 0
    exercise - 3
    schedule - 1

    Tomorrow I plan on waking up and killing myself with another insanity workout (thanks Laura! : -) )

    I hope you ladies did well today! It seems we all need to get on clean eating. I know it's tough but it makes all the difference!
  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member
    Today's points....

    Sleep -1 (one advantage of being a teacher with the summer off! :) )
    Diary- 1
    Schedule- 1
    Exercise- 3
    Eating Clean- 0

    Better than yesterday! Btw...were we supposed to weigh in yesterday? I'd like to share out weight loss (or gain!) each Monday to be held accountable. :) Keep up the good work girls!!!!!!
  • Beks816
    Beks816 Posts: 9 Member
    todays points

    Food log-1

    total- 7
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    Todays points

    sleep 1
    scheduled exercise 1
    exercise 4
    food log 1
    eat clean 0

    total 7!
  • sgtaylor1
    sgtaylor1 Posts: 18 Member
    sleep 1
    schedule exercise 1
    exercise 8
    food log 1
    eat clean 0

    total 11

    but really need to get going on my morning treadmill routine, having a little bit of a hard time finding the inspiration!! Maybe it is in a cup of coffee :)
  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member
    Today's points-

    Sleep 1
    Diary 1
    Schedule 1
    Exercise 2

    I need to get in some longer workouts to keep up with you girls!!! :)
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Keep it up ladies! We're doing it :) And I agree with Lauren, I need to up the length of cardio to keep up with some of you.

    Today's points:

    Sleep - 1 (summer off!)
    schdule - 1
    exercise - 3
    diary - 1
    clean eating - 0
  • Today's points-

    Sleep 0 (ugh...woke up like 80 times last night and couldn't get back to sleep...I was SOOOooo tired today!!)
    Diary 1
    Schedule 1
    Exercise 6
    Clean eating - 0

    I'm doing awesome with my exercise/diary/scheduling...I'm usually pretty good at sleeping but last night was a doozy. I'm having allergy issues. I'm hoping tonight will be better. Speaking of....I'm off to sleep! Wish me luck folks!
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    Wednesdays update:

    sleep 1
    diary 1
    schedule 1
    exercise 5

    total 8
  • sgtaylor1
    sgtaylor1 Posts: 18 Member
    sleep 1
    diary 1
    schedule 1
    exercise 4
    clean 0

    total 7
  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member
    Wednesday's points
    Sleep 1
    Diary 1

    And that's it!! :( Oh well, tomorrow's another day...

    ***Btw, I have a few suggestions:

    1. Since we are in different time zones, let's put the day of the week when we post points.
    2. Since we are all obviously having trouble with eating clean, I say we get one point for each MEAL that is clean. I think that's a more realistic goal, because eating clean is a diet change that takes a huge committment.

    Keep up the good work girls!!!! :)
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member

    1. Since we are in different time zones, let's put the day of the week when we post points.
    2. Since we are all obviously having trouble with eating clean, I say we get one point for each MEAL that is clean. I think that's a more realistic goal, because eating clean is a diet change that takes a huge committment.

    Keep up the good work girls!!!! :)

    I think that's a great idea! Eating clean is a tricky one, but an important one that can make a huge difference in terms of weight loss and overall health! The part that I hate about eating clean is the lack of wine!!

    Here's my points for the day:

    sleep - 1
    schedule - 1/2 (cause I worked out at the right time, I just didn't do the right workout)
    exercise - 1.5
    eating clean - 0
    diary - 0

    So a whopping 3 points for me! Some of you ladies are kicking my butt! Keep it up :)


    Tomorrow, I will wake up and do and insanity workout :S...the thought always makes me nervous.
  • Beks816
    Beks816 Posts: 9 Member
    Wednesday's points:
    (had a rough day)

    food diary- 1



    food diary-1

  • sgtaylor1
    sgtaylor1 Posts: 18 Member
    this is for Thursday

    sleep 1
    food diary 0 ( I only logged half my day)
    exercise 2
    schedule 1

    total 4

    I was really enjoying my family day and floating the river, we have had very much sun so far this summer!! I need to get off the couch now and get my hour of cardio in Good luck ladies have a great weekend... and I do agree I would like to post our weight gains or losses on Mondays..
  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member

    Sleep 1
    Diary 1
    Exercise 0

    Another day that I didn't get in a workout.....BUT, this morning my weight was the lowest I've seen it in months! I'll take it. :)
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Another day that I didn't get in a workout.....BUT, this morning my weight was the lowest I've seen it in months! I'll take it. :)

    That's cause you've been staying under your calorie goal. I once spoke to a trainer and he said that eating is 90% of weight loss. Excercising is the easy part, you just have to bust your *kitten* for 1/2 hour - 1 hour a day. There's daily tempation everywhere with food and it takes the most will power to overcome eating crap.

    I must admit ladies that I completely succame to the power of advertising and I just had to try the McRib from McDonalds. Sooooo not worth the fat and calories plus I felt so gross for hours afterwards.

    Anyways, Friday was no good for me...only 1 point for sleeping:embarassed:

    I'm going to try to get a workout in this afternoon - I'm heading back to Toronto soon so I have a 4 hour drive ahead of me.

    I hope your day today is good ladies.

    Keep it up, all the sacrifices will be worth it.

    STRONG and BEAUTIFUL:happy:
  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member
    Sleep 1
    Diary 1
    Schedule 1
    Exercise 5
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Man I stunk this week.

    Total points - 1 for sleep.

    So I will not be sensational in 6, I will be fabuous in 5!! lol

    Looking good Laruen. Hope the rest of ladies had a great day!!
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Ok! I will start a new thread tomorrow called "sensational in six - week 2" There I will post the point results and you ladies post your weight and we'll see if there's any correlation between high points and high weight loss.

    Tomorrow is a new day and I'm planning on being more successful this week since I am now home, with my own food.

    You ladies have been doing a great job keeping up with your exercises. It's awesome!! YAY us!!! :)